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Status Updates posted by Danny

  1. Want to join the party? Yes, yes yo do: http://tinychat.com/haelphon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny


      .-. I'll say,

    3. Wavejammers


      I can see the word: "Tinychat" I don't dare to enter...

    4. Wavejammers


      I can see the word: "Tinychat" I don't dare to enter...

  2. Want to watch Danny attempting (badly) to do some coding for the LotC client? Click here: http://www.livestream.com/dannystreamin

  3. Watching Pearl Harbour for the first time in a good while, incredible soundtrack.

    1. Samoblivion


      "Tora! Tora!" is better.

    2. Volutional


      You noob. I've been waiting for you alllllllllll day.

  4. We as a community have no right to take sides in the discussion regarding Availer. Do we know the full story? No. Do we need to know the whole story? No. Why can't we actually let the senior Gm's, admins and availer sort this out themselves, instead of trying to go and take sides, when we have no idea of the whole story?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danic


      I swear, they are bickering like children. Obviously they both aren't telling the whole story. I don't care if you argue, just don't shove it in my face.

    4. atticusmas
  5. Danny

    we r freinds

  6. We would like to offer our grandest of apologies for this downtime, we're experiencing heavy DDOS. We're working on fixing it, please remain patient and enjoy the forums!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrSyth


      The forums are amazing. That is your greatest plus.

    3. KylieBelle


      Good luck guys! We'll be here when it's working again.

    4. Lago


      Damn Brazilian server...

  7. We'll have a post regarding the poll, and why it was closed likely tomorrow, or later today. Until then, play as usual ladies.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hanrahan


      Actually, Cyndicate, I believe the community has large say in the server's doings, as this is a role playing community server, that advertises a friendly, cherishing community.

    3. Cyndikate


      What the community wants won't always be for the betterment of the server.

    4. Silevon


      im not a girl though :--((

  8. We'll have the August newsletter up on Saturday to accompany the Q&A! :)

    1. gingernut97


      Reasons why we love Danny #482

  9. We'll see about that boi.

  10. We're bungying up and down. Get a steady slope going!

  11. We're overhauling the Forum "Help' system to make it work better, huzzah!

    1. jtringl


      You should release an update on 2.5. Wink wink.

    2. Bethykinss
    3. Waverly Antoinette

      Waverly Antoinette

      I've never been so excited and so confused!

  12. We've got some flashy new forum titles that will be added to you depending on how many posts you have! The current amount stops at 5,000, where-as it used to be at 500. :o

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. argonian


      What is the 5,000 post rank?

    3. Thu'um


      Danny, check your skype o.o

    4. Skippy



  13. We've rebooted the actual server itself to solve this lag, we're then going into dev mode to prepare the ships - expect a thread explaining what's happening in a short while!

    1. Evilbanana5757



    2. MrSyth


      Oh god this is a mess.

    3. gingernut97


      Think I'll go to bed, too much hassle :L

  14. Welcome back old chap.

  15. Well - the new fable looks crap.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 0000


      Sure it wasn't an April Fools joke?

    3. Beneh


      It's not the new Fable. It's a Fable Minigame

    4. Danny


      It's a spin-off of Fable, it's still Fable. |:

  16. Danny

    Well done on getting your applicationa accepted!

  17. Well this sucks - the forums no longer sends me emails about PM's, no idea why, so they just stack up till I log on and see them... |:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samson (Derick)
    3. SparehoeCakes


      Same thing with me, but they stopped a while back. I changed my email even, and it didn't fix the problem.. *sigh*

    4. Danny
  18. Well, after all that, expect to see competitions returning for writing and skins, etc!

    1. Samoblivion
    2. gingernut97


      Yes, I've missed these ever since I got back! :)

  19. Well, Braveheart's just given me an idea for a roleplay event. *places his quill on paper, and begins to write a giant idea*

    1. Coconuta


      For scooootland

    2. Bircalin


      So many films can give great inspirations. Sometimes it just takes some determination to bring them to life! Pm me if you need help!

    3. RossssM


      You may take out lives, but you'll never take out FREEDDOOOM.

      As you can tell, I'm Scottish.

  20. Well, I see someone clearly doesn't read the information thread and blindly posts...

    1. Song Druid

      Song Druid


      ^ ^ ^

      blindly posting....<3

    2. Aislin


      The way of the internet, this is.

      Also, lol@Arik.

  21. Well, TeamSpeak's like a graveyard these days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Helvetius


      yep. Most lotc players are on Rymora.net ts3 cause LOTC's keeps crashing/going down.

    3. Kickstarted and Running
    4. Danny


      Cheers Italian.

  22. Well, TS is exciting.

    1. Ford


      not as much as gamevox tho!!!!

  23. Well, you've all been quite polite so far:- http://ask.fm/dannylotc

    1. gingernut97


      So far...(Well the one implying not doing good for the server was quite rude.)

    2. Telanir


      Hurr hurr, polite so far... You're so lucky Danny. :)

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