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Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by seannie

  1. hippity hoppity get off my property dwarves

  2. holy **** turn off mobs


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. UnBaed


      Turn them off.

    3. seannie


      i thought we were focusing on reducing the lag on the server apparently not

    4. Demotheus


      I don't experience any lag at all, so idk what you're talking about.

  3. how deep does this rabbit hole go

  4. how long till oren can retake warclaim initiative?

  5. how many months has it been since dewper has been trying to warpath haense

  6. I am not a fan of the Imperial Horenist Faction!

  7. i am of the opinion that haense must be destroyed, can i please be added to the anti haense chats? cheers thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RaccoonPete


      Agreed, honestly **** Haense. Especially @seannie that guy is annoying af

    3. seannie


      aw shiiiiiiet my haensas 

    4. Valaryon
  8. i blame savoy for starting it all 

  9. i choose the emperor, exde

  10. i did not have sexual relations with that polar bear

  11. i didnt know you could skype bomb discord servers in the year 2022

  12. i dont think this was worth 7k-courlander

  13. i dont think we were suppose to win that

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thornz


      dewper you retarded ****** we won because of nathan

      anyone with half a brain cell can see thats the only reason we won

    3. Guest


      @McThornzlove u

    4. Thornz


      Tsk tsk what would your fancrush master dpm think if he saw you saying something like that to me.

  14. i hate vege

    1. Vege


      i hate seannie

  15. i hear wonk legs taste good

  16. i just want warclaims on warband

  17. i love alpha testing 6.0 i wonder when its going to fully release bug free 

  18. i missed a good fight because of game of thrones ?

    1. Callistus


      bet you’re brimming with regret.

    2. RandomTraveller


      thats a double yikes

  19. i need schematica

  20. i will destroy renatus

    1. Vege


      no, i will destroy renatus 

    2. seannie


      i called dibs

  21. i wish to become a darkest dungeon rper 

    1. MickMeist


      Even the cold stones seem bent on preventing passage.

    2. Telanir


      Those who covet injury, will find it in no short-supply.

  22. i wont give 7k minas!

    1. Ducklingator


      are you sure though

  23. id like to formally congratulate james2k for recently achieving 10k rep, thank you for your service

    1. ScreamingDingo


      get away from my crown james2k

    2. Charles The Bald
  24. if the pixels  of your minecraft skin's eyes are 3 wide, i consider you a mutant 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Wrynn


      good thing the eyes on my skin are 4 pixels wide 

    3. Ducklingator


      3 pixel eyes are a sin yes

    4. Juststan147


      i have perfectly normal eyes of 2 pixels if you didn't notice

  25. if ur forum post trash im throwing it into my fireplace 

    1. osumanduas


      ur momma is trash, I threw her out of my ftb

    2. Harold


      nice to see 

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