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    ask in rp
  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  1. I feel like, of all the stereotypical edgy characters of LotC, frost witches are the only ones that are really heavily based on negative stereotypes of one group of people. Men are a primal beast that just want to **** and they will do that even with random blue creatures. And then if the male rps in any other way, you get that passive aggressive ooc about meta and ****.

    I dunno. I guess I just see frost witches as being pretty uninspired villains.

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      'twas a light hearted jest!

    3. Birdwhisperer


      "but if you take away the tricking, or seduction, or wahtever, you get rather generic villains."

      When I said some don't use seduction I did not mean they don't use trickery, simply that some of them don't use sexuality as part of the trick at all. So the complaint about exploiting a stereotypically male weakness doesn't even apply most of the time.

      "and it's not unempathetic to criticize peoples characters. maybe i said a few too definitive statements, but i'm sure your characters are all really well flushed out and fun to play and interesting, but just saying 'the basis for these characters comes from a place of not-so-good-stereotypes' is not unempathetic. Having a dissenting viewpoint is fine, no?"

      I appreciate what you're trying to do, but you have not at all been offering any kind of constructive criticism by outright saying all frost witches are edgy. Or claiming that we complain passive-aggressively if you don't RP a male character as a horny slob. No one has ever done that. We complain about actual meta, because meta sucks and is hugely damaging to our RP.

    4. Space


      I feel like it wasn't meant to be constructive. It was an observation that, out of all of the characters on the server, the frost witches are the only ones that are at least partially based on sexist notions.

      I mean, status updates are my thoughts, not a feedback post meant to inspire change.

      and i never outright said all frost witches were edgy. I said that, at their basis, if you take away the most interesting part of their lore (the fact that they use seduction and trickery instead of brute force), you are left with an edgy cannibal. Edgy meaning uninspired, unoriginal, generally lame.

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