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Everything posted by Truthseeker83

  1. MC Name: truthseeker83 RP Name: Vallel Skype Username: *I don't give that out publicly, however several here have it* Accepted Evils (VA Required): *evil grin* What my reputation and name alone isn't enough , I have links to them in my sig as well as my MA's For the lazy ones : Why do you want to join? (IC Answer Please!): "You fools intrigue me, how my old puppets have so easily found this new master. I wish to meet with him. I was informed by a masked man others refereed to him as the Judge that I would be given power beyond my dreams. I've seen such power but my dreams reach higher then that. My past is enough for anyone to desire me, what about you though why should I join this group?
  2. [[CALI ... BIG HUGS!!! Also great idea, I hope this guild works well it looks interesting. Luv ya sis!]]
  3. Loving my new job as tech support but i find little time for LOTC now :(

    1. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Welcome to real life :D

  4. Loving my new job as tech support but i find little time for LOTC now :(

  5. Enjoying my new orc character, never thought being an orc was this much fun.



      I play a were-orc #topswag

  6. Also back regarding the node itself. The roleplay generated by those around or effected by it could be great, due tot he fact of the energies around it causing chaos to any in the vicinity either physically or mentally. I approve of this lore and once its completely ironed out all the details hope it gets implemented. Great job once again Jistuma , why are you on the Lore team yet? On a personal note I think it would be great to have the event team use these nodes to make fun small events or even large scale ones that can bring roleplay in many different forms, from voices in the persons head to strange deformed creatures, or beautiful rare unicorn polar bears.. whatever you can think of only your imagination can stop you with this event team.
  7. My reasons for voting yes. I've lived through several tornados and I know the power they hold. Katrina was one of the worst ones that hit the area around where I live and utterly destroyed so much. Did Katrina ask us if we wanted the damage?... NOPE. However, after the storm things changed and for the better at least for a time. The community went all out to help one another, red cross , the church, and countless organizations bounded together to help those effected by the storm. In a similar way I could see an immense rp come from this if we do this right. A way that gives other nations a chance to come and help those who are hurt. For instance when another country suffers from any national disaster the US sends many volunteers over to help them. They rebuilt destroyed places with new improvements, they bring food and water, and the church even helps out (oren here maybe?) So yes.. I think this is an amazing idea for role play ... not only the event itself but the aftermath would be great if it is done correctly. Another example... what if lets say something destroy part of Mailnor and one or several great tree's were destroyed.. The elves and the humans , or even the high elves could work together to help rebuild if they can look past there differences for a bit. Not only that the Druids would have a very fun opportunity to use their magic to regrow some of the great trees. I have more but I must go now... I think this should do for a general idea of why I voted Yes.
  8. Its been a long day at work... man after spending so much time around food you start to hate it.

  9. Wonderful work Jistuma, thank you for this post. I may go over a few things with you later about it but for now lets just see how the community thinks and feels about the lore.
  10. So I got a new Avatar... wanted to know what the community though of it. Post your comments.

  11. "Death comes and goes just as life. The difference is one smells a lot better." Quote by Vallel.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Quoting yourself? Stay classy LoTC.

    2. Shorsand


      Egomaniacs anonymous.

    3. Truthseeker83


      Quote by my character... not myself completely different.

  12. Vallel sits in Lenfarthing, as she watches over Arzota's training.. her baby gently rubs against her smiling and the voices in her ears constantly nag her. She realizes her life needs to change course and as she watches how fast Arzota has grown in her care she smiles inside knowing its time to move on. "Arzota I just can't do it anymore. I am pronouncing you the Fallen Flame. I'm giving it to you" He places his hand on his forehead, shaking both lightly, not sure what to say. "Thank you mistress" The conversation continues but the point is made... A written statement is then posted among the guild boards . I Vallen Yuln am getting too old for this and leave the guild into Arzota's hands.. its fate now lies with him. Treat him with the same respect you did me as he leads you from now on. I will be in the shadows watching my children.. I still love you and feel free to come talk to me if you ever need to. Your mother always ~ Vallel
  13. Roams around the hallows becoming more and more mentally unstable. http://tinyurl.com/k2auhpo

  14. Roams around the hallows becoming more and more mentally unstable.

    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Welcome to the club.

  15. [ Absolutely amazing post by the way] The Fallen would appeared scattered throughout all the lands, some in every nation. Finding them won't be easy but not impossible. Vallel herself awaits in a dark room as she writes her books only a few know of her whereabouts even then not exactly where. She sends a few letters out on occasion in the cover of night to her guild leaders to keep in contact with the outside world.
  16. This is the only thing we would post around Anthos.. the rest is guild knowledge only!!! From the ashes we will rise From the shadows we will come Our flames will burn those who stand against us Our fires will heal those who stand with us. We are The Fallen Who are The Fallen? The Fallen are a group of like minded people, outcast from society for any number of reasons. Our goals are many, and constantly shifting, but the need for political change is always present, as for more physical means of operating against groups who wish to see us dead. We are not just another guild, we are a friends and family who work as a whole, spreading our ideals throughout the nations , and opposing all who stomp down the defenseless.
  17. Looking for a job sucks... :/

    1. Shorsand


      Ain't that the truth.

    2. Roxforbraynz



      You made me laugh my arse off. :P

    3. Katherine1


      Yup. Been doing just that for awhile.

  18. Vallel arrives at the guild house after leaving Mailnor... she prepares a message and leaves it for the guild to see. "Brothers, sisters, and children. We have been shunned, and accused of crimes that are false by the serpent himself Kalenz. With his silver tongue he has framed me and others in our guild and has not only Mailnor hunting us down but Oren as well. Those that wish to stand up and fight along with me, please send me a bird (PM on the forum) . I tried laying low but after hearing reports of friends, and loved ones being attacked in broad daylight I can no longer sit by idly. They wanted this war.. we shall let them have it. I require all who are able to stand with me, stand for our rights, our freedom and most importantly against those who persecute us . The Mali'aheral. For they are to blame for this. No other... for if they didn't prod the Elven and Human governments into doing this we would still have our freedom. I declare war upon them, I want the world to see the truth behind their masks. They will be exposed for who they really are... A meeting will take place later... I hope all can attend. Signed Mother
  19. - Completed Chapter 2 Added Chapter 3 (complete) More to come....
  20. Ugg.. Moving is a pain. I have so much to do and LOTC keeps drawing me in... why must you be so addictive LOTC.

  21. Where to begin, Vallel has been a character that has come far through the years of Auslon to Elysium and unto Anthos. From a sweet innocent girl who was scared to talk to people at the cloud temple until a brave mali [High Commander] approached her and invited her to Mailnor to live to the Killer and protector of Outcast she is today. What caused such a sweet girl to want to kill another in cold blood or even to shelter those who were weak? This story and more will be shown here in segments.. so sit back grab some food and enjoy. Prequel: Before Vallel was born [Most of this part is fictional and wasn't done in role play just backstory] Chapter 1: Youth and innocence [Taken from my Fire Magic application] Chapter 2: Innocent no more. Chapter 3: Vallel leaves her father. Chapter 4: Vallel becomes a slave
  22. [[updated Main Post and lore.. More changes coming later.]]
  23. Was murdered at the hands of the Dwarfs today at a GM festival of all places. Guess there is no place safe from those dwarfs.

  24. Meet you once with Amarath on the temp map between Aegis and Auslon... fun times that was. 8/10
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