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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Wretched

  1. 1,999 posts... What do I do for le great 2,000th post?...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      Some incredible lore. A superb role playing post detailing Knox's (or another characters) recent developments. Some feedback to the server. Something constructive that will be remembered!

    3. Wretched


      Nah. I'll just settle for some subtle forum roleplay.

    4. Nug


      NOOB! D:<

  2. Nobody say anything clever or witty until tommorow. http://gyazo.com/4caaa9cf657c3c89ad654b9acbb951f1

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ConnorMagill


      Now there just needs to be a good out of being pure good for Elrond.

    3. CowsGoMoo


      Yep. Zane totally hit the spot on this one.

      He is definitely a General Badass. No doubt about it.

    4. Wretched
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Stawp being naughty you two.

    4. Wretched


      You can still apply. Being banned doesn't mean you can't join, it's just taken into consideration atop anything else.

  3. Music that deserves more recognition than it gets:

  4. Secret zombie and skeleton horses hidden in the 1.6 update o.O http://gyazo.com/909d864e5532c2cc4d4d5de32e275935

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tee-Tree
    3. Shadeleaf


      Please, Thank you.

    4. Elfen_


      hopefully they are actually implementable unlike somethings and left there.

  5. Vaerhaven - the capitol of evil.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Wretched


      You say that but, crime rates are pretty low.

    3. VonEbs


      Sprat and Knox. A bromance to behold.

    4. meg
  6. What have you done to the definition of 'edgy'?... Bring it back at once.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wretched


      -insert 'edgy' response here-

    3. Kaiser


      -Insert 'edgy' insult here-

    4. Dargene


      -Insert edgy reply-

  7. For the record, NO Bohra had godmode on and I had personally checked beforehand. The weapons we used were basic bows and arrows with ZERO enchantments. Even the dragons flying around didn't have godmode on and were entirely killable, and in fact, some did die. There were about 14 of us in leather with stone swords and bows against an iron-clad army of which we lost to. Sorry for this lacking relevance to the OP, but I felt it necessary.
  8. You joined a server called 'Lord Of The Craft' to escape Tolkien?...
  9. Who's ready for a good antagonising?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      Undead 2.0, I guess, except with a cooler name and a more mysterious figure. Still awesome :D

    3. Raptorious


      Ok, then they're both considered evil in the traditional sense that they are dark and do bad things.

    4. Wretched


      I can assure you they're no undead.

  10. Vote vote vote.

  11. I didn't even think 'vampirism' until you said it... It's clear you've put a lot of thought into this lore, it really shows. I've never understood this hatred to vampires in the first place anyway... But that's an entirely different jar of jam. This lore, is fantastic. It's entirely unique and I can really see it fitting in on LoTC. However, I do have a few questions on the lore: How does the parasite survive outside the body before it has taken a host? How does it breed? Would it be possible for it to survive without a host if it were given blood to feed on?
  12. Interesting how characters seem to talk to themselves all the time on the forum but not in-game :3

    1. TeaLulu


      You haven't wandered across Maru during one of her episodes. Try stalking her next time she gets cut or bleeds. ,w,

    2. youlovesocks


      oh god. Don't ever be around Maru when she bleeds

    3. V0idsoldier


      That is because it is usually more redundant to do it in game. On the forums it has more effect.

  13. I spilt my milk... I feel the need to cry.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wretched


      But... The milk...

    3. ImpinAintEZ


      It's gone, Ben. Ju- *cries and whispers* just let it go. :(

    4. Gemmylou


      Spillage is lickage...

      As we say in uni.


  14. "Gotto love dem quotes" -Benboboy.

  15. A whole new meaning to 'it's raining men'...

  16. Perhaps we can provide something for villains to aspire to in their goalless lives... Let the party begin!

  17. *Insert maniacal laughter here*

  18. Creepers are scared of Ocelots? o_O This be news to me.

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