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  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  1. I feel like, of all the stereotypical edgy characters of LotC, frost witches are the only ones that are really heavily based on negative stereotypes of one group of people. Men are a primal beast that just want to **** and they will do that even with random blue creatures. And then if the male rps in any other way, you get that passive aggressive ooc about meta and ****.

    I dunno. I guess I just see frost witches as being pretty uninspired villains.

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    2. Neri


      Sorry for the late reply -

      I would disagree that the Frosties are the sole characters based on "sexist notions". In fact, there's a much bigger scale of 'sexism' on the server - Oren. Oren in general is or has been extremely "sexist" (although less so nowadays, there's been female saints and knights), although this can be justified by stating that it's mimicking the medieval ages. The only flaw I find in that is that the LOTC world is not analogous to the real one in terms of genders, unless you use the "four brothers" ancient lore to state that women are inferior, etc. Women are just as capable as men in the LOTC world, so it seems strange to have a patriarchal society just pulled out of thin air.

      On the other hand, with the Mori, a sexist (in this case Matriarchal) society made sense, since Nemiisae loved the ladies and only bestowed various gifts upon her favorite gender, as far as I can remember.

    3. zaezae


      I personally don't have a problem with either Oren or Mori. Characters are are to themselves, and they have to be justified. After all, people that murder for money, baseless religious reasons, and racism all happen on the server. I've seen an Olog try to eat a baby. I've seen a woman drowned for being an elf. A man flayed because he couldn't remember a prayer. Sexism is to be expected, as this isn't tolerance simulator 2015. That said, elder scrolls approach is one of my favorites: Don't worry about gender.

    4. zaezae


      But like I think I will let this go lol. Dum notifications turning status updates into threads. 

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