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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. Well the idea behind it is to avoid the OOC interaction and deal with RP in RP. I think. . .
  2. Yar that makes sense. I just get irked when lore says its for the purpose of purging inactives. People take breaks. It happens.
  3. I actually hate the concept of this. How can this be used to "disconnect inactive users."
  4. Is this serious lore? Sorry but it seems like more of a complaint thread. I would put it in feedback or make an orc guide or a guide on how to RP with orcs or something. On another note there is a lot of hypocrisy here on an RP lore post you are OOCly telling everyone to stop making orcs RP a certain way (which no one is) and then saying dark elves are excluded from the spirit world. I HIGHLY doubt many of the orc players have been better or more deserving to go to the spirit world or wherever after they die and frankly the orcs don't have a monopoly on it. They make use of it just as mages make use of the void and have grown attached to it in a similar manner to the dark elves. However it has been stated many times that spirits are not just orcs and thus any descendent can take their place their under the right circumstances. It seems you are arguing against this which isn't up to you in my opinion nor would it really have an effect on your RP. Basically I think this thread doesn't serve to do anything. I am not sure why it was made. Is it a meme?
  5. You make it sound like there are more than 1-3 elf-orcs on the server. It makes sense that two different species produce something that has difficulties breeding. When coupled with a curse (that is PGed 90% of the time) that makes an entire population nearly infertile in makes sense to have the offspring of the mix be completly infertile.
  6. I agree that its a reasonible approach to have half-breeds infertile as per Smaw's comment. MULES MULES MULES MULES!
  7. Will you be my queen? I'd even let you assassinate me to rule the Queendom solo. :c
  8. Okay. Then you need to go too. :c jk. If this will be played even by a single person then I think it is worth it. Contrary to popular belief that an entire faction need populate the realm with each creature it is just as fine to give players the same chance, even individual players, who seek the opportunity to play something against the norm. edit: Though I do believe something like this will pick up a bit more intrigue than you might think!
  9. I am glad you re-posted!
  10. Might I suggest transferring all the accepted creatures to the wiki? The spoilers are broken making this thread incredibly difficult to read/sort through and use. If you need assistance maybe contact the wiki team. If they are busy I can lend a hand.
  11. -redacted- **Spoke with Tsu on the following; -Shades may learn Celestialism -Instead of Radiant Aura Celestialism empowers shade arcanists the other way. -Instead of binding celestial familiars shade celestial arcanists, through an event process most likely, trap/steal/dominate any celestial they can find before corrupting them towards a darker hearted fiend. Resulting in either an actual horror or a demonic-esque celestial that seeks to feed off mana in a frenzy. -These are technically no longer Celestial Familiars but rather Celestial Demons. They are volatile and if not allowed to replenish their mana will become unbound much quicker than a normal Celestial would. -Removed Celestial Arcanist boon against Shade affliction.
  12. You are likely correct which is why I have held off on its addition this round as well. Necromancy is within the grey area of my knowledge. Though there are other things regarding necromancy that I wish to discuss if you are willing to have a brief chat.
  13. So are we going to have both devourers duke it out like godzilla and mecha-godzilla?
  14. I do not not quite understand the addition mostly because the description of consistency required to maintain its form should outweigh its ability to fuel or be fueled. Thus if used in combat with added strain the woven telekinetic spells wouldn't be able to keep hold, no? Also this bridges a large gap between Dreadknights & PaleKnights so while it isn't necessarily bad in that regard it raises the question of why. Why add this addition to a magic that to my knowledge requires no slot? As someone who has seen the vast amount of Atronachs, specifically sentinels, that have been employed on the server I am glad to see the redline of no more than 1 controllable atronach but what is stopping the usage of elemental atronachs in this regard? I believe the main reason soul-puppetry was denied was because when you place your character in a disposable body it tends to lead to the habit of only using atronachs which seems to be a rather OP or even powergaming way to play the game. If there are no consequences for going around with bloodless, 7ft tall, fully armored knights then the lore really only is used to benefit a very small minority. I assume you are aware of this but perhaps some clarifications can be made? What happens to the body of the caster while in this projection state? What ability or magic allows them to place their entire mind into an object to control it? Wouldn't there be severe physical and mental consequences WHILE USING this? I imagine that the mind of the mage would quickly begin to degrade due to being semi-detached from their body, right? What is the distance able to be traveled? Wouldn't it become more and more difficult the father away you get? Also hidden lore is an unhealthy habit and I believe the creation process for the mentioned items should be listed but that is just my opinion. Get owned.
  15. More Celestialism!!! 


  16. “ Ever blessed shall those be that follow the light. Join me, those Arcanists born from my blessing, to guide others down the path and to rebirth our world in light. “ The Celestial Order seeks to bathe the realm in the blessed light of the Arcane Mage’s gift and act as patrons of magic to the realm. The Order seeks prosperity for all regardless of their national affiliation, their mundane worth or their godly practices. There is no monarch within the void but rather a collective seeking its infinite potential for the betterment of all instead of a few. The Order maintains the stance that this potential must be used to support the light rather than allow its abyssal darkness to leak corruption upon the realm. The majority of time spent by those in the Order will be dedicated to identifying key locations of interest before conducting delves or assisting other factions in their own process should they be called upon. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ “ Like the cosmos above, each of us exists as a singularity of light in the expanse of the abyss. " Those dedicated Arcanists who heed my call may find Their way to the Celestial Hall to join with their fellow Magi in the quest for Celestial Light. - Arcane Mage I.E. The Arcane Mage The leader of the Celestial Order, the creator of Arcanism and the Shepherd of the Celestial Light. The Arcane Mage dictates the pursuit of the guild as well as the development of campaigns involving the Order. Also referred to as the Caretaker of the Celestials. The Aeons The Aeons represent those Celestials of extremely high caliber and are held in the highest regard for their devotion to the Celestial Light. The Grand Magus & The Oracle The Grand Magus, whether plural or singular, are tasked with assigning projects within the Order and thus operate closely with the Arcane Mage to ensure the Order retains relevance throughout the realm. The Oracle leads the Grand Magus acting as a liaison between the Arcane Mage and the rest of the Order in his absence. The Magus The general assembly of Arcanists within the Order who are tasked with the discovery of anomalies within the realm as well as acting patrons to the various settlements the descendents have chosen to inhabit. The Acolytes Those newly accepted into the Order. Until they are proven to be of worth to the guild they are tasked with the duty of spreading the Order’s name as well as seeking out prospective members among other various tasks assigned to each individual. The Erudites Those still unlearned. Until they have become proficient those few selected to be trained by a teacher within the Order are done so before they may become Acolytes. They hold no duties within the Order nor are permitted free entrance. The Associates Those allies to the Order that are either non-magi, are not Arcanists or operate outside the context of the Order. “ We are beacons in the abyssal dark. " The Celestial Edict serves as the pillars of a Arcanist’s life. Honor, militance, scholarship, loyalty, balance, the void and the light, seven principles which define the path that each Arcanist follows. Through these, each Arcanist stands apart from other mages, more righteous and devoted to the void and its proper usage. The Edict of Honor The Arcanist wields the arcane with honor and righteousness. To repudiate the amorality of the void and its boons. They shall protect the innocent and aid the needy. Holding true to all their oaths and vows. To uphold their morality in service of creating a better world. To display a high level of respect to both allies and fellow magi. The Edict of Militance The Arcanist must begrudge the use of voidal violence. Yet wield it confidently when their ferocity is just. To deny the powermonger and the upstart. Risking their lives in devotion to their honored arcane probity. To lend aid to our allies in there time of need against unholy corruption. The Edict of Scholarship The Arcanist will go beyond militance and devote themselves to scholarship. Expanding knowledge upon the void and other pursuits. To serve as learned authorities upon various expertise. The Edict of Loyalty The Arcanist gives their life to their Order and its cause. Serving the Arcane Mage dutifully and rightfully. Never shall they harm their brothers and sisters of the Celestial Order. To safeguard the knowledge held within the Order against the greedy. To avoid associations that seek to harm the Order, And to protect its name against those who do it injustice. The Edict of Balance The Arcanist is bestowed with a noble duty. For the noble understand the plague of the tipping scale. That the pendulum swings in either direction, And what is dark may be illuminated For the order preserves this balance. The Edict of the Void The Arcanist shall become a master of voidal practice. To preach its every value and encourage its use within the Order. Indoctrinate others into the path of connection with the arcane. And decry the use of darker arts and their repugnant power. For we are of the void, enlightened by its endless offerings. The Edict of Celestial Light The Arcanist shall hold the light of the void in the highest regard. Those Celestials born from this blessed light as sacred, And seek to be a beacon of light in the Arcane Mage’s image. To be a bastion for the realm and assist in illuminating the dark. OOC: Some important threads: The magic itself: Celestialism Celestialism Addition Opening statement for the Order Current Celestials Guide on how to RP your own Celestial Canon Guide to Arcanism & Celestialism
  17. That is because illusionists are the scum of the realm!
  18. I dislike when people take control of my character for me. The internal thoughts of my character shouldn't be subject to the whimsy of other players less they seek to peer into them via mental magic.
  19. Fix voting! I can't buy custom heads without minas :[

  20. Really elemental evocationists need a BNK on their team. So much untapped potential in those magics. The trouble with Arcanism is it is labelled as an evocation but I had always wanted it to be more and it finally is! So I am going full out. Balls to the walls, man.
  21. I hope it turns into a plateau...

  22. 8 words of wisdom I found from Skippy when going through my old topics https://gyazo.com/31bb4db781fcd744963f0f6a2dda2b25 I still believe this to be true. Always re-educate, never eradicate unless absolutely necessary. Love and be loved, mates.

  23. GUYS I AM SO SORRY THAT MY SPOILERS DID NOT WORK OUT! I completely understand the intense level of content here and it was my intention to have spoilers to make it easier to read and pick through but somewhere in the transition between my google doc and this (which is what I always do) it got borked. I added an overview to help you piecemeal your way through. @Evocress Blood Magic can already summon horrors (to my understanding) so by sacrificing a Celestial the blood mage may choose to summon a Voidal Horror in its place. In the future I will be adding a clarification (because this was long enough as is) on how Necromancy, among other things, may corrupt Celestials into Horrors. So same sort of situation in both but slightly different outcomes. Celestial Horror vs. Normal Horror. Forgive me for not including it this round.
  24. Disclaimer: It is a lot of pictures and text. Spoilers are borked and I couldn't find a fix. ~* Celestialism Clarifications *~ Accepted Lore “Let those who lead the herd do so in grace.” An Overview Greater Melding Clarification and Aura tracking The Untempered Minds of Shades & The Darkened Hearts The Blood of Celestials Greater Celestials or Guardians of the Gardens: Event Lines Tier Restrictions & Sharpness TLDR Greater Melding Clarification and Aura tracking Due to the level of connection achieved through two individuals melding together there forms a lower level of emotional symbiosis. While this does not allow the Celestial Arcanist to read the minds of their circle it does allow attunement to specific individuals. Those with deeply troubled minds will find greater melding to be more difficult than the simplest of spells and those they attempt to meld with will feel the repercussions of their mental afflictions. However those calm of mind will find immense tranquility in their coupling as the emotional state of each individual seeks to find equilibrium. In many of these cases the Celestial Arcanist appears to be the one that is notably more affected. A side effect of greater melding, especially with those who have been melded with numerous times, is that the Celestial Arcanist will begin to differentiate the aura color of others from the menagerie of other voidal energy they might see. Celestial Arcanists come to understand those they have melded with on a uniquely intimate level and can at points pick up on the faint trail of aura left behind by their fellow spellcasters. While Aura Tracking is not used to identify the properties of magical residue or enchanted items it can potentially be used to identify the origin, or at the very least the distinctive color of the caster’s aura will appear more vibrant to them. Red Lines: Telepathy is not formed but rather empathy that has a greater effect flowing towards the Celestial Arcanist. This pertains to mental afflictions both natural and unnatural. Aura Tracking is done purely with OOC permission. Aura Tracking does not work unless the Celestial Arcanist has previously melded with the individual which is usually a voluntary exercise. The Untempered Minds of Shades & The Darkened Hearts Long have shades taken descendants and dragged them from the light into mental depravity. Due to the deeply troubled nature of the afflicted individual and the darkness surrounding their aura Shades will find it impossible to perform a binding ceremony through normal means. It is still plausible albeit must be accomplished via the newest forefather of Shade Magic, Aknu'gul, the Shade Gem. When this transpires it causes an adverse effect to the Celestial magi, instead of Celestials flocking to the Celestial Aura of the mage the shade-inflicted magi will seek to steal or dominate the Celestial. The result of this is unclear at best as the corruption of shade aspires to corrupt it to their whim, thereby creating a demonic-esque familiar akin to other voidal horrors. It is only through the greater aura of the Celestial Arcanist that Celestial Familiars find their way to the binding ceremony. This usually takes place around an altar in a contained room that allows the collective energy to swell with brilliant light. With a shade involved or if the Celestial Arcanist has been afflicted the result would be darkened, hollow and futile which leads to the secondary approach. Along with this alternative binding process a Celestial Arcanist afflicted by the shade still possesses a Celestial Aura but its Radiance is replaced by a further darkening as it is empowered. Akin to normal horrors these demonic-esque Celestials are more volatile versions of themselves and are abnormally enraged and because of this they are often completely barred from the normal existence granted to Celestials and sentenced to live a life of perpetual torment causing them to often frenzy, seeking sources of consumable mana. If chained or detained the horror would come to perish as the frenzy places a severe strain on the arcanist stone they are bound to. Red Lines: Shades can have normal Celestial Familiars but only from before they were a shade. All future familiars are akin to regular horrors Corrupted Celestials and the unique binding thereof are usually left for event purposes. Other instances will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Celestial Arcanists can still be hexed and everything else as this does not affect the relationship between shade and mage. Does not apply to other dark arts. I.e. Necromancers, Soul Puppeteers. Frost Witches, etc... The Blood of Celestials Though they may be docile they still are horrors at their core and thus are ripe with the empowered genus blood mages may use in their rituals. Celestials make adequate sacrifices in many blood rituals but the consequences are critical. If a Celestial is sacrificed by their own magus their Arcanist Stone will be torn asunder and instead of being relieved back to the void they are utterly obliterated, suffering the same fate as many do within the abyssal void. The Celestials of others can be sacrificed as well however they must first be slain, and their blood used within the few minutes it is available for. Additionally the Celestial will recover back to their stone in this case while suffering immense damage to the Arcanist Stone itself. Red Lines: Blood Mages can sacrificed Celestials with OOC consent. Blood Mages sacrificing their own familiar will lose that familiar to a PK. Blood Mages must still follow their red lines. Celestial blood is Voidal Horror blood. Greater Celestials or Guardians of the Gardens: Occasionally a master arcanist stone is forged and when followed by the careful process of binding, sometimes between several individuals, a Celestial appears with a threshold of power largely surpassing those of meager familiars. These Greater Celestials appear only in areas latent with enough magical energy to nourish them. In most cases these areas will be the crystal gardens that the Celestial Arcanist have so closely watched and groomed often giving them the name of Garden Guardian or Crystal Guardians. In certain scenarios Greater Celestials may occur spontaneously within the world, having escaped their voidal containment, around ancient areas that have long been surrounded by higher levels of magical potency. A few differences between a Celestial Familiar and a Greater Celestial are its lack of mobility, its enhanced nesting, added abilities, and territorial nature. If a Greater Celestial is bound to an Arcanist Stone it would have to be of a size too large to transport by most means or at least the Celestial Arcanist would find increased difficulty attempting to use them in combat due to their size. In return for their stone size the Greater Celestial is often many times larger than the biggest of Celestial Familiars and find things such as nesting, where the Arcanist Stone begins to physically root and spread through the adjacent environment via crystal formations, to be effortless. Their ability to draw upon their own pool of mana allows them to shape their surroundings alongside their Celestial Arcanist in a hastened fashion. Greater Celestials also find further potential in their gifts and ability to combat others. While they may be used as a focal point much like a familiar the Greater Celestial will have access to more abilities, many of which are directly influenced by the magics their caster possesses. Where a familiar may have an ability to cast light upon an area a Greater Celestial will cast a light that blinds its foes. Along with this the Greater Celestial is not as docile in comparison and will directly engage opponents like any other feral beast. Due to their size, their power, and their consumption of mana the Greater Celestial that is bound by a Celestial Arcanist is likely to be found only within their domain. They build their territory and will defend it but lack the ability to move their stone. Without allowing the Greater Celestial to root and form a crystal garden around them they are incredibly vulnerable. If by some force of nature they are outside of their territory they will be drained of their mana quicker than a regular familiar and if found in combat outside of their territory the Greater Celestial is likely to be dispelled back to the void altogether. Outside of their territory Greater Celestials also grow much more docile however they will protect their garden until they cease to exist. Red Lines: 10x the amount of materials used. If 5 diamonds are used for a Familiar. 50 are needed for a Greater Celestial of the same grade (grade being an arbitrary rank) OR via the use of cultivated crystal garden stones Must follow red-lines of magics used Follows Celestial Familiar redlines outside of their specific crystal garden Fighting with a Greater Celestial outside of their garden will result in immediate unbinding should they receive higher levels of damage. Greater Celestials cannot learn new magic nor do they cast new spells. Their abilities are listed in their documentation which may be provided to the opponent if requested. Event Lines: Greater Celestials may occur within the realm without a Celestial Arcanist for use of events as a variant of Voidal Horror. These Celestials are found within a specific territory and are up to the discretion of the ET involved. Notable Example of Greater Celestial Event: The White Stag of Fiandria: A mythical white stag could be located within the stag forest of Fiandria during the descendents time in Athera. Those that found the beast often lack the memory of how they arrived home and speak of the visions the White Stag brought to them. Tier Restrictions & Sharpness It isn’t my intention to limit the potential of Arcanists but instead allow better clarification in character design when a player chooses to express their roleplay through the writing I have done on this server through the years. That being said I hope to make Arcanism and Celestialism a tincy bit more appealing (not that it isn’t badass) with the clarification of these two things: Celestial Arcanism can only be taught to a tier 5 Arcanist. When learning Celestialism all other magics other than Transfiguration can no longer reach tier 5. It takes a disportionate amount of roleplay to maintain Celestial Arcanism however because Transfiguration works hand in hand with the magic it may achieve tier 5 as to prevent needless debuffs of the Celestial Arcanist. Truly mastering Arcanist Stones is something only a tier 5 transfigurationist can do. Evoking sharpness into an Arcanism spell is removed from the red lines. Sharpness may achieved with great strain at tier 5 and are strenuous to the caster. Enchanting sharpness is still a viable option with no changes. It made no sense to allow it in enchanting but a master arcanist couldn’t achieve it otherwise. After casting 1-3 sharp spells the Arcanist will find the strain of their depleting mana as I would equate sharpness to the feat of having two complete bubble shields in play. TLDR; Celestial Arcanists are the equivalent of magical hound dogs to those they have melded with. Shades cannot learn or make Celestial Arcanists shades. Blood Mages can sacrifice familiars because blood mages are monstrosities. Greater Familiars are larger and act as guardians for their specific garden but are almost impossible to use outside of that territory making them somewhat stationary. Transfig is an exception to the “no other tier 5” rule Sharpness is no longer a red line but can only be cast 1-3 times at tier 5 before exhuasting a mage. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The point of this lore isn't to be sneaky and buff a magic but rather begin exploring how players can shape their environment. Voidal Horrors operate on a hierarchy and thus it fits to mimic it with Celestials. You know me and how I am always looking for the next step and where to expand and improv upon this diverse magic. So if you have an idea shoot me a pm. Coming Soon: Arcanism Guide Update Possible clarifications regarding other beings Possible binding of Event Celestials for Event purposes Celestial Gods BONUS ALBUM
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