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Status Updates posted by Samoblivion

  1. Well, that's the end of the film and here is the Meaning of Life...

  2. Well, the one day my Minecraft jar isn't working half the lords of Oren are apparently killed off. Figures.

  3. Well. That Doctor Who Christmas special was atrocious.

  4. Well... I've put a hell of a lot of thought into this, and I've decided to apply for the Event Team as an actor. I'm off to work on my app now. Wish me luck :)

  5. Welp, if I've learned anything from that taster psychology lecture it's that pop music contains a hell of a lot of subliminal satanic stuff O.O

    1. Shadeleaf


      You should have learned about the humanistic approach, tis my favorite mind you. Unconditional Positive Regard, empathy, and openness as therapy for the patient instead of drugs...

      Go into abnormal psyc...

    2. V0idsoldier


      I dislike my psychology course. They focus on the biology of Humans rather than the thought process. I'm interested in things like behavior and what not, so this course sucks for me :/

    3. Shadeleaf


      Hehe... Psychology 101, you'll get to the fun stuff eventually~

  6. Welp, since my RP with Kaelin is in a bit of a dry spell I guess it's time to revive Sa'Rhakka. Are there any Kharajyr communities left or should I just have her hiding in forests?

    1. Izo (charles/Sealhorn)

      Izo (charles/Sealhorn)

      pretty certain they have a new island now

    2. Geo


      We live in a new home now.

    3. Kaiser


      Kha still around? Most are dead or gone or something

  7. Welp... the time has come. I have my maths exam at 9:00AM tomorrow morning :/ . Good luck to any other folks from the UK who are sitting exams this week.

    1. shiftnative


      Aye, best of luck to ya!

    2. JackABeano


      Maths exam, next Tuesday, not looking forward to it. Anyhow, Good luck pal. :)

    3. ...


      Guess I'm sitting the same as you,good luck!

  8. What are the main active times for orcs? Krughanistan is empty right now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demotheus


      i'm usually on at varios times during the day. I'm the GrubGoth :3

    3. Dyrr


      I'm currently taking a small break form my orc, but I've always seen 5pm EST a good time.

    4. Dreek


      erik and azogs are pst, so usually around 5/6pm est

  9. What are the Orc active hours and where would I be most likely to find Orcs RP'ing?

    1. Stephensj


      4-9 PM EST


  10. What the fudge, Zarsies?

  11. What time's the battle in GMT?

  12. What to do with no internet to play lotc? Reinstall Warcraft 3, that's what ^.^

    1. MonkeyCoffee
    2. Samoblivion


      You should have stayed gone, Dutchy.

    3. Uboob ~Taron Geminine~
  13. What with the Court of Souls and the Eternal Librarian being a think I sort of want Ghost Nationalism to be a thing.

  14. What year did we arrive in the Fringe? I'm sure we were in the 1300s last time I checked, although now we're in 1462.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaun


      1352 was when Blunder and I awoke the evil in Asulon so, in Rp, around 1360-70s was when we arrived in Anthos, an and Anthos was near 80 years, so I'd bet we arrived in the Fringe in about the 1440s?

    3. yopplwasupxxx


      1459 or 58 i think

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      All wrong.

      We arrived in the Fringe in aprox. 1458.

      Aegis ended in 1352. We left Asulon in 1402. We spent aprox. 10 years in Elysium and Kalos, entering Anthos in 1410, aprox.

  15. What's happening about this Spleef tournament that's meant to be one in half an hour?

  16. What's happening with this Nexus cooking error? I'm told that the only things that are affected and can't be crafted with are ingredients with expiry dates, but I have a stack of dough that can't be made into bread.

    1. ShameJax


      It's probably a glitched stack that lost it's metadata; most likely during the update to 1.8.

    2. Space


      I heard it was the responsibility of someone who left so who knows when it will be fixed.

    3. Ragadorus


      They also lose the metadata during resets under specific circumstances. I had three stacks of chainmail rings that couldn't be used as chainmail rings.

  17. What's the best way to get into High Elven RP? Playing someone's child or just making a character and hopping right in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      Making a new character is fairly easy from what I've seen.

    3. Samler


      As a high elf, if you make a new one and say you was from this small village, it's all goodie, there is also those which is all like "Ohh yes, I lived with you, was a part of the guards and all" and people look at you wierdly knowing it's not quite true, and the child idea is good too, just none 'free' at the moment, can always PM me if needed be.

    4. Kaiser


      realize everyones and asshat ic but everyone's really nice ooc.

      and try to join a family

  18. What's the code for putting a spoiler into a post? I'm awful at BB code,

  19. What's your soundcloud again?

  20. Whatever happened to that LOTC Starcraft II team Entheri tried to start? I was really looking forward to dying horribly to an MMM rush.

  21. Whelp, I said what I thought was a greeting in elven, but I somehow offended a group of high elves... yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Suika


      You were correct, but it depends which High Elf you were talking to, a lot don't believe the other races will ever rise out of their own ignorance and don't bother communicating with them. (Source: My character is a High Elf)

    3. Samler


      Voilence towards a mali'ker! I am dissapointed, it is all your foult! Jokes, you just met an angry high elf. I would have let you go... With no wounds.

    4. Samler


      Voilence towards a mali'ker! I am dissapointed, it is all your foult! Jokes, you just met an angry high elf. I would have let you go... With no wounds.

  22. When someone asked about why everyone hates each other in Britain in /r/AskUK I felt obliged to reply in the best terms I could - http://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/1gezsm/why_is_there_general_resentment_toward_the/caksmvn

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Everyone hates each other. Ergo the system works. Such is life in the glorious United Kingdom!

    3. Samoblivion


      @Matt Ever been to Glasgow?

    4. mmat


      That's beyond the wall where the wildlings live, we do not speak of it.

  23. When will the Event Team be sorting through the mountain of apps that have built up? I realise that Viper's been inactive for quite a while, so maybe it's time that an interim leader was elected?

    1. aron.


      Vote shift 2012?

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