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17467 Rep Farm CEO

About ScreamingDingo

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    the antagonist of player fun
  • Birthday 11/16/1945

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  1. was gonna make a big post and do an official leaving thing but everyone's done it and I don't want to look like an attention ***** because everything I want to say has already been pointed out.


    you guys just need to get better at RP genuinely and take a step back from the hatred that lies within RP conflict. Also, all this **** aint 501's fault. He's trying, even if its failing and continues to fail. He is having a good go and its better than most of other people on lotc.


    Just one thing before I go, this predatory protection **** has lasted on LotC for the past 5 years, it needs to ******* stop. A lot more predators need to be put on blast and people who are affected by them shouldn't be dismissed as 'egirls and trolls'. ****'s fucked.


    Thanks people, hope those who did ever take part in my events enjoyed themselves and I apologise for being an *******. The server just constantly made me frustrated seeing its squashed potential constantly and with me not being able to do anything about it. Made me feel useless among a server I genuinely wanted to help.


    goodbye, discord and ****'s on my profile if you ever wanna keep in touch. I'll occasionally lurk on the forums because its ******* hilarious sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zacho


      We never saw eye to eye, but i think you are a good lad. I hope you get in a place you want to be after you leave LOTC.

    3. InfamousGerman


      don't leave me in staff chat

    4. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      goodbye old ooc chat friend

      godspeed on your future endeavors 

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