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  1. @Fireheart What is the point of these new rules? Why can’t a PRO control the roads of his own territory? Why cannot he alter them as he sees fit?


    White Rose checkpoint and the Dour Watch keep come to mind as historic road checkpoints that added to RP. Instead, you’re removing nation autonomy in favor of RP breaking, invincible and unmalleable roads.

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    2. Sky


      Wouldn’t the more sensible thing be to build it on the road leading to the nation? I don’t know, this is just my input on it of course and I am willing to be wrong.

    3. Temp


      Oh god! How will the ignorant and helpless players ever find their way around a simple fort!? Surely we couldn’t just let them rely on common sense and co-ordinates! And build another road!? PAH!

      Edited by Temp
    4. TheNanMan2000


      It depends on the intent of Renatus.  If they want to protect specifically their own road to their city, then yes, although if their enemies are in the north, and they want to inhibit the northern nation/s, forming such a roadblock would be a good tactic for doing so, especially when you consider to get around that roadblock when approaching from the north you have to either swim across that small river next to the roadblock, or go right around Renatus so that you’re approaching from the south.  I believe this fort is a good tactic of warfare, without needing to send a group of goons to attack your target.

      Edited by TheNanMan2000
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