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About Almenodrim

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    Cowboy BEEbop

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  1. Im just curious on the main page shouldnt it but "Order a LOTC shirt" not an LOTC shirt lol... Just kinda throwing that out there

    1. Alan


      No, it is correct. It is like saying "I got an F on that test". The reason is that, although the first letter is a consonant, when you actually say the letter by itself (which happens in acronyms), it starts with a vowel. "L" in "LOTC" is said like "Ell", which is why it is "an LOTC shirt".

    2. Almenodrim


      Ahhh okay thats why it didnt sound right in my head is because i was pronouncing it "Lot see" lol thank you though :)

    3. Almenodrim


      Ahhh okay thats why it didnt sound right in my head is because i was pronouncing it "Lot see" lol thank you though :)

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