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Everything posted by Treshure

  1. activated my trap card lmfao
  2. if ur not listening to this when maxing, ur not livin
  3. Harassment, Hate & Predation are named into the same category because they are often dismissed under the assumption that it is strictly "in-character", when it frequently is not. Blaming me for "trying to conflate RP actions with IRL beliefs and behaviors" is exactly the sort of behavior this video is trying to address. I'm not advocating for a witch hunt of all RP that doesn't align with IRL values - I'm trying to draw attention to the fact that some folks are not so detached from their characters as they'd like you to think. I understand where you're coming from. We need to be prudent every step along the way. But calling for moderation can be harmful before the change has even begun.
  4. Aside from you having your name public on many Discords, I think this shows that you're missing the point on why I took this on camera.
  5. This is meant to stimulate a conversation. Locking or deleting it won't stop that.
  6. What is the OG name of the Cloud Temple?
  7. Good evening, guys. I'm back to work on a new video - The Duke's War, Part I. It details one of the most disastrous civil wars of Oren way back in 2015. It's going to involve a lot of sets, a lot of actors, and a ton of moving parts. I think you'll really like it, but a lot of preparation will be required to make it happen. As the videos I set out to make get more complex, I find myself wrangling whoever I can to coordinate within rather difficult scenes. It's usually a chaotic, last-minute mess. This is my attempt to get one step ahead. I'm looking for actors! There are quite literally zero requirements other than your willing and able spirit. I hope to get a Discord going where we can all be in one place and hang out - it'll be easier to coordinate dates and group sizes from there to film. In exchange, I am able to offer you... credits in the video. I used to have a budget, but in lieu of that, I can make your name appear all sparkly and such in the credits. Great deal, eh? If you're interested, please hit me up on Discord (Treshure#1736) or drop your Discord in the comments below.
  8. "Placeholder Elf" bids himself as an ultra-rare NFT.
  9. A far-off wizard slaps the rump of a wagon horse, sending a crate brimmed with gold to help fund the Du Loc Flames. "They shall pass the next round!" he said, winking into the camera.
  10. I've been delaying this post for a while, but recent events have made this a nail in the coffin. This will be my formal resignation from Community Administrator. If you take nothing else from this post, just make sure to shuttle @HogoBojo into the position as soon as possible. He's been your guy for a while. I've been involved with Lord of the Craft for almost 9 years now. It's been an incredible run. There is truly nothing else like our community out there on the internet, and my only regret is not having already shared more of what we have to offer. LotC at its best is a whirlwind of personalities, ideas, and passions that craft a world worth escaping into. I'll never stop advocating for that, and I want to sincerely thank every person who has poured the amount of time into this server that they have. You have a massive stake in what we are. All leaving posts are peppered with "life goes on", and this one is no exception. My living circumstances have changed so radically that I no longer have the time nor the passion to look after things like I ideally would want. I've treated the server purely as a place to relax from the day for a while now as an Admin, and its a disservice to my team and the server as a whole. Though I had hoped to smoothly transition to the next Administrator, a recent event within the Administration has spurred my leaving. While I had successfully pushed to remove an active pest from our playerbase (some of you may be familiar with the Terms of Service violation), the lengths of which it had to go with a certain individual quite frankly disgusts me. I cannot morally participate in an environment that drags its feet on issues that concern our youngest players, and I know that I do not have the time or circumstance to fix it myself. I only hope that those involved in the situation take a critical look at themselves and what kind of an environment they would like LotC to be. That's all I'll say on that matter. It's been a pleasure, everyone. if life pans out the way I want, I'll be here and there as your casual role-player and perhaps even as a future Tech, as I still believe in the dream that our server could be. I'm glad to have represented the Community, and I'm forever honored by the shot that you gave me. Stay classy, guys. Best, Caleb
  11. Fantastic video, I really like the incorporation of atmospheric sounds into it.
  12. Providence residents turn to Azdromoth worship after realizing the error of their ways, circa. 45 of the Second Age


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Werew0lf


      i hate azdromoth ngl


      i hate u also

    3. Ryloth


      holy **** i love providence now???

    4. AnonymousAlexa


      Providence just got a lot more based ngl

  13. I think that's the point of this post. You know just as well as I of how brutally toxic our community was four, five, six years ago. "Barbecuing routers" wasn't just a joke, it was god damn reality. The key here is hitting home on these points again and again, year after year, even if we keep making progress. Minecraft roleplay is already so much more of a collaborative atmosphere than other roleplaying communities. It's a damn shame if we try and cap it because it's hard to imagine people being more collaborative. The hard part is done by even getting this kind of community to exist. Let's keep making it better.
  14. this duke's war video is coming at a juicy time

  15. shitposts shouldn't take this long to make
  16. you already know I’m with my boys in pink 😳😤😤😤😤😤
  17. i'm going to start deleting reserved comments, don't @ me
  18. Thexan Ithelanen pages over the chronicles of his lineage, fingers tracing over the gilded frames of the artistic recreation, "Sack of Malinor". Many of the details of this genocide were left omitted by his recollection. It was, of course, written by Imperial hands. "Dacael Savus Lye'Imperi," he murmured with bitter, ironic intonation. He gripped the wooden rail that traced his study with an old and rising anger. Gripping, gripping, gripping.
  19. Who here has messed around with composing digital music? I've got a unique task for you if you're up for it.

    Discord: Treshure#1736

    1. Ryloth
    2. DiamondHead


      haven't played lotc in a while but i'd be down

  20. meme videos and scrapped assets new content every time i fail to make actual content (Click & Zoom!)
  21. Lord of the Craft, It is with a sorrowful heart we inform you that a fellow player known as Gargerad has passed away earlier this year; this knowledge has only come very recently. Gargerad joined in 2014 and was quickly known for his love and prowess in building and more personally, the quality of being a warm and true friend. When I recall my personal interactions with Gargerad, I only remember how positive of a presence he was and the joy it brought to be around him. Countless others remember him this way, and the pain of this news is measureless. We’ve come together to make this thread today to celebrate his memory and pay our respects. We'll be shortly organizing a memoriam statue for Gargerad on the server itself.
  22. Removing Monk Guidance, changing Application Standards, measuring Tutorial Island's efficacy (25% reduction in first day quitting), restructuring /apply, organizing the bulk of the team into a rotational roster with measurable success (currently one application open at time of posting), the beginnings of the Wiki's front page rehaul, another project to improve the Wandering Soul experience... I mean, would you like us to dance as well? The above is more than enough to measure with a retention report. I wouldn't dare implement something like the Retention Plugin and muddle the results with everything else we've done. I'm sticking to my guns; we take measurable steps along the way to figure out what does and doesn't work. It's not flashy, it's not pretty, but it gets us there at the end of the day. As for the plugin's delay? You could have found me at any of the tech's doorsteps attempting to bribe them with delivered pizza. The issue is that techs have long operated on a "put-out-the-closest-fire", and there are some projects that are more immediately pressing. But if you've taken a look at the Staff roster, you'll notice an explosion of recent new techs. There's a bunch of really cool stuff happening behind the scenes, but I can't be the one to spoil that for you. Let's just say that it'll be a much finer start than CT farms.
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