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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Wretched

  1. There is a game called... "Orcs must die!"? HAHA! It shall be mine! Havn't even seen any gameplay/trailers yet. The title is enough.

    1. Agnub


      It's not that bad. Like a castle defense game.

    2. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      I have played the first one a lot! It's great. And now the second one is going to be relesed soon.. WITH A CO-OP FEATURE!! O.o My life (and my buddy's) is done. Time to kill some Orcs!

    3. Vermn


      It's awesome.

  2. People don't RP fear no more :'(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gemmylou
    3. Mithradites


      I do too! Them flying cultists made me **** myself!

    4. Mithradites


      I do too! Them flying cultists made me **** myself!

  3. Knox's VA hasn't even been accepted yet but people still scream and run away from him anyway. But when Knox does have his VA... That's when the fun begins...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wretched


      Both of you are incorrect :3 Knox is actually a high elf with a severe mental condition, the pumpkin is there to hide his mangled, skar covered, lumpy and deformed face.

    3. yekim8


      Your face is a pumpkin.

    4. Geo


      Welcome to the world of Psychopathy friend. You have much to learn dear boy.

  4. What lies beneath the pumpkin?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lemontide331
    3. yekim8


      Me naked.

    4. Geo


      The Perfectionist, internally eating your brains

  5. Haha, I tried to give a cat some lovely cooked chicken today, but a random chicken came charging at the cat and scared it off. That was funny. But it got weird when the chicken helped itself to the cooked chicken...

    1. DrakeHaze


      Chickens are cannibals

  6. Herro from France~ Going to be slightly inactive for the next 2 weeks due to internet issues here.

  7. Bwa! Liri steals my quotes from Skype and sets them as her title.

    1. Lirinya
    2. Korvic


      Careful, she might break them when she takes them. .w.

  8. I still miss my ex... My aim's getting better though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lym


      ^ LOL yes xD

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Hehe, machetes.

    4. danic


      I thought the same, Gwonam. Korvic's comment made me realize what he meant XD

  9. Har har! Warclaim successful! Your island is mine!

    1. 154684321654951


      Those chickens, they put up a good fight, but in the end, it was the chests who nearly beat us.

  10. Make friends with Tiazar - YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

    1. Ancora (pandalex12)
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Yeah. The cats got their bird eaten by Orcs so I don't think the two races are friends. But it's fine, the Orcs have Oren as an ally.

  11. Teehee. Planning future Daemon events with shift

    1. Polgrath


      One might say the knowledge there will be deamon events is a spoiler in itself :P

    2. big narstie

      big narstie

      Inv tu chat. kthx

  12. I feel like I made my warclaim way too dramatic than it needs to be... It's not exactly a big battle... (yet)

    1. Austin


      The more drama the better rp, not ooc drama of course which some people seek to create and cause stress for people who play LoTC as a leisure activiy

  13. Locked in Vardak's room at Holm: http://imgbox.com/aahFHnAD

    1. _SteelMemes_


      Why didn't you just jump off the balcony? Or ask me to open it for you?

    2. Wretched


      Yup, that's what I did in the end. And you're a scary toddler >.< Which is why I didn't ask.

  14. Is Tiazar becomming best friends with 'the perfectionist' bad? Naaaaah! What could go wrong!

    1. ek_knight


      This makes me want to be a Kha

    2. Wretched


      I wuv his character! That was some great RP. Scary, but fun.

    3. Jay Lenos
  15. Tiazar's baaaaaack!

    1. Princeton


      Me no see him :/

  16. Stop using complete caps in your status's 2012?

    1. ryno2


      Unban Mogroka 2012

    2. Korvic


      CAPS FOR STATS 2012!

  17. Just downloaded Dawnguard for Skyrim. You wont be seeing much of me today ;)

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Or for the rest of the week XD

  18. Haha, that was close.... we were on the brink of a warclaim there with orcs. However Freya came in to save the day

    1. Aryon


      You guys are incredibly lucky...

    2. Brevias


      Stay off my lawn!

    3. steelersfan1221
  19. Taking a break from Kharajyr leadership. I have passed the baton to Akeron for now, the stress it has brought, on top of IRL stress has just been too much recently. But one day, Tiazar will return >:)

    1. Nononymous


      Best of luck Tiazar!

  20. Well guys, RP goes where RP goes, I didn't think it would ever come to this but, the empire has fallen and a new era of Kha' RP has begun :) http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/59930-the-fall-of-the-empire/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space


      We're the bad guys? You kha call us apes x.d.

    3. someguy45187


      Great, now everyone calls me a kitty....

    4. someguy45187


      Great, now everyone calls me a kitty....

  21. Which do you prefer and why? PvP fighting or RP fighting?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Austin


      PVP, people powergame otherwise If you choose to invest your skills and mina into combat oriented things then that is how it is. It actually demonstrates how an actually fight will be conducted, you know in less then 5 minutes no OOC complaining and the one with the better gear will obviously win. Every RP fight i've participated in the other powergames someone to munipulate it so he would win, when obviously if it were to be PVP I would have won for example.

    3. Cracker


      PvP is better because it actually is based off skills, involves no powergaming, acts as great fast-paced conclusion to RP. And to those who hammer "Oh PvP has no skill" go fight against Goldrim, and even with same skills he'll probably flatten you in a 1v1

    4. Austin


      I.E: Making up that their diamond armour was actually very light or they Rp every hit is for the head. PVP has more broad guidelines, in Rp no rules state how heavy diamond armour is, how well a 100 swords man can swing his blade. RP fights are extra rediculous when it is more then 2 people, in my opinion the chat just will get cluttered.

  22. People, people. More than one Kharajyr isn't called "Kharajyrs", it's just called Kharajyr. >:(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Praetor
    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Everybody knows that the plural of Kharajyr is "Kitteh Cats".

    4. Maxxorlord


      Lies! Its katmen.

  23. Denied for the event team. Tis a mighty shame.

    1. Miquill


      I thought for sure you were gonna be accepted... I got denied too :(

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