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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. Is _The_Sultan_ (Godfrey) King of oren because he is a GM or is he a GM because he is king? ITS ALL A LIE

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Braxis


      Actually he si the Emporer and he had all the Rp behind him to become emporer since the people of Oren stood behind him and he worked for a good Real life month in order to become the leader of Oren.

    3. ayresalex


      He's a damn good one too.

    4. Lago


      He's in charge because he rebuilt the nation when it was on the point of extinction.

  2. I'm so alone, some one roleplay with me :'(

    1. Kaiser


      No, there are about a 10 to 1 ratio of royals in oren to peasants...

    2. Nummy


      so.. rp a peasant in oren and help even it out.

    3. Kaiser


      But then they **** on you -_- how is that fun

  3. I've met a mix of good/bad roleplayers. But when you say that you are "the actual king of Oren" is when I laugh at you and leave. This is why I say everyone is SOOOOO Important >:( just be a normal person, you are not king of oren or something. RAGE

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cyndikate


      The Mori has some good RPers too. ^^

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Join Levanthus! :3

    4. Rilath


      Join ShadowGunX! We have the best RPers! Oh, wait, I'm not a nation~

  4. I just saw spider man, really good, alot better then I would guess

  5. Is saying no require a VA? some one asked me if my shop was open and I said "No, not at the moment." he then said I need a VA to say no -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      That's nonsense. You don't.


    3. ek_knight


      Nope, you don't even need a VA to lie, so long as you aren't conning someone.

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      Of course you need a Va! Just like you need one to go to the toilet or breath. This person is either very, very dumb or they're trolling you.

  6. So I'm going to get DayZ/arma2, just some quick questions. 1- does it run for a mac, thats all I got right now. 2- will the LOTC DayZ server be still Roleplay? I'd like to know how that works. 3- Where can I buy arma2/DayZ exactly? Thanks

    1. Volutional


      Slightly roleplay, yes :0

      Don't know about Macs, I guess if it has Steam it can.

    2. Austin


      Google Can you run it and see if your char can handle it

  7. Stop calling me a master of african politics >:( I've gotten about 20 msg about that whats that mean?

    1. Jingeh


      It means you're a master of african politics.

    2. Everman111


      Did I start that cause I remember posting that on your profile.

    3. Everman111


      Or well something like that. If I did sorry.

  8. I have just noticed, every one I have seen today were all royal blood/some all knowing importance.... Stop Roleplaying that you are a god or some king, or something. You are just a person >:(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaiser


      People just act it, but the point is, EVERY ONE is important. Its like LOTC is Gotham city but there are 400 batmen walking around (yes i made a batman joke I love him <3 )

    3. Skippy


      Um. No, not really. You're thinking of Oren, not Asulon.

    4. Kaiser


      Haha, I'm just saying the more people I meet the more they are so important, like 1 in a million chance to meet them. What I'm trying to say that in the real world, not everyone is a superstar

  9. Please stop asking me to vote for the server, if you make people vote, they are just making a vote because of YOU- Not because the server is epic, so just calm down, people will vote...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. shiftnative
    3. danic


      I don't vote because these spammed status' annoy me to no end.

    4. ryno2


      ^ so you're not voting?

  10. BUY ME COOKIES 2012

  11. African Politics? wait, why would I rule africa? I mean.. nice snakes and stuff.. but so many starving children... but then again... wait.. what?


  13. Oh no, You feel that? Its the feeling of people useing "1337" talk in the server, oh no I'm stupid now!

  14. So arma2 and DayZ, run by the server? I've not gotten it yet but I hope to soon, is it really worth it?

    1. Miquill


      No it rapes your memory

    2. Tristan_P


      It's pretty worth it, I'd say.

  15. I just thought, what will happen to Asulon if the undead come again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bawg


      Fun Roleplay.. That is what will happen.

    3. EmeraldStag


      <_< Do you REALLY think that? Why can't we have a new horror to come along, instead of reuseing the old ones?

    4. Korvic



  16. I want to know if I'm crazy- I was rp like normal, and some one tried to glich me out of a chair- I told him not to, then I punched him so I wouldn't glich out or die. I warned him again, and once more, I then killed him... he then says "NO RP KILLING" An is trying to get me banned. am I crazy for this or am I right?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Korvic


      Your swearing is the major fault here, you need to keep a cool head at all times. I would be very surprised if you got banned for no RP kill as he does not have screen shots of the RP beforehand, just the death message. Don't worry about the no RP kill, worry about the swearing in OOC. That's what's going to get you. I have had someone try the same thing to me, to which I said in OOC for them to get off or I will kill them, they then got off. I can see how you're annoyed, it...

    3. Korvic


      can become very annoying very quick, however just keep a cool head and don't cuss. You are in the wrong here, but not for the kill, for the swearing in OOC. ^_^

    4. Kaiser


      Really the swearing was my own fault :/ I was so hyped at him egging me on and his shallow (But still upsetting) Threats of a ban. It wasn't thought through on my part...

  17. Every one in my town is ma because I made a gambling center and took their money.... The house always wins...

  18. MUHAHAHAHHA- I'm going to run the other stores out of town with my price of- FREE- Oh... wait...

  19. Every day, before I log off, I vote for the server. BUT- If I see ONE person tell me to vote, I do not vote. why? I will not be annoyed to vote for a server. I will vote if I want to...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    3. HapyBirdy


      Yea, Kinda bad logic, but really,

      I don't do things that promote servers

      (Not this one in specific) when they don't

      deserve it, in fact. I feel like

      I am gonna go vote now, lol!

    4. danic


      I agree. I go out of my way NOT to vote if I'm told to.

  20. I almost died from "Pink Fog" in my lounges, what is that exactly?

  21. Am I the only one on a mac when playing -_- I hate my laptop

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dasaro


      I have a mac :/ Not the

      best, but it still works!

      Little African boys dun

      have laptops...

    3. Everman111


      Kony plays on a Mac....Wait too soon?

    4. Kaiser


      I like how 2 out of 3 of the comments relate to africa being in hunger or holding a crazed dictator :D I'm a bad person

  22. How do you go about making a new character?

    1. Urahra


      Just make one. Change your name, donate for a race change, etc.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      You needn't donate for a race change. Simply do a /modreq and say you're current character has died and you require a full reset meaning skills, race, name, age, bio will be reset so you can fill in. You also lose all your money.

    3. Kaiser


      thank you, I'm in a RP situation when I die, and I'd rather have a new character then make one with the same skills

  23. I've been on this server longer then any other :D Its for a reason

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      You haven't been on the server longer, most people have been here longer than you.

    3. Ancora (pandalex12)
    4. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ( he means this is a server that HE has stayed on longest; meaning he left his other servers at a shorter time )>.>

  24. NOTE- What I do IC dosn't mean I may hate you OOC. Stop yelling at me in the OOC Chat for how much of a bad and rude person I am -_- Its roleplay, if you don't like it, don't play on a roleplay server. People are just rude sometimes....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      If someone's hating on you because of your character's actions, you can take comfort in the fact that they are an incredibly shitty roleplayer.

    3. ΚΨΙΞ
    4. Nireltëaiy


      ^^^ Yep, Xmrsmoothx said.

  25. First Time, got on, no problem. Server restarts? No problem getting on. Left and now getting back on, no problem :D

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