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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Supremacy

  1. That Patron however is still an Aengul. If you don't know what a cat is, it doesn't stop the cat from being a cat.
  2. Realistically, presuming one is of the same level they weaken faster. So... you could just stab them. This would be called "impossible". The idea one can study under the creator is an IC product. The creator is not a legitimate power source and the priests who think they are being powered by the creator are simply wrong IC. They're being powered by the clerical Aengul, as all clerics are. I don't touch ascended lore. Anything wrong or right about it is purely the product of whoever is responsible.
  3. Magic is a powerful tool. However, that does not make it bereft of flaws and just like all other tools the path of magic will leave an individual lacking in certain aspects. There are many ways in which one can power their magic, however, regardless of magic type these magics find themselves always tending to one result: Magic makes one physically weaker. The reason behind this however is different for each magic type: Arcane: Individuals who follow the arcane branch find themselves attacked by two barriers to physical strength. The first being that they spend much of their time studying the arcane, however that alone is not the root cause of why they are incapable of being particularly strong. The true root comes from the void itself. The power of the void coursing through one's body is an unnatural thing, particularly when one's opening to the void is so small. It is therefore the void acts like a toxin, sapping the body's strength and rendering it impossible to build more than a small amount of muscle. Such is the curse of the mage. Necromancy: Individuals who necromance are weak for a similar reason that arcane mages are weak. Their power source is something unnatural to deal with. The very shifting of life force weakens their bodies and just like the arcane mage they can not build such muscle. Soul Puppetry: Curses to a degree act on the user with their corrupting power. Making them weaker as their body is constantly under corrupting stress. Contract Magic: To properly write the contracts, the user would need to spend extensive time reading and understanding the words and their meaning, as well as properly writing and carving perfect symbols. This would turn the user more into a scribe than a fighter, but the magic itself does not harm or weaken the physic. Some fighting capability is retained, but they would never be able to defeat a warrior in a one on one fight. Holy Magic Users: One would not think that a holy mage is subject to weakening, however such is unfortunately the case. Just like the power of the void, the power of an aengul is corrupting and withering. Frost Witches: Cappy's Explanation Fi'hiiran'seth: You guys have 2 void connections. Think of the arcane troubles and then multiply them by two. Druidism: Druidism expresses its weakness in a different way. Due to the connection to nature druids are simply more susceptible to being 'lost in creation' when in such a close-proximity-fight. The aspects grant the druids health, somewhat negating the weakness the power gives to other divine magic users. Kharajyr Magic: Same fault as Holy Magic Users.
  4. Moved back to magic lore for a full and proper vote.
  5. RIP Beardmancy.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lark
    3. Yoff


      We make a bigger lore post now. Tie your beards together and think!

    4. Quavinir_Twiceborn
  6. Unfortunately this lore is to be denied, for somewhat obvious reasons. Should you require reasons they are as follows: You may only evoke elements like earth, wind, fire and water from the void. You could not possibly alter something with that degree of control on the spot. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  7. I feel like there will be a riot of Beardmancy is accepted. I feel like there will be a riot if Beardmancy is denied... I feel like the MAT is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
    3. Googlesearch


      I once saw a beard push up contest between an Adunian and a dwarf which was quite hilarious

    4. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      yes but it was also incredibly trolly and stupid. just like beardmancy

  8. Move to Accepted Lore for the next stage. Please hold use till Implemented.
  9. Accepted but not implemented. This means players IC may believe in the Aengul Yeu Rthulu but the existence is not being accepted or denied by the lore team. Players may mistake this deity for another diety and may mistake Fastiel or another clerical-power-giving diety for Yeu Rthulu. In this way they would be able to learn Priest Healing.
  10. Move to Accepted Lore for the next stage. Please hold use till Implemented.
  11. Move to Accepted Lore for the next stage. Please hold use till Implemented.
    1. Blundermore


      "Then the lines of fiction and nonfiction will slowly start to blurr from here on in... then.

      Because here, there will, be monsters."

  12. When you lift a liquid you need to lift every part. When you lift a solid you can lift one half and the other half is connected and will come up.
  13. Move to Accepted Lore for the next stage. Please hold use till Implemented.
  14. Accepted because corrupt. Or rather... Put where it belongs.
  15. One will also note that the lore regarding how the gem was repaired should be hypothetical only as the individuals in question don't have the gem. It could, in theory, be repaired by another.
  16. Please explicitly define the abilities of the shade in one section. Precisely what can be done with the magic.
  17. Move to Accepted Lore for the next stage. Please hold use till Implemented.
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