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Everything posted by Fid

  1. Fid


    Your application has been: On behalf of the Application Team, and LoTC as a whole, I’d like to welcome you to our community! I will be implementing you to the server shortly. If you have any questions regarding the verdict on this application, the server's lore, or the beginning of your LoTC experience, please feel free to contact me via Discord (@Fidel#8253), a PM on these forums, or in-game. My Minecraft usernames are _Fid_ and 3quinox_. The Application Team also hosts a New Player Help Discord (https://discord.gg/eySYjqw) if you are interested in hearing from our team members and established players to receive help with the application process.
  2. Fid


  3. Fid


    Your application has been: On behalf of the Application Team, and LoTC as a whole, I’d like to welcome you to our community! I will be implementing you to the server shortly. If you have any questions regarding the verdict on this application, the server's lore, or the beginning of your LoTC experience, please feel free to contact me via Discord (@Fidel#8253), a PM on these forums, or in-game. My Minecraft usernames are _Fid_ and 3quinox_. The Application Team also hosts a New Player Help Discord (https://discord.gg/eySYjqw) if you are interested in hearing from our team members and established players to receive help with the application process.
  4. Fid


    Changed Status to Under Review
  5. Fid


    Your power- and meta-gaming definitions leave much to be desired. Check out the definitions available on the wiki for a better idea of what those are, but remember not to plagiarize them directly. Your character biography should include at minimum four pieces of server lore, which you can find on the wiki here, or on the Lore Subforum on this site. Playing a character who is "more intelligent" than others is not allowed, as it falls under the auspices of power-gaming. You may reapply in 6 hours. If you have any questions regarding the verdict on this application, or the server's lore, please feel free to contact me on Discord @Fidel#8253, a PM on these forums, or in-game. My Minecraft usernames are _Fid_ and 3quinox_. The Application Team also hosts a New Player Help Discord if you are interested in hearing from our team members and established players to receive help with the application process.
  6. Fid


    Changed Status to Under Review
  7. You mention Clerics and Paladins but not Ascended- what happens if I shoot flames at these special horses?
  8. Looks good! Expansions to existing lore which make it more interesting, always a +1
  9. sending thoughts and prayers to keintania

  10. We (the Ascended) suggested a "Holy City" a long time ago, but the others shot it down. Now that the League is fractured I don't think it particularly likely that we'll be living together.
  11. Fid

    Do you remember Varivik?

  12. I'm glad you kept the Blade Runner reference I slipped in there. On a more serious note I am very pleased with how this lore has progressed since I phased out of the project and obviously I give my full support/+1/etc. When we were starting this project I remember it being particularly important that the creatures be of such rarity as to effectively skirt the line of myth. There isn't meant to be a set progression from Doppelganger to Replicant because no such standard exists; each (of the two) homunculi who exist with souls received them in diverse fashions. It's intended to provide definition to an undefined concept and as such is both necessary and constructive.
  13. I happen to know that you've worked on this lore tirelessly for a long time, and it really shows. The effort displayed here is admirable and I commend you for it. Furthermore, while I cannot pretend to know the current feelings of the LT on Aengudaemonic submissions, I do know that you are willing to work with anyone and everyone to make this lore a credit to the server. Therefore, though I foresee possible issues and discrepacies, I can whole-heartedly and without hesitation give you my +1 endorsement. Nice work, Jordan.
  14. If only you had kept the mustache.
  15. I really like it. With this and the work on transfiguration, I think we can really start moving away from magical oversaturation and into something much more balanced.
  16. Rope oil. How do.

    1. ryno2


      cooking pot in "other"

    2. Fid


      Wonderful, thank you very much.

  17. Qdoba is best.

    1. monkeypoacher


      The burrito war begins...

  18. Ding dong, the Prince is dead.

  19. I don't usually approve of new race lore, but this looks extremely neat... If you can't get it passed as a player-available race, I recommend submitting it as an Event Creature.
  20. Perhaps the Monks ought to establish a the Central Bank of Athera and incite the ire of closet anti-federalists. Just food for thought.
  21. Now we understand why our ancestors feared the coming of winter. Woe be to those who are unprepared for the cold months; woe be to those who are not bundled up nice and warm!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StevenQuick


      I'm from Russia what is this cold you speak of?

    3. Fid


      I too am from Russia, friend. This cold is not foreign to me.

    4. Dilara(lotteje13)


      well :D just image how bad the houses were and how ppl stored food back then... and only heat source being a fire or body heat :>

    1. Fid


      It's a lie.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      MY character had quite the RP experience when he ate his first orange.

    3. V0idsoldier


      I've been eating pinecones to keep sustained no big deal

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