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Status Updates posted by ARCHITECUS

  1. aaaaauuurrrgghghhh

  2. Add another global OOC channel for racists like me

  3. anime game of thrones. you went too far

  4. Are player minimaps allowed?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      It shows players at any point of the Y-axis and if they are in sneak? lol why are you angry

    3. shortchangehero


      I'm pretty sure it hides players in sneak *angry face* 

    4. LatzMomo


      I think the Minimap is legal but the radar is not

  5. Are you associating with that Hussie fellow again?

  6. ATTENTION! ALL HUMAN PLAYERS: As I am the admin of a human skype chat, I will be requiring daily activity logs of your rp. If I do not receive these, or do not find them satisfactory, you will receive a ban. Thank you.

    1. LatzMomo



    2. Thatpyrodude


      ****! He is onto me!

    3. Taketheshot


      Watch out, the big dogs are back

  7. Bad at Warband! Laughing Out Loud!

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      I have dishonored my family.

      If you ever want to group up and get in TS and such, however, I'm down. Might learn a thing or two :P

  8. Beautiful Bungoday for Bungomagne!

  9. before the map change...

    anyone wanna do force fem rp with me

  10. Bow, you shits.

  11. Check out my ET app before the team explodes. Thank you

    1. Slayy


      Oh my, the return of the mad MAN

  12. could anyone put my Gold forum pex on please I want that icon (check my ig pex for proof)

  13. Could use a smoke

  14. Could you respond to me next time..? Regards.

    1. John Ivory

      John Ivory


      Was eating tendies

  15. damn kyle back at it again with them 2am raids

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. darth sithlord

      darth sithlord

      Love you alty but wasn't it 4 v 12?

    3. trol


      I would take 4 god tierly geared guys as opposed to the ten poorly geared people we had.

    4. lemontide331


      is he doing all nighters again???

  16. dey wuz germans on da english throne, emprah seezar had red hair n sheeeit. we aryanz waz kaaaangs n sheeeeit

  17. Did you delete our dialogue?

    1. Harri


      order from the higher ups, not wendigo's call

  18. dissent will be deleted, liquefied, and then burned

    1. Cracker


      Get this trash -> Off my forums

    2. Muhammadan


      who still plays meincraft??????? l0ser

  19. domestic terrorists led by anonymous mastermind plant 501 high explosive warheads around White House and Capitol building, cite net neutrality and right to roleplay

  20. Don't post anything like that ever again.

    I'm beggin ya.

  21. drumpf btfo'd already

  22. epic orcish landscar rp

    1. Stevie



  23. First Savoy HBO poster released to public: stay tuned to skype to find out more.

  24. George de Bar beams triumphantly, the tireless scheming of his race come to fruition in the rubble of Johannesburg.


    1. Cjmate


      I'm told that Vladovs cucked Guy de Bar. Is true?

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