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Status Updates posted by ARCHITECUS

  1. I spent the last two hours defending you from Alt-Right trolls on the internet. Could I at least get a hello?!

    1. Harri
    2. Ford


      beta orbiters need to hang

    3. Roggith The Destroyer

      Roggith The Destroyer

      so do you and your 'chosen people'

  2. I think I am going to bed soon. I had some nice roleplay. I have some homework to do, but I have hours tomorrow before class.

  3. I would like to be a drummer or fifer in the constitutionalist army if possible

  4. I'm gonna goo

    1. UnBaed


      I NEED TO WAKE UP AT 5:30

  5. I'm not a weeb I just really like berserk

    1. UnBaed


      That sounds like something a Weeb would say......

  6. If NSDAP symbolism is disallowed then Soviet, British, American, etc. symbols should be disallowed for their objectively (and arguably) more devastating effect on humanity. #NaziHatersGoHome #BeatHate

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Poland is a fake country concocted in 1963 to trick the Germans

    3. Space
    4. Narthok


      I feel like its oppressive and insensitive that the server's main language is english considering the imperialism and tyranny that have been perpetuated in this tongue!!

  7. if you like jojo you'll love this


    1. Space


      how much are you getting paid?

      S H A R I A B L U E

    2. seannie


      is this a reference to a popular japanese cartoon?

    3. Matheus
  8. Image of Syrian-Urguanian terrorist known as "Priceflash" leaked.


  9. imagine getting banned for accidentally posting a screencap of your hack client in global ooc

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      did that happen today?

    3. Harri


      funniest ban in a while

    4. bumblefina


      the worst part was he was trying to get someone else in trouble for powergaming

  10. In response to the ridiculously powerful Undead custom mobs/abilities I want to write a treatise on player enjoyment but it'll probably go to waste on whoever's creating these horribly OP things anyway

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      If I said yes would you suddenly agree with me?


      Regardless, I never even stated my opinion. I just don't see how 'player' enjoyment can be your sole justification for changing this. We can look in the past of LotC and see how people always ***** and moan no matter what- i.e. map size, distribution of land, war rules, raid rules, combat rules, etc. You have to look at things through a buncha different scopes not just something as decieveing as 'enjoyment' to get a better idea. And I think most people fail to do that.


      i also think it's nearly impossible to do that on a minecraft rolepalying server but still we can strive for an ideal



      If you said no, you'd have little ground to stand on. It's just a singular matter of how these Undead fights play out.

    4. Space


      then yes i have experienced many of these i watch all them and have experienced both sides


      checkmate i win?

  11. leric+must+pay+for+his+sins

  12. look at me look at me I played an overhyped poorly optimized indie game and I changed my entire profile to its theme

    1. Show previous comments  9 more


      I really enjoyed hollow knight idk what you're mad about

    3. Ambduscias


      isn't harry's avatar from hollow knight?


      **** you guys that game kicked ass, easily the most fun i've had in years (that i got from a video game).



      im albanian btw

  13. Look what you've done. You've gone and ruined my imperial wizard rp

  14. Lord of the Craft proudly hosted on TempleOS

    1. Slayy


      You the daddy



      my trap son

  15. mithius dalma spends some time in the east orient, gets a tan, and returns as tito dickman

    1. Jonificus


      character development at it's finest.

  16. My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fuckin hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.

  17. need me a dark or high elf gf

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Valarin_


      High elves > dark elves. They're some sexy women. 



      how would that help

  18. Nice Avatar. Loving It.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri


      Not quite dancing baby tier though.



      Hey Thanks. I Appreciate It. Take A Rep Or Two.

    4. Neri


      You're welcome, friend! Enjoy Myspace!

  19. Oh look, now even your avatar is a ******* mutant.

    1. Esterlen


      F*ck yourself, mutant. You will die at my sword.

  20. On February 3, 2016, the European Union recognized the persecution of Christians by Islamic State in Syria as genocide.[15][16][17][18] The vote was unanimous. The United States followed suit on March 15, 2016, in declaring these atrocities as genocide.[19] The vote was unanimous.[20] On April 20, 2016, British Parliament voted unanimously to denounce the actions as genocide.[21] A similar motion however failed in Canada when it was opposed by the majority of PM Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party.[22]


    @Space ?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space


      because it's something lots of neo-nazis say



      I mean I hate people like you. I hate this world created out of the ashes of WW2. Are you gonna go touch your Asian reproductive organ of indiscernible type from that fact

      But I love you man. There's no darkness without light. ?

    4. Space


      i love you too


      but what 'world' was created out of the ashes of WW2? Aren't you a patriot? It made America great??

  21. PC and xbox minecraft are becoming united, time to appeal to the call of duty crowd

  22. Please congratulate @Hunwald and @VonAulus on their first Overwatch(tm) experience guided by @Cracker and @Alterazgohg

  23. point 2 percent ahead

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