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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. Wiping buddylists without time to write mine down QQ 

  2. Cannot play. Fix server!

    1. BrandNewKitten


      DC-ing every 60 seconds

  3. If there is magic attached to this and it seems there is then it doesn't matter if the deity is meant to be able to stand alone. The immediate effects of its creation are linked/intertwined with the magic. I simply believe it's to the benefit of the this lore piece to expedite the creation of the magic lore piece.
  4. Can we see the bard magic lore too? only because if the magic is the goal and the magic isn't good enough this venture may be a waste of time.
  5. Post more topics, people! I need entertainment. 

    1. TinyBiceps


      why not read the plethora of whitelist apps

  6. Doesn't Orcish bloodlust effect casting for combative use? Most magics require focus but if you have rage mode active is there a line that shouldn't be crossed? This is more for me to go see red lines and what to look out for.
  7. Favorite type of sword? Medieval, fantasy or otherwise. Anything goes.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GDPR 014

      GDPR 014

      Idk an arming sword is less edgy than a katana in my books 

    3. BrandNewKitten


      No like it literally sounds edgy.

    4. GDPR 014
  8. He obviously is working on a way to improve things. So how about you show him some respect instead of something that is obviously outdated or unwanted. It's not a tradition if no one follows it and it looks like no one follows it. Reworking things to make them more viable, valuable and inviting is what draws in new roleplayers. If you enjoy the tradition so much then help but telling those who are helping to stop is the wrong move.
  9. I've always had a question regarding shamanism. Can a shaman learn other types of magic? Did I skim over this? What would stop them from learning Voidal or deific magics?
  10. It sounds to me like they can still be combined. Just make sure all the abilities of both are kept intact. why? It sounds like these two subtypes are two sides of the same coin, both doing similar things but merely the opposite in a way. Perhaps if they are combined you should write about this balance as it seems like it could have some sort of yinyang principle. If combined I don't think there is a need to cut abilities for balancing reasons. If one can do it then combined they shouldn't lose those abilities. All in all this reminds me of Arcane Shielding and Arcane Evocation melding into Arcanism. So pick a combined name and still have the two magics as what they are instead of piecemealing them together. Arcanism can still just be used for Arcane Shielding or can just be used for Arcane Evocation. Do the same here. I assume the goal is to help bring life back to this magic type and that is the best way to do it without crippling either side.
  11. My winter break is a month long and glorious

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zindran


      Just gonna go jump off a cliff now since mine is just 2 weeks

    3. Kaelan


      Lucky you! Mine is two and a half weeks

    4. BrandNewKitten


      Mine started the 8th and goes till the 12th of Jan. Lol

      I only get a week for spring break though. 

  12. Inspired by Resident Evil 5 and onwards? Im actually surprised by the writing here. While there are some questions that I will bring up when I get another, closer read I enjoy the concept and the through-line into how you wish for it to be implemented and how it might come to effect the playerbase. This type of clarity is greatly appreciated.
  13. Guys! Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete is on GOG.com for 3.50$ atm. I got it and it would be cool if others did to as I believe it is multiplayer! Also the site is like humble bundle and they have awesome deals atm. Currently looking for people to play either this or Project Zomboid or Don't starve! Hit me up! I will respect the **** out of you.

  14. When you can't even find 15$ for the game you want. Anyone have a steam key for heroes of might and magic 3? Ima continue my quest to play it until I die I suppose. 

    1. SaviourMeme


      used to have a pirated verion lolololol


  15. If you had to pick a roof color: http://imgur.com/a/WP5Q8
    Which one would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Textarea


      Blue is classic Helf: very good with the white and iconic.
      Purple is close but also an equally good choice.
      Red is a nice and refreshing thing you don't see often with the white there. Unless you want to theme your build after Haelun'or, you could go with the red for a nice identity (looks like Toussaint)

    4. sullincollivan


      I like 1, 2, and 4 

  16. OH ALSO! If you say yes but have an idea as to what items should be included in this year's treasure hunts (pending community approval) shoot me a PM!
  17. **~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~** Hello friends and ne'er-do-wells! I truly feel awful that I wasn't around last holiday season to help spread some joy and gifts but before I go at it this year I would like community input. For those who got the opportunity to experience my merry events in Athera would you enjoy seeing the return of the tricky little Holiday Helper Penguin known as Rufurd? For those who aren't familiar here is a link to the event posting. -> Holiday Helper 2014 Quick summary of the event: As a GM I had easier access to renaming items so I created a large assortment of holiday specific knickknacks. I handed out more generic items to a handful of individuals who roleplayed with Rufurd and I held a daily scavenger hunt for a grand prize. Those that RPed with Rufurd were given riddles to help locate the treature
  18. Anyone wanna help me find a download go Heroes of Might and Magic 3 HD? I'm a bit too poor to buy on steam. 

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Is that the first gaming that you're cracking?

      I've cracked games for like, 10 years. Computer always used to get full of viruses.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      It wouldn't be the first but I can't use piratebay or utorrent :/

  19. Anyone play Project Zomboid?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Needs a magic plugin 

    3. garentoft


      thanks for reminding me to boy project zomboid

    4. BrandNewKitten


      Yeah if you guys wanna play sometime hit me up! I suck but it's fun anyways 

  20. Status update UPDATE? Neat.

  21. Adding something in such as "supreme reflexes" and anything classified as unbelievably agile will always lend itself to PG and not be looked at in a positive light when it comes to RP. Tread carefully with the augmentation of physical ability, especially if you plan to use this on a weakened mage.
  22. 6535846.jpg

    1. meg


      for the glory of satan, of course!

  23. Is cactus green the only thing people smoke the server? 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CaptainSheepy


      Smoke dem Habgobsnits for a clarity high

    3. _Jandy_


      @SeventhCircle p sure it's more like tobacco 

    4. Jonificus


      Opium and ruskan cigars. Aww yiss

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