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Valentino MC: Mau5noize

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Status Updates posted by Valentino MC: Mau5noize

  1. Hello!

    1. Treshure


      Haha, god damn. Only a handful of people who still recognize that name, now.

    2. Nug
  2. The last person to visit my page was you. ? i knew you would never forget your senpai. 

  3. Test

    Edited by Valentino MC: Mau5noize
  4. bow chica wow wow

    1. bickando


      thats what my baby said

    2. Pum!


      bow wow wow, my heart starts pumpin

    3. Arkelos


      Brown Chicken Brown Cow

  5. oh man i was about to put a pickaxe through hobolympics skull then the restart kicked in :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      hahah aww man, now its shut down

      . next time bud

    3. Aislin


      violence is bad mmkay

    4. Cyndikate


      come back mau

  6. oh man i was about to put a pickaxe through hobolympics skull then the restart kicked in :(

  7. oh man i was about to put a pickaxe through hobolympics skull then the restart kicked in :(

  8. Hey ladies and Gents! Hope your all doing good!

    1. TheBareSheet


      hai! I hope you have a great time too!

    2. Overland
  9. Fingers crossed for this job! Everything seams perfectly in order; hopefully i get assigned at a prison near home! Bouts to be Correctional Officer Mau5. ;D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nug


      i live in california, i will find you.

    3. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      i'm not worried about it. At this point it will be i either take the offer or don't. I have Folsom State Prison, the prison here in sacramento, med center in stockton, Solano State prison, and worst case is San Quentin (cause of the commute). I have family that are COs and they seam to love it. Knock out 3 16 hour shifts back to back and take 4 days off. But most likely cause of my degree i'll get some cake job; maybe at the training center. And nug, good luck. :p

    4. Aislin


      Sounds pretty sweet dude. Go for it.

  10. Working on getting a new keyboard! Should be back to you guys soon!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mmat


      I have a spare but it's German and broken. >:I

    3. CommunistSpy
    4. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      ay gemmy! im a busy man! this week i promise

  11. Working on getting a new keyboard! Should be back to you guys soon!

  12. Working on getting a new keyboard! Should be back to you guys soon!

  13. 108 degrees today, and almost 130 in death valley; its a hot week to living in Cali's hot zones

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Praetor


      You can have 100 DEGREES Celsius and 100 DEGREES Farenheit. :)

    3. Jarkarll


      Ok europoor

    4. ryno2


      hot over in the east coast too

  14. one or two was fine, but cursing and now spamming is getting out of hand.

  15. one or two was fine, but cursing and now spamming is getting out of hand.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Agent Miller
    3. K00l


      Mmmm, eggs....

    4. Gorum©


      spam is disgusting, its all about that KFC

  16. when you guys idolize behavior and players like pugsy you set a bad example for other players and really paint a bad picture on the maturity of the player base; or more specifically your individual player group, race, guild, ect. Please don't spam status updates, if this continues we will remove status updates or ban those who ignore this warning.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Nug


      Mau is right... :l

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      He has more ryno. I used t talk to him about past ones that were banned.

    4. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      actually he alted a few times; tripling the ban length each time. After a while it was decided he would never be unbanned.

  17. 13 alts in 10 minutes; perma ban incomming.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Hanrahan


      Well, let's be the first to change that, eh?

    3. Hanrahan


      You compare 17 year old internet cheaters to Rapists? A bit much, Chump. But I like this guy called Jesus, he kinda had this message of Mercy, and forgiveness. Try it sometime. :)

    4. BrandNewKitten


      It was me! I confess... This person has a lot of patience to make that many accounts. Jeez.

  18. Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads out there!

    1. Tom_Whiteman
    2. JtPv


      Tom...since when are you a dad? Even IC...

    3. Truthseeker83


      Thanks! :) Taking my kids to see the superman movie! Perfect movie for fathers day!

  19. Just got hit with an earthquake. **** was trippy.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Valentino MC: Mau5noize
    3. ryno2


      My only earthquake was at school in NC a couple years ago, not that bad but everybody got shook up by it

    4. Mish_


      What's an earthquake? In florida we don't get em

  20. Plastering two pools today. One down, one to go. Then it's time to focus my day on the antagonist!

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