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Everything posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. That new elder tree... Is going to be so shexy!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Nug... I am going to Hug you until you poop rainbows.

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Your druid is the best.

    4. Nug
  2. :3 So fecking excited!

    1. BrandNewKitten



      I flipped a s*** full of kittens dancing on rainbows

  3. Red haired wood elf in New hobbit movie? They definitely stole my character from LOTC... Jerks

    1. BrandNewKitten
    2. Bakerismaxamis


      That's Evangeline Lilly from LOST. She's hawt!

    3. Samoblivion


      The elf's name is Tauriel... And she wasn't in the book.


  4. Day 1- The Caleria have begun their take-over... I have provisions to last awhile. I lie in wait of my fate...my home- I hope it can withstand the stampede.

    1. Amorphbutt


      Day 2-Lin'evaral was overwhelmed, those that are left over from the massacre are shadows of their former selves. It shall take some time to adapt to this harrowing experience.

    2. Dyn


      Day 3- We're all dead. I don't know how I'm writing this. The end.

    3. Lago


      Day 3- All of the strangely similar looking assailants have disappeared...

  5. This is how I like my farmland to look http://i.imgur.com/zFtCLls.jpg

    1. Hanrahan


      Looks dried out and ill landed. Like Scotland :D

    2. Tom_Whiteman
    3. Elfen_


      That gives a lot of food I bet

  6. So uhhhh while I don't think the expedition was very fruitful ie. no artifacts found, I did get a cool thing :] Herro's Staff :] come at me bro.

    1. Heero


      -Raises an angry fist.-

  7. Bah! Kanrath! Of course it went well! :P

    1. Zarsies
    2. BrandNewKitten


      <3 hugglez for zarzarbinks!

  8. It is a million degrees in my dorm room! My god!

    1. Bethykinss


      Someone's trying to cook you!

    2. BrandNewKitten


      ,_, NO! Not again!

  9. It doesn't have to go through the process of getting accepted but it still needs some lore basically to describe it and such.
  10. Mmmm dat feels. http://i.imgur.com/Hg77y1L.jpg It isn't very good but I dun have photoshop ._.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Katherine1


      Don't have Photoshop Try Gimp. It's a free, open source image editor.

    4. BrandNewKitten
  11. My only problem would be how to figure out doing the ship moving into a collision course. I guess if the ship was small enough it might be able to be WE-ed around. Some lore would also need to be written up for the rock lobster I think.
  12. Guys keep voting! We are #30 which is better than last week but not where we want to be! GO GO GO >:D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NomadGaia


      *lazily fishes because he already has voted

    3. BrandNewKitten
    4. Bakerismaxamis


      I put my vote in for the day already.


  13. Please for the love of Malin add in the time when he tried to ask Hera out by the river... PLEASE
  14. Just did a mini-event in the iron mine. Watched someone burn to death...

    1. Bakerismaxamis




  15. So I was thinking... "How many posts do I have?" then I looked and I have exactly 1000. TIme for a Q&A thread?

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Yes..yes indeed..

  16. Not that it is any of my business but this is what the dreadfort looks like the day after the war IC a month. http://i.imgur.com/zqhmKDq.jpg

  17. Some renderings of my two characters http://imgur.com/VDQr51W,rsAYoBO#1

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Yea they upgraded novaskin check it out

    3. BrandNewKitten
    4. MonkeyCoffee


      Ooooh! I didn't even know that whilst I used it yesterday >.<

  18. I will soon be upgrading my ram from 4GB to 8GB and also a better video card :D Maybe I will finally be able to create high quality videos. Maybe start a LP?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NomadGaia


      I would Subscribe

    3. SpaceOOOfAids


      Where is the best place to download RAM? The Indian guy said I should download more RAM when I was giving him my info for the free PC online inspection.

    4. BrandNewKitten


      You don't download RAM. It is like a little memory stick that you add onto your computer... basically.

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