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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Supremacy

  1. Lago's response to "how do I find a skin for dwarf day" was legitimately "Honeydew". Do I take this seriously? Do I?

  2. [13/2/14 7:41:25 PM] Tentoa: Okay lemme tell you all a secret. My parents don't buy cup ramen anymore because when I learned to make it myself at the ripe young age of 10, I binged the entire 6 pack. And I do it every time. [13/2/14 7:42:03 PM] Kalameet: o __o [13/2/14 7:42:09 PM] Tentoa: I could eat that **** for the rest of my life. Which would be about 3 years, because of the sodium.

    1. Moot
    2. Vulkin Frostbeard

      Vulkin Frostbeard

      lol I could eat cup ramen all day.... gonna go make some now actually

    3. domainoft


      You should learn to make homeade romen without all the salt...still tastes great and is good for you..."As long as you exercise off the carbs"

  3. ((I'm thinking of literally sensing a whole forest... Like if someone 100 meters away stepped on a twig— Would they know?)).
  4. ((Query: Can you commune with the whole forest at once?))
  5. TL;DR 3 Aspects dictate the power of a paranormal creature: Age Distance from mortals (soul shadows which interact with mortals less are stronger) Amount the soul shadow is related to our world (A soul which “passed’ further from our world is less tangible). Many soul shadows are stronger than one soul shadow. Paranormal creatures are shadows of the souls of those who have passed. The quicker they become a shadow the more tangible they are, as they clung to life more swiftly. Bind quickly? Graven Bind slowly? Ghost Be mind bogglingly evil and bind with a whole lot of other people? Apparition Monks can not revive ghosts as paranormal creatures are shadows of a mortal and not the true person. The more a ghost interacts normally with mortals the more “mortal” they become and the less power they have. This is because the more they act like a ghost, the closer their shadow become to the next plane of existence and thus the more power they can drain from it. Act like a human as a ghost and you can be “killed” (Dematerialize for 30 minutes) with even a regular every day item. Act like a ghost and you get ghostly powers such as shrieking, chilling rooms, throwing objects and mild terror inducing aura. You’re also invulnerable to anything but ghost-killing weapons (See Standardizing Spectral Creatures for a full list, but the obvious ones are gold and holy magic). Gravens behave in a similar way to ghosts but instead of gaining the ghost-powers they gain the Graven powers (glowy, floaty and so on). If they don’t act like a Graven, they become plain and weak and can be killed regardless where they are hit. Apparitions technically would lose power and become solid like a ghost if they did this— But by lore they couldn’t do this anyway. The Dynamics of Spectral Form: Ghosts are soul shadows those which have passed from our world. Thus they draw their powers from the next plane of existence but can simultaneously and rather enigmatically exist in both realms at once. They are a carbon copy of the soul which has passed on, which will only reunite with the true soul once the spectral creature disperses. As an individual dies their soul passes from this world to the next. Depending on how quickly their soul shadow binds themselves to this world changes what they will become. In general the quicker they bind, the more they exist in our plane of existence and thus the more tangible they are. As previously stated souls closer to the mortal realm or souls which interact more with mortals are weaker, in the same way a ghost may be weakened. These spectral creatures however have “wiggle room” in terms of how tangible they are. A ghost which interacts with mortals drifts slightly back towards our plane of existence and thus become more tangible and less magical. This is why ghosts which interact with mortals most lack supernatural powers and why ghosts which act in more 'ghost like' ways have all manner of curious and paranormal abilities. A spectral creature can not change “type” of spectral creature through this method (i.e. Between ghost, graven and apparition). However, they can change the amount of paranormal power they have through acting more like a ghost and less like a person. TL;DR: If you have a paranormal creature and act like one, your ghost can do ghost-like things like shriek, throw things and instill a very mild sense of fear— You will also be invulnerable to anything that would normally hurt a mortal (unless it normally hurts a spectral creature— Like gold or holy magic) . If your paranormal creature acts like a person and talks like one they will become more tangible and will therefore be able to be “dispersed” temporarily by even an iron sword. The moral of the story? Act like a ghost if you are one. Ghosts, Gravens and Apparitions are souls shadows which are for one reason or another (usually due to ill will upon another or an incomplete life task). As stated before the 3 values which give a soul power are: Age, relation to mortals and number of soul shadows. Hence why an apparition is usually far more powerful than a ghost or graven as they are a collection of souls which have little to no contact with mortals and are usually ancient. How Spectral Creatures Form: Spectral creatures are souls which linger on our plane of existence long past their natural death. Some may wonder why this is the case, how a soul of an individual could possibly linger when it has no mortal body to bind it to the world. Spectral creatures of various types all have their own unique way in which they remain on our plane of existence, however they all share one key feature: All spectral creatures bind their soul shadow to the world in order to prevent it from passing to the monks or into the next world. You see, all soul shadows are either bound to something or will pass into the next world. Upon death a soul begins this process of “passing” and in most cases the soul is either swiftly plucked from the metaphorical air and revived by the monks or missed by the monks. If a soul is missed it passes fully to death (Perma killing) but may, leave a fragment— A soul shadow, which will form a spectral creature. This binding however is imperfect, for the soul shadow had already partially begun the process of “passing”. The degree to which a soul shadow began the “passing” process defines how tangible the effects of the spectral creature will be upon the real world. A ghost, a creature which has nearly full passed will barely be tied to this world and therefore will have a very weak interaction with it. Gravens however bind themselves to the mortal world sooner and thus many interact with it more tangibly than their spectral brethren. Apparitions relate to this rule differently— As each soul has partially passed more than the individual soul shadow of the Graven, an apparition is not “solid” as a Graven is— However as collectively the soul shadows have much more of a connection to the real world the apparition’s powers are far greater. It is critically noteworthy that once a soul has begun passing, the portion of passing which has completed itself can rarely if ever be undone. The monks can not revive monks as the ghost is but a shadow of the true person. This is why a Monk can not revive a ghost, as despite how powerful their magic is, not even the Wilven monks can reverse the process of passing into whatever comes after this world.
  6. 20 minas to anyone who translates what this means: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106121-the-call-of-tradition-and-silver/

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Supremacy


      Not this time! Muahahahaha.

    3. Neri



    4. Samler


      I spoke with Supremacy, after concluded he did cheat a tiny bit, I was wrong. Learn dat elven grammar kids!

  7. Aware of the world around them, the high elves toiled and worked upon their home which was given the name by Lucion Sullas "The Tomb". Kalameet, leader of the Conclave of Malin perished and yet the industrious mali'aheral paid no heed— Their goal was singular and the misfortune of he who had left them was perhaps of too little concern to become anything more than idle chatter. The mali'aheral fluttered in the halls, engraving stone and crafting a home tailored exactly to their liking. Only time would tell what would be constructed in those silver halls. Yet one thing was certain, at least in the minds of the few: Though they were but seventeen in number, soon they would once again be more.
  8. I feel the urge to do something lore productive, but there is nothing productive I can find to be done.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lark


      Be a strelt

    3. Samoblivion


      Write about Aenguls n stuff.

    4. NomadGaia


      Write lore for perhaps a new artifact that could be advertised throughout anthos and then some people might try to find it?

  9. And so time passed once more in the blessed lives of the mali'aheral. Just as is always true, empires would rise and fall in the span of their short lives. In time fell the White Rose and the mali'aheral were once left without a reliable ally they could depend on with the exception of the Princedom of Malin which had so often betrayed them— At least in the mind of the then Sohaer. Alas, so came a time of thawing which cumulated in the Silver-Emerald Concordat, so designed by Asthil of Malinor. For a time there was prosperity and then came the shadow of the north. From their icy homes they came and from their icy homes they brought destruction upon Haelun'or. A great battle was fought in which the high elves were driven out of their home and it was only the combined strength of the elves which permitted them to reclaim it. Next came the Uruk, wrecking havoc on the already ailing city. Time passed, but it seemed that all was lost. The city of LIn'evaral was beset by tremors and the mali'aheral were forced from their sanctuaries. The high elves were to retreat to the Old Princedom, where they set up their own camp— Yet the winds of change blew also in Malinor, their camp was not to last for long.
  10. Things I learnt today: Describing a wound as "*****" (as in, full of pus) sets off a GM alert. Note to self: In the future use the term "purulent" to describe such wounds.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bael2



    3. monkeypoacher


      censorship is bad

    4. Lago


      Putrid I believe is the correct word, rather than miaow-cat.

  11. I'm still here, jistuma.

    1. Eetswa
    2. ski_king3


      No you aren't, don't lie Connor you filthy high elf scumbag!!! *shakes fist angrily*

  12. You also have fence posts, which take up something like 1/9 of a block. Furthermore, theoretically, you could frame an ingot to place it. Just... Theoretically.
  13. Debatable, given that a block of ore has to be mined to release the ore, melted and then shaped. Diamonds have to be combined into a 9 to make a block, so does redstone. You can combine 81 nuggets to make a block of gold.
  14. *Sniffs the air* I smell high elves.

  15. Furthermore, I think I want to write lore on types of ink.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cruzazul


      Just roleplay it. Something so menial surely doesn't need an extensive post to be roleplayed.

    3. Supremacy


      Ah, but it gives me joy.

    4. cruzazul


      Whatever helps you sleep at night. ;)

  16. I think I'll make a new character! A poet!

  17. In the case of magic draining— Technically the name "Ailer'tayna" was dropped for being... Well... Terrible... It means "Mage of Magic" in Elven, which was why the other names caught on. I saw a post on this by Emerick... Thought I might comment here since the post was locked. The name was temporary, which is why the more correct and other names took its place.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bickando


      ur logic is flawless

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      They could get a job in the department of redundancy department if they do call themselves that.



      alright, I'll pass this info to the others. Thanks for the heads up Supremacy.

  18. Where my high elves at?

    1. Bircalin


      high Elves? The Druids' Grove.

    2. Glyc


      -eyebrow twwitch- "D-d-dead.."

  19. How fancy... A fedora!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mithradites


      Put it down, Connor! It's covered in hat!

    3. Esterlen


      be careful connor you may catch avtism

    4. Mankaar
  20. Quietly observing.

    1. Cappy


      What are your thoughts on recent changes?

  21. Kalenz needs an appropriate end.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mish_


      I could maybe assassinate Kalennz

    3. Heff


      Have him fall off the wall of the high elven enclave, land in the ocean, get carried away north, and freeze alive in an iceberg to be one day thawed out in a major event.

    4. Mingpow321


      Gorbo! Gorbo will end him in a glorious battle of two superpowers! ;)

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