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Status Updates posted by Frigated

  1. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つMOLLY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  2. Any good builders wanting to help me out?

  3. Any ideas on what my new character should be? It's for my alt mc account.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cj_scout


      Kha'! We just got a new place to live right near CT. c:

    3. Frigated


      I might make a Dwarf, I can never do the Kha accent otherwise I would. (I have tried before!)

    4. SodaiKamikaze


      :D If you do, I strongly suggest the Starbreaker Clan. We arent as rowdy or have as many numbers as the other clans, but what we do have is a sort of tight knit family feel.

  4. Anyone else take off their t-shirt while having a ****? ( Bored Debates )

  5. Anyone fancy playing a noble child?

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Possibly kinda maybe.

  6. Anyone fancy playing a nordic female?

    1. Frigated


      Or a nordic character in general?

    2. xenenxnennxnx
  7. Anyone good with building small forts and what not? All my stone is included. I am also willing to pay.

    1. bickando


      omfg a cobble(?) fort so original

    2. Frigated


      I have all sorts of materials. Not just cobble. Generally stone is the most common however.

    3. JVQ


      I can build small forts yes

  8. Anyone have a dwarf and wanting to play a dwarf who is not in a clan PM me!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frigated


      Yeah, before I created my clan it was only for a day or so I quite enjoyed it.

    3. Hiebe


      Frigated you should revive the goldhands since youre a good merchant

    4. Frigated


      I created the Bloodshield's. I am also good at PvP so we are going to be a blend or merchants and warriors.

  9. Anyone want a child rping?

  10. Anyone wanting to create any Nordic based character? If so I have a large group of RP'ers with great Nordic immersion. Just send me a PM!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frigated


      That's because we have a guy from Norway and a guy from Sweden. I just do as I am told :<

    3. oyvey



    4. SortedJarhead


      ok hail jarl borsef ragnar lets go sail west ave pillage

  11. Anyone wanting to play a new character or a nordic-esk character PM me.

  12. Chronic Farts

  13. Databases are not fun. -Sits on the forums instead-

    1. Blundermore


      It's ironic because forums are essentially data bases with fancy gui's

    2. Frigated


      I know. Soo technically I am working with databases :)

  14. Does anybody get twitchy bum pain?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demotheus
    3. Samoblivion


      The technical term is deep vein thrombosis.

    4. Monomakhos


      Stop playing LotC.

  15. Does anyone have cube world? If so anyone want to come play with me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frigated


      I am level one also, come on ts?

    3. Frigated


      Or add me on skype: frigated.kyle

    4. Elfen_
  16. Don't do drugs kids.

    1. monkeypoacher


      do drugs. don't do frigated because he's a spooky spooky man.

    2. K00l


      Only british people should do drugs.

  17. Hanging out of my arse :(

    1. Dtrik


      Poop or your colon?

  18. Hasta la vista, baby.

  19. Hurray for ss reset!

  20. I made out that I was looking to play a female child in the previous status. However it's the other way around. I'm looking for someone to play a human female noble child.

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