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Everything posted by seannie

  1. Just downloaded the Game of Thrones mod for Mount and Blade Warband, why didn't I do this earlier.

    1. Googlesearch
    2. Moot


      What is it called? :o

    3. comanderbly^


      Clash of Kings is the name, and yes, it is amazing, loyal to the books and not the series.

  2. Okay wtf, I log in, I get jump boost for 3 minutes, and for some reason it doesn't allow me to jump. (Ironic I know) and then I get hit with a roll back, having to restart building half a ship, fml

  3. bye bye flays, you had a good run

  4. people can't handle my maturity of dealing with topics, oh well

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cracker


      I saw 2pok 20 minutes before he got banned

    3. 3andD


      i was sleeping :/

    4. Aislin


      i was eating a sandwich and didn't see him all day :(

  5. Worst battle ever :^(

  6. uh really confused here but when is nexus approximately being released?

  7. uh really confused here but when is nexus approximately being released?

  8. Oops. I did it again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. E__V__O


      What happened?

    3. Volutional


      He made a character related to the Andals of the Vale.

    4. SirSnowMan
  9. Character Name: Ser Captain Edmund 'Ed' Arryn Nicknames: Hawk, Ed. Age: 33 Gender: Male Race: Human, Crownlander Status: Bored Description Height: 5'10 Weight: 180 pounds Body Type: Muscular Eyes: Lightish Grey Hair: Dark Brown Skin: Dry, Rough Markings/Tattoos: Scar from hair cutting accident, lost his left ear Health: In shape Personality: Rash, Arrogant, fool-hardy, cynical, strong-willed, wroth, somewhat greedy, proudful, deceitful, Ambitious, arbitrary. Inventory: Sword(long), Shield(heather), flaying dagger(curved), bow(long). Pack of food, armor (helmet, chestplate, greaves, gauntlets, gorget, iron lined boots, shin guards, shoulder guards.) Further Details: Is a marathoner, running to and fro in Anthos, rarely stopping, is a mountain trekker, swimmer, good swordsman, has above-average reflexes, good eyesight. Life Style: Alignment*: Lawful Evil (only in affect with his superiors) Deity*: The Creator Religion: The Reformed Faith Alliance/Nation/Home: House Flay, Kingdom of Galahar, Island of Galahar Job/Class: Captain Title(s): Knight Captain Profession(s): Swordsman, longbowman, spearman, crossbowman. Special Skill(s): Witty speaker, sharp mind. Flaw(s): Says before thinking, arrogant. Magic* Current Status: N/A Arch-type: N/A Sub-Type: N/A Rank: N/A Weakness(es): N/A Strength(s): N/A Current Spell(s): N/A Weaponry Fighting Style: Offensive, aggressive. Trained Weapon: Sword, Shield, Longbow, spear, crossbow. Favored Weapon: Sword, Shield, Longbow. Archery: Average. Biography Parents: George/Joanne Siblings: Artus Children: Several bastards. Extended Family: Greymanes Pet(s): Messenger bird. History: Edmund is one of the three sons of George and Joanne Arryn. Although remarkably intelligent, Edmund was never interested in letters or scientific pursuit. As a child, he would use his cunning abilities to avoid doing anything he would not fancy - homework, house chores, etc. His interest was strictly limited to hunting, since the thrill of the chase was paramount. The bigger the prey, the greater the reward. He paid heed to only one person in his life, his mother. Since his birth, Edmund had loved his mother deeply. Her care for him was always sincere, and she always tried to protected him. On that fateful day she died - giving birth to another child, Edmund was broken. It was after that event, that Edmund’s father realized that something was changing in his son, deep inside his mind. Edmund became taciturn - taking solace in hunting. His relationship with his father and brothers became tense and cold. He no longer cared about anything, anyone. A few years after his mother’s death, Edmund’s father followed. Edmund wasted his inheritance very quickly as he drowned his sorrow and loneliness in alcohol, harlots, and gambling. Needing money, Edmund worked for the Valois household, but to his disappointment the pay was minimal, and his feeling of isolation only grew. To fund his habits, he started stealing from the Valois, and he was very successful, as no one ever suspected that he was the one taking precious gold, gems and jewellery. Edmund realised that in these kinds of acts, lay his true potential. He continued his habit of thievery up until his left the Household, moving to richer prospects. After the downfall of Elysium, Edmund fled with the thousands of refugees to the ships. The first city Edmund stumbled upon was the city of Kingston. Looking for a new job, he looked around, but almost everybody turned him down, as he was one of so many refugees and he had no trade or apprenticeship - thievery was not something to declare openly. The only job he managed to find was with the Shields - but this left him with little time or opportunity to hone his thieving skills. Edmund’s time with the shields only frustrated him further. He frequently fought his fellow guards, and was bored almost all the time. One day, while patrolling the streets, Edmund came across a group of armed men, their helmets on - a violation of the city laws. Edmund couldn’t help but feel somewhat intimidated by the men, the foremost of which was approaching him. The man in fact, asked Edmund for a fight, with fists, a smile barely noticeable past the man’s bandanna. As Edmund lay on the ground afterwards, his mouth and face bloody, he heard the man’s voice. His name was “Scar Eye” and he wanted him to come with him for some work. Feeling disoriented, but also still very poor, Edmund accepted the offer. Unbeknownst to Edmund was the true nature and identity of the men he had met. They were soldiers from House Blackmont, renowned across the Empire for their violence. Initially, Edmund was terrified of his fellow soldiers, his new home, and most of all - his new employer. Augustus Blackmont was a strange man, cruel cold eyes, a hard stare. Yet as time went on Edmund - now dubbed “Hawk” because of his prowess in hunting- began to see the man as a father figure, something that the other men already clearly did. In Augustus he had a place he could call home, no matter how dreadful, brothers, no matter how cruel, and a father - no matter how demented. The rest fell into place quite quickly. So desperate was Edmund in his desire to fit in, to find a place amongst the others, he desensitized himself to the occurrences in Blackmont much faster than the other recruits. His progress was marked by Lord Blackmont, and he became one of his favorites. However, Hawk noticed more and more men being recruited, some more deranged than him, more willing to do evil than him. Not wanting to be replaced, be thrown out, Hawk geared himself to be more than the others, he looked at is as a competition of sorts. Just like a hunt. Now, nearly two decades have past since Edmund first joined the Blackmonts, he was a front liner in wars along with his comrades killing his enemies with brute force, the hardships of war turned Edmund into a strong-willed man in his early thirties, his father like figure, Augustus, died of old age, his enemies, the Teutons, were disbanded by the Emperor, and his new Lord was murdered at his own celebration feast, and causes a rebellion that burned the castle to the ground, making the loyal troops relocate, Lucius was now his new lord, he rebuilt the Dreadfort from the ground up once more, this time located behind Abresi. Several years past by, nothing of interest happens, simple raids occur, his lord made justicar, the name Blackmont changed back to Flay, and just the normal walk around Abresi, but then, all hell broke loose. The Dwarves, declare the Blood Pact between the two races was broken and declared war on the Empire Of Oren. Armies were mobilized, and in the middle of it, the Sergeant, Edmund Arryn, help his veteran sergeant, a Dwarf fighting his own race, called Short Steelshanks by his subordinates and superiors, gather the squad. The Flay army soon forms outside of Abresi, and marches on with the Chapter of Lion, gathering the forces of Oren as they walk through the heart of the Empire. The White Rose soon add their bulk to the army, and other petty nobles bring their bannermen to add to the army. The Army gathered thousands of men, and all those men, formed at the Nation Crossroad river. Foxholes were built, and men prepared their bows. Shortly after, the vastly outnumbered Dwarven army positioned them self on the other side of the river, and the battle commences. Edmund had no clue what happened at the battle, as soon as it started, the first volley of arrows strike into the Empire's army, killing men all around, and unfortunately, lands home inside of Edmund's chest, breaking through his chestplate and all. Seeing that he was a ranked soldier, a medic dragged him off of the battlefield, where Edmund passed out from the pain. Hours past, the battle was over, Edmund had hear that the Flays had dealt a crushing flanking attack, killing most of the Dwarvish army, and routing them. Edmund, was lying in what used to be a battlefield, he was lined beside rows on rows of injured soldiers, he saw that he was saved by a random battle medic, his torso wrapped in dirty linen. Stumbling around the piles of dead bodies from all races, he finds his comrades, by seeing their plain obvious bandannas, and walks over, looting with his friends. \\ (( Got bored past this point, so it gets pretty much down hill from here Nearly two years have past after that battle, Edmund had heal completely but little does he know what will happen soon. The sh*t hits the fan. Out of nowhere, the main bulk of the Empire's army and figure head of the Empire, the White Rose and the Emperor decide to take a fleet and sail away in search of new land when the Empire needed them the most. That got them to acquire the Kingdom of Kaedrin. But Edmund ignored most of it, only bothering himself with information within the Flay ranks, the men were growing reckless, attacking Orenian Nobles in plain sight, and murdering members of the privy council. The new Emperor, a young untrained young man, declares white peace. The terms for peace were so out of this world that Edmund thought they were surrendering. They had to let the Elves independent, had to give up the Kingdom of Kaedrin. The Kingdom of Salvus had already backstabbed Oren, declaring them self traitors. The Flays were reduced back to only holding the Dreadfort near Abresi. Edmund is made Acting-Captain in place of Drelik Letholdus for an unknown period of time. He hears of an alliance made between House Flay and House Silverblade. Edmund realizes that the two houses put together caused massive chaos in the Kingdom of Oren that wasn't seen before in Anthos. A full blown rebellion emerges from a group led by angry dissatisfied nobles, led by the alliance of Silverblade and Flays. Leading half of the Kingdom to march against the other half, but soon after, an other Kingdom emerges from the west in the Kingdom of Oren. The Kingdom of Savoie, a religious Kingdom made of holy men, splitting the Kingdom into more confusion. The three Kingdoms were given a term by the Dwarven King, it was either to be vassalized or be crushed. All three Kingdoms declared themselfs vassals and stopped fighting, and tended to their Kingdom, preparing them self againt the north Artwork
  10. really, a roll back, seriously, just lost my entire build :/

    1. Lark


      How long a rollback?

  11. The Antagonist for some reason remind me of the Blights from Dragon age.

  12. that was a funny conversation with Danny and mog

    1. Space


      A lot of stuff was leaked in that conversation.

    2. SirSnowMan


      My innocent eyes are now scarred.

  13. I'm racking up all these kills

  14. Edmund taking his normal walk around the Dreadfort and nearby lands, spots the letter of application, with a shrug, he takes it back to his room, and reads it over, inspecting every last words for any minor faults. Satisfied with the letter, he leaves his room and searches for his fellow Sergeant, Xander, he hands the letter of application over to Xander saying, "He's in your squad if you'll accept him, just send the man a bird back and we can do an interview or something." (( We will talk to you in IC anytime possible. ))
  15. Get ready for the steam summer sale!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu


      I have been saving for weeks. Hoping for a discount on skyrim dlcs. I have a list of games I am watching for so as to not overspend

    3. Evilbanana5757
    4. Jarkarll


      Tealulu with the plan

  16. Why do people say the same excuse? Like, my computer sucks so I can't pvp. Lolwat, my computer sucks d and I'm still decent a pvp. It's something called tactics, use it pls, it will help.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mmat


      Get your own friends and gank back then.

    3. Mucky


      cuz ur cuul

    4. Elfen_


      The idea of having PvP as default worrysome. Not everyone is good at PvP fighting. Infact I know people who are better are at RP fighting than PvP.

  17. The Roose is loose.

  18. Didnt the holy lands in Asulon receive a bunch of meteorite events? (On phone)
  19. Just noticed something that doesn't affect this server whatsoever, about 70% of the rp women/girls in this server have red hair.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ford


      They're called gingers.

      They do not have souls.

    3. Saviordude


      So what, Red Hair is HAWT!

    4. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      They're all half-dwarf.

  20. Can the server calm down on the mob spawn? It's kinda of scary to be greeted by a horde of hostile mobs when you're just walking around:/

  21. Am I the only one that can't make a book a quill?

    1. JtPv


      Book+Ink Sac+Feather :P

    2. darth sithlord
  22. When I try and make a gate it keeps showing on chat "Not enough blocks to trigger mechanics" 3x and "Failed to find a Gate" Over and over, anyone know how to fix that?

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