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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Wretched

  1. All hail House Sillygoose. Long live the geese.

    1. Geo


      The feathers of war have been rustled! May our Patron Lord Benboboy Geesington the third lead us on to victory!

    2. nobody



    3. yekim8
  2. Advice: Don't ever try to cook a chicken with a welder. No really... Don't....

  3. Happy birthday to me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pum!


      It says your birthday is the 25th.. -Checks the date on the computer screen- Either my computer is off, or it's the 24th. Happy (Early) B-Day!

    3. Wretched


      You must be in a different timezone >_<

    4. Pum!


      xD Probably

  4. Still failing to unlock the mantis ship on FTL!

    1. Botar


      I know that feel.. I was one warp away from getting the crystal ship.. But I failed.. DAMN YOU ROCK PIRRRRRAAATTTTTEEEEESSSS!

    2. Wretched
    3. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      I unlocked one ship... then some guy blew me up...

  5. Get awf me profile ye' stalker! D:

  6. I've acquired a marvelous new avatar.

    1. Djinne


      It's.... Too similar to EmeraldStag's old one!

    2. Wretched


      There are many people on LoTC, and many people always changing their avatars. It's no surprise that I've landed on a similar one that somebody's already had.

    3. EmeraldStag


      Mockery is the sincerest form of flatter, thank you :3

  7. [20:32:53] Availer: FTL is good btw [20:32:57] Benboboy: YES.[20:33:05] Benboboy: Availer you are now my hero.

  8. Your shipment of love, has arrived.

  9. Almost at 10,000 profile views. I need 4 more people to go see (in exchange for love).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wretched


      Excellent! Expect a large shipment of 'love' soon.

    3. Praetor


      Almost 12, caught up with you darling.

    4. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      i viewed yours now gimme ur lvoe

  10. If you're looking for a neat signature, look no further! Aspect is simply amazing: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/71051-jazzys-signature-station/#entry570953

    1. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Thank you for posting this :D Made a request. :D

    2. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}
  11. 2/10 Sowie. I'm afraid I havn't seen you before.
  12. Crazy, they called me... CRAZY!? HAHAHAHAhahahaaa.... *twitches*

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda never thought you were crazy ^ ^

    2. Mithradites


      Pumpkins are excellent for one's complexion.

  13. Have doubts about anything Kharajyr related? Then if you're Kha' or not, this is the place to go: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/70808-official-kharajyr-question-and-answer-thread/

    1. Praetor


      R they lik furreh katz?

    2. Wretched


      Yerp. Dey lik furreh kitteh katz. Dey hve fur!

    3. Lym


      What if I want to play a Kitteh without fur, HUH?!

  14. Hrm.... I would say... 6/10 But due to that marvellous avatar, I'm going to say 7/10
  15. "An eye for an eye just ends up with the whole world being blind" -Gandhi (You gotta love Gandhi...)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cappy


      What happens the next time the wrong you, thne?

    3. Raptorious


      Then Im the one thats gonna be blind. Then Im screwed and the guy that did the wronging gets off scott free. No thanks. Im going to stick by mye eye for an eye philosophy.

    4. Archmage_Cataris


      One man shall rise above the ashes victorious.

  16. Being all nerdy with Liri and Roze in skype. FTL is an amazing game...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      The hell? This mantis ship has no scanners D:

    3. Lirinya
    4. Ivran


      Such a fun game... ;~; I thought I had played for about 2 minutes. Nope, t'was 2 hours.

  17. My lovely lore has been vastly updated to the magic team requirements. If you've been interested in the lore before - go update yourself ^_^ http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/65672-magic-lore-nymphridia-wraiths/

  18. My profile background is 'Da bomb'

  19. If anybody is good with MPM, send me a message. Due to the nature of the skin needed, I can't broadcast details to everybody ;)

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