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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Wretched

  1. Benbo approves of your magical lore writing skills. Great work!

  2. One... More.... Book....

    1. Megacomet


      I feel bad for the poor soul who has it...

    2. Merkaken
    3. Wretched
  3. Hrm... It's been a while since I've taken part in this :} 7/10 Alakabam.
  4. It's monday folks. The happiest day of the week!

    1. Lym



    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)
    3. Dav3Schneider


      Tis be a Sunday for me since I have no classes for me.

  5. Not in a happy mood now. When Jesus like ninja mobs appear out of nowhere and kill everybody, completely destroying our RP. Why mobs are even enabled for LoTC is behond me... I thought we were an RP server. It's hard to RP with a mob... And giving them this stupid speed advantage has no lore behind a sudden change, and is basically designed to make our lives harder. Expect a post on this soon.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aluaethner


      I agree.They did need a speed boost but now they appear almost out of nowear and I have almost died a couple of times because of it.

    3. Raptorious


      They may be fast but they dont seem to be that much of a problem for me (but i spoose Its cos I dont go to high mob areas or cos I have high pvp skills). My problem are slimes. Man, they shred me to pieces in seconds.

    4. Elfen_


      Slimes....when you think you have killed it, you haven't...

  6. Newsflash: I am now the king of all pigmen. Meguzara and dsdevil can confirm this. Thank you and goodnight.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThanksChris


      *Waits for Porkour to comment (not that I've seen him in six months.)

    3. Salamandra


      Noob, I'm the king of goblins.

    4. Guest


      He cheated.

  7. My little sister wants to be a nun. I told her nuns could fly.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~
    2. EpicSmith


      I taught my 3 year old brother to play mario kart. And win. We're great people.

    3. steelersfan1221
  8. Why Arethor? All events seem to happen over and over again in the same place with the simple excuse of "That's where all the players are". Personally I would completely avoid Arethor.... If you did this in somewhere like.... Normandor for example, then RP would be pulled away from Arethor and sent to Normandor. The last thing you want to do is bring even MORE players to Arethor. By making this event elsewhere, you spread out the RP from the more concerntrated areas to the less concerntrated areas. And plently of people simply don't go to Arethor at all for various reasons like FPS, lag, chunks, and all that jazz. So why not make it in a 'not so busy' place where people can easily find it? This is a great oppertunity to bring RP to the nations in need of it, and I can most certainly say Arethor is NOT in need of it.
  9. Playing some Fable III. I've always thought that magic was way too overpowered...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      fable lost chapters is where it was.

    3. Swgrclan
    4. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      One does not simple play fable 3 :P

  10. Oh, by the way LoTC... Myself and megacomet79 have claimed the lore for this new 'Wither boss'. Get lost Lore Masters! The Event team's got this...

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Yep, because I remember fondly the E-Team frustrating the hell out of ShiftNative for lackadaisical lore.Go ahead :P

    2. Praetor
    3. Wretched


      Noted and recorded Gaius. DUN TOUCH OUR LORE! And Spamshok, it would seem you have your '<' symbol the wrong way round there.

  11. *rubs eyes* You guys keep me busy... I spend a lot more time on the forums than on the server now >_>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wretched


      If I took a break, everything would fall apart :P

    3. Wretched


      If I took a break, everything would fall apart :P

    4. lev


      Erm, that's what Geo's :P he'll look after the fort when you want a break.

  12. Haha, forum drama.... Take a chill pill people, and get back to RPing *cracks whip*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lago


      A "Chill Pill" is likely highly toxic. It's also the third most annoying rhyme I have ever heard.

    3. Wretched


      The fact that it rhymes, is merely a coincidence. And it's not at all toxic. I mass produce chill pills from 7 chill pill factories in east Russia. I can asure you it's passed all safety requirements after excessive scientific testing.

    4. Lago


      Surely it must be prescribed?

  13. Huzzah! No more will tiny kitten apps slip through the Kha' application process. A new rule has been added to the rules.

    1. Praetor
    2. Wretched


      Yes yes... Thank you for adding it Spammy....

    3. Praetor
  14. Old people are like slinkies, useless, but fun to watch fall down the stairs.

  15. If you want to offend my race... Then at least do it in private. When you offend my race... directly towards me... That's when I get pissed off. We may be small, but are by no means dead. I see fresh Kha' RP everyday, so don't post unproductive things that are designed to cause nothing but stress. And I am of course speaking OOCly.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Akeron


      Don't let the man get'cha down! ehehe.

    3. steelersfan1221
    4. Goldd


      Kha are the best and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!Also the Kharajyr have the cutest kitten babies ever! Not some whiny ape poop heads!

  16. Can you clear out some room in ye' inbox? I have important news!

  17. Yuck... waffles....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gingernut97


      How can you not like waffles...this is blaphemy towards the high order of waffleton. I sentence thee to death by waffles!

    3. Raptorious


      Get out of my house.

    4. Merkaken


      ... I may just hunt you down.

  18. [03:14:52] shiftnative: shiftnative front flips out of a giant tree and lands onto the back of a war elephant that carries him into the sunset.

  19. -Shakes fist angrily for having a higher rep-

  20. I havn't really been on the server for the last 2 days 'cause I've been writting up this 'ruddy magic lore. So go see it! And give feedback! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/65672-magic-lore-nymphridia-souleaters/

    1. Skippy



    2. Wretched
    3. MonkeyCoffee


      That is sick dude, that should be implemented right away!

  21. Just had a message from Xerdun. Doesn't look like he'll be comming back anytime soon I'm afraid... Oh how I miss my Xerdy...

    1. VonEbs


      Poor Xerdun. I hope he has a nice scratching post.

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