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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. Also everyone should check out my 80+ line NPC outside the Celestial Order!!!

  2. The server being on 1.11.2 has been a constant bummer.

  3. Druid magic doesn't harm arcane forces. Arcane forces arent blight. Period. Arcane forces may hurt druidic forces but not inherently. However you want to deal with unattunement lore is fine. It is a deity based magic with specifications for havinh the mahic but having naturally occuring places that somehow repel arcane mages crosses a line druidism shouldn't be able to cross.
  4. Then those events seem biased towards the druid cultural perspective. Void magic may harm the world but it is not inherently harmful. It is like a volcano.
  5. I do not agree with this lore. Nature is a nuetral force. It isn't going to repel void forces because the void is literally woven into the beings that control it. It is in everything. Untapped potential force that coexists with the natural world. It's apart of the world. The idea that nature is against arcane/void is purely a cultural thing that doesn't need magical lore enforcement. Fairy rings were open to mages before and it should be kept that way. It is strange to give druids an anti-mage abilty.
  6. Why are arcane mages affected? This sounds unnesscary and a way for druids to make mage traps. Unneeded. The void may not be part of the druid magic but its as much apart of the world as druid magic is to it. For druidic magic to have an ill affect on mages in a contradiction.
  7. Too much anger. Not enough donuts.

    1. Wyvernbane


      or little debbie swiss rolls

  8. Celestial Celestial Celesdial Celisdiol Celine Dion

  9. -= Celestial Familiar Guide =- So you want a Celestial Familiar? Sure. Okay. Yeah, let’s get you there. First you should make yourself aware of the lore for Celestialism and Voidal Horrors For the Voidal Horror lore scroll down to Physiology. Some differences to mention are as follows: Celestials live off of an Arcanist Stone Their bodies are not always rough and tough and take virtually any form Celestials tend to have minor magical abilities of their own, at least the ones you will be using for yourself. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Celestial Familiars act like staves in that they can be used as focal points or rather cast for the mage as an alternative. This gives the Magic user enhanced mobility and positioning when casting spells while also giving a companion to aid in your daily RP adventures. Celestial Familiars are sentient forms of life and have a mind of their own and thus will not necessarily obey their caster. They can be taught and trained to work with their caster better in combat scenarios and have much greater intelligence than your normal beast. To find yourself a Celestial, whether you are a mage or not, you must seek out a Celestial Arcanist to participate in the binding process. Before this it is recommended that you decide on your aura color and bring three pictures of Celestial Familiars you might want to have. Pictures are taken literally so size, color and any other goodies illustrated on the picture will be roleplayed. Because of this please be wary of the size of beast you find in photos. Small-medium creatures only. Ex: Iat’s aura color is white These are the three choices he brings to the Celestial Arcanist. The Celestial Arcanist’s aura color is a combination of white and another color. Let’s say blue. So they toss in one of their own choices like so. Then during the binding process you will /roll 4 to decide. You will be given three rolls to land the Celestial you really want or be stuck with another just by chance. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now that you have a Celestial what do you do? Celestials should only be RPed by their Caster/Owner and the Celestial Arcanist who binded them. They are not able to be communed with via druidism and usually cannot speak on their own. You will also be given the Arcanist Stone that they were bound to which can be placed anywhere you like. The Arcanist Stone cannot be modified after it is used in the binding ritual however it can be used as the head of a staff or a centerpiece on jewelry. Arcanist Stones require maintenance like any other enchantment. At least once a month you must seek out the Celestial Arcanist so they may recharge the stone. Alternative ways to charge the stone is to learn transfiguration yourself. Transfigurationists may recharge their own stones but no one else can. Only those who participated in the binding process may recharge that Arcanist Stone. In combat if a Celestial is killed their form dissipates back to the stone and the stone is damaged. You are required to inform your Celestial Arcanist whenever this occurs so it may be documented. The status of a stone starts at 100% and if allowed to drop to 0% (3-5 deaths) the Celestial will unbind and go back to the void were they will likely be feasted upon by ravenous Voidal Horrors. Another way an Arcanist stone may drop to 0% is if you prolong the time you go without recharging. If you wait too long the status will deplete. You can get your Celestial back if it is unbound but only if you are lucky. Abilities of Celestial Familiars are infinite in potential. If you think of an ability that you would like your Celestial Familiar to have talk with your Celestial Arcanist. These abilities along with the Familiar may take on attributes of any of your magics that you cast. While Celestials may be used with Holy & Dark magics abilities regarding these types of magic will be discussed on a case by case basis with the Magic Team. It may be hard to identify when a Celestial may or may not attack in combat using their own abilities, form, etc... The rule of thumb is that if they are aggro-ed, meaning they have become the target of an attack, they can and will defend themselves if possible. In most other scenarios the Celestial will not attack. They act on the need to survive and thus if they are not in danger they will likely idle. Concerns regarding this may be PMed directly to me, BrandNewKitten, when and if they arise. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Important post in the RP section: Celestial Documentation I will update this guide if I find that I missed any important details. Questions?
  10. Its only 8am and I am already out of rep points. HELP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Maybe a tad bit trigger happy on the +1s today.

    3. - Pastry

      - Pastry

      Weren't you ever told not to spend them all in one place?

    4. BrandNewKitten
  11. If we have the Ascended why not make the Descended

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GavinTheViking


      I just added my thoughts on the matter, don't know why you two think I'm like angry or argumentative, which I am inferring because your comments

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Nah we don't think that, Gavin. We are just havin' a gay lil' giggle. ^_^ 

    4. GavinTheViking


      Alright l


  12. I see that the dwarves finally got to move into that badass lost dwarven city from Athera but idk... It seems pretty evil to model a city after the place Iblees was unleashed from.... kinda fishy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. itdontmatta


      It's a city to honor our ancestors, and the fact that they were able to trap a powerful daemon! Long live Urguan!

    3. z3m0s
    4. BrandNewKitten


      Lol they could trap a ******* Daemon of Destruction and modern dearves can't even make rune cannons kek

  13. Somebody make Sun Magic. Go go go.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wendigo
    3. J


      That'd be neat. Though it reminds me of Sun Elves *shudders* mmmmm

    4. HardstyleRaver2
  14. By the end of 2017 I will be playing a god on LOTC.

  15. 50 minutes until 2017. Hello rest of the world! I hope to see you soon :^]

  16. When I hit 2,000 rep I'm quitting. 

    1. Summorox


      Let me help you out with that: If BNK gets 2000 rep,I will also quit LOTC


      *BNK receives 9000 rep*

    2. Heero


      woah there pewdiepie

  17. If people keep making stupid ban reports I'm going to start killing off leowarriors harem. I'm not even joking this time. I have that kind of power. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      but BNK, you are part of my harem

    3. Venomoo


      Aren't I also apart of your harem?

    4. BrandNewKitten


      I resisted the harem, Leo. We both know I resisted your goddamn harem! 

  18. I also am not a fan of the concept art which is very important for this type of lore imo
  19. You can allow me to add to Celestialism? ;P Since it can bind horrors/Celestials to the mortal realm (and in turn create them) it could make sense that it banishes them as well. Plus Celestialism makes it so you only get 1 tier 5 slot (Arcanism). Just a thought. Edit: Plus the horrors that derive from Celestialism already have a catalyst to use. Their Arcanist stone. Editedit: I was planning on adding just horror banishment in my addition anyways.
  20. I agree! Because Voidal horror summons exist in Celestialism I was wondering if you could give more insight as to how they work in the horrific Evocation?
  21. This feels like an updated version of unsound magic. I can dig it. What's the effect of Arcane attacks on warlocks? I assume normal?
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