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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Areon

  1. Enjoy Soviet-Era Roleplay? Join the Forum Moderation Team to censor your community today!

    1. UnusualBrit


      Ashually it's Nazi-Era Roleplay 

  2. Anyone got alt IPs for the server? I can't connect.

  3. Are there any pagan human factions anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Areon


      @Malgonious On a scale of Yggdrasil - Shaman Spirits how pagan?


      Also active? Looking to try humanity again lmao

    3. Malgonious


      We follow in the belief of the All-father, a divine entity that has watched over his "flock" since the dawn of time.  Lots of paragons who represent virtues that are favored or scorned in our society, and a developing magic.  We'd love to have you!

    4. Areon


      Eyy add me on skype and lets chat. tylerah4297

  4. @EdgyMagey

    i updated my app can you pls look at and accept? thnx

  5. Finding RP rather idle and attempts to interact with my current characters are met with being ignored by communities or groups, would anyone possibly be able to recommend a new character idea or location to try to find some RP? :)

    1. Medvekoma
    2. BonesOfTheEarth


      Magic. Join the Enchantry and become an apprentice. xdxd

  6. How did Wrynn find Kincaid xraying if he wasn't xraying himself? Ban Wrynn for x-ray.

  7. See, Kincaid wasn't free now GMs are being hacked.

    Karma, Free Kincaid!

  8. Since last map ended with orcish problems, can we finally turn leowarrior into the supervillain we all want him to be?

    1. Cave_Creature
    2. Areon


      I mean... It doesn't even need to be all-powerful...


      He can be Dr. Evil tier, from Austin Powers, or even a scooby doo villain!

  9. So Sutica = Non **** Alras?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ambduscias


      Arguably. They're very similar in concept.

    3. Bvie
    4. Elfen_


      Long live alras

  10. CT SS pillar?

    1. Keldrith


      There isn't even the CT part

    2. Areon


      with all the overgrown stalls and **** im sure you can bug the staff to let the monks take over it

  11. is there a resource island?

  12. Was I banned or is the server down?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DJSneeze


      just saw your join date.. this is embarrassing. going to go suicide

    3. Areon




      was having a laugh m8


      thanks for the help tho, if I really was a noob i'd have appreciated it <3

    4. DJSneeze


      I'm just a dash clinically retarded. Saw ya were Diamond VIP and gradually wanted to slit my wrists as I clicked back to your page.

  13. Do I need to reapply to join the next map?

  14. Server will be up tomorrow.
    Kowaman is at a dance.

  15. lotc is down for anyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PeachLova


      The server is getting a new map

    3. Glammy


      How long is it gonna be down.

    4. PeachLova


      4-12 hours, according to the post.

  16. uhm i'd like to report some abusive words

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Zindran


      Drfate, stop being childish and own up to it, it's not like we're bashing you against a wall and bullying you, sorr if I'm being too blunt.

    3. Zindran
    4. Sky


      Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire.

  17. Bring back FM, GM, LM reeeeee

  18. Quadruple Kill!



  19. So apparently Onslaughted is in a Team Avolition video.

  20. Can someone update the voting website info? Like one of them still says we're in Asulon or some sht

    1. Catarrh


      And maybe someone can update the wiki while they're at it. http://prnt.sc/bo3w4n Sanjezal hasn't existed since Aegis, but it's on the wiki, and I keep seeing it in the backstories of new orcs.

  21. While you're waiting for this drama to go down, or away, heres some reading material!



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