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    ask in rp
  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  1. I feel like, of all the stereotypical edgy characters of LotC, frost witches are the only ones that are really heavily based on negative stereotypes of one group of people. Men are a primal beast that just want to **** and they will do that even with random blue creatures. And then if the male rps in any other way, you get that passive aggressive ooc about meta and ****.

    I dunno. I guess I just see frost witches as being pretty uninspired villains.

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      tricking =/= seduction, few of us use seduction. you said seduction was the issue, because it was sexist. none of us whine when a dude character isn't drooling over ours, we whine cause of the meta we get on the low-low. 


      frosties aren't based off a single stereotype, they're based on a ton of lore of creatures that trick people to overcome weakness.


      the basis of these characters doesn't come from not-so-good stereotypes. it comes from folklore like wendigo's and other creatures that eat people and trick them. frost witches are all female because the vast majority of the server is male dominated. the eating men thing is a quirk, and i think it's interesting.


      calling my character an edgy cannibal and implying that the villain rp of a whole group is stale and sexist is kinda rude

      dissenting opinions are not fine

    3. zaezae


      You're making a classic mistake. The character comes before the curse. Besides, criticizing a character for their beliefs/habits/etc. is honestly a very silly practice. Especially when your criticism is based off of a very narrow reading of a character or by counting how many sharp metal objects they have.

      As I've said, the word 'edgy' has no meaning.

    4. Space


      i was with you sorta until dissenting opinions are not fine

      dissenting opinions are perfectly fine

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