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Status Updates posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. Has anyone else played Mansions of Madness?

  2. I am ready to hold hands and sing campfire songs again. ;-;

  3. Al-Dirakh Is probably the coolest city in Athera tbh

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space


      Yeah, it definitely makes me feel like I'm playing Assassins Creed 1, going into some Arabic town, looking at the bazaars and sandstone buildings and stuff.

    3. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
  4. Finally back from camping! What's up LOTC?

  5. I am going to be gone until Tuesday! Gotta enjoy Spring Break. I hope you all do too!

  6. Is anyone else having trouble voting?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IrishPerson


      I think one of them is not working for me.

    3. BrandNewKitten
    4. Overland


      Click on 'advanced' and then click 'proceed to website' or whatever.

  7. Only if someone wrote lore for bardmancy like bard from lol. Now if you do it you will look silly!

    1. Space


      Current Bardmancy is pretty ok. Not used, but ok.

  8. Werdenberg is the cutest little town.

  9. Was anyone else inspired by Coaster's thread?

    1. Pureimp10


      I think almost all of Orenia has been inspired to kill High Elves, if that’s what you mean,

    2. Salvo


      High Elves? You mean /all/ elves!

    3. Endovelicus


      Well, if you mean the PK one, I've already done that for a long time. Itr doesn't make much sense for someone who got hacked to minced meat be able to go to the monks and be like "HEAL MEH PLZ" and poof some scarres and you're still alive.

  10. Three GM apps within an hour? Illuminati

    1. Tirenas



    2. Hydra


      Halflife 3 confirmed.

  11. Found a new profile picture ^_^

  12. inb4 helves excavate a magically placed meteor instead of just mining it! lol

  13. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Getting ripped at staff meeting

  14. Trivia question! Name the festival held during Anthos on the docks of Malinor!

    1. BrandNewKitten


      I have just been informed that this elf is actually impure.... #acidpit2015 #kalenzthings #maybeitspurity?

    2. DrakeHaze.


      If you don't put that in your signature I will pvp you.

    3. BrandNewKitten


      okay okay. But only for the weekend!

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