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About thewhiteknights(rarethorn)

  • Birthday 07/07/2000

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    In a russian submarine.
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  1. Name: Rarethorn Race: Elf Gender: Male Age: 155 Subject you wish to teach: Engineering Years of experience in that field of study: 10 years Military Engineer, Part of Dwarven Engineering Guild. Reason you wish to teach at our College: I wish to pass on what ive learnt so that the future can be developed by younger or other people when other engineers and I are gone. Your college also seems like a very nice environment. Faculty is paid 30 minas every three elven days. ((OOC)) Username: thewhiteknights Skype Name: Rarethorn1
  2. I like this idea because its a rather "innovative" type of group for this server, its not hack and slash (Human) but its not a pacifist (Elf's in my experience), but its not a race so its not the best comparison, if this gets implemented lets just say im finding the nearest monk ASAP
  3. Christmas break for me in 2 days :D! im gonna LOTC it up for christmas

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      Talent show on Thursday, so I get that off, so 1 day. Nerd.

    3. thewhiteknights(rarethorn)


      Ouch that hurts. And I will be with my family. But ive been in boarding school for a while so im also happy to get back on

    4. thewhiteknights(rarethorn)


      And im not a nerd I do sports every day a week ok. I haven't gotten on in 3 months.

  4. I will blow up oren with a nuke if I do not get ONE MILLION dollars *mwwahahaha*

  5. Its my birthday :D! I'm a teenager now 0-0

  6. MC Name: thewhiteknights Timezone?: CST RP Name, Age, Race, Sex: Rarethorn,!47, Elf,Male Experience: I was always adventurous and when I was young loved to sail. Breifly a boat engineer. And then created a dock. Combat and Leadership are specialties and engineering. Looking to gain more experience this way but Im not a total new guy. I Have a bit above average experience with ships.. I was a small craft expeditionary that set off on water expeditions for new land. Not much else other than in elysium I sailed around quite a bit. Exceptional combat skill. 121 years of experience. Engineer of about 4 years experience with weaponry and structural. Good climber
  7. how to type well with a broken finger...I must seek blundermore.

  8. ((MC name)) thewhiteknights ((Time Zone)) CST ((Activity, Amount of time spent on)) Every day for at least 3 hours. Name: Rarethorn Age: 147 Gender: Male Race: Elf Tell us who you are: I am just a simple elf looking to end evil. I seek no treasure but to offer my finest abilities to your guild as I was part of the cements which has reformed to this I believe. It is my duty to help I believe and also I have a love of combat. I have been fighting since I was 16. Im a skilled bowman,Engineer,And swordsman. I love to hide and kill but also open combat is agreeable to. Im about 6,8 and have brown hair,. Skills: Engineering,Bowmanship,Swordsmanship,And Obeying orders. Why do you seek to join us?: To help the new Celents. Also I feel I have a duty to protect this world. What are your ambitions?: To become a bowman engineer in this guild actually. I know its not a rank but we could combine long range bowman ship with my engineering skills. Ill go over it personally What can you bring us?: All of my skills. Do you pledge to work diligently and for the better of the guild (listening to orders , etc): Yes I do. Do you agree to the Honor Code?: Yes sir.
  9. *sees Ike on a members list and begins to think* ((MC name)) thewhiteknights ((Time Zone)) CST ((Activity, Amount of time spent on)) Everyday. Name: Rarethorn. Age: 147 Gender: Male Race: Wood elf. Tell us who you are: I am the most bold wood elf there is. I am one of ikea friends through my father and I hate oren corrupt government. I currently work for the templars and want to keep working with them along with you for a better world. Skills: Swordsmanship,Archery,Stealth and Fishing.. Why do you seek to join us?: Because of my friend Ike and because i dislikes orens government. Also I'm interested in the elite celentrians. Do you agree to the Honor Code?: Yes. *a small note is at the bottom* Ike I see your a general. I would like to ask to be selected as a elite celentriant. I would like to safe guard you and over 147 years i know how to do so with the finest efficiency. My father did like you and i do to. Id hate to see you killed without me there.- Rarethorn bronte. Also may I keep working with the templars? They are dwarves and are friendly.
  10. Rarethorn sees the flier and attaches a application to join. MC Name: thewhiteknights RP Name: Rarethorn Age: 147 Race: Elf Skills: Scouting,Archery,Swordsman ship and Horse Riding Reason for Joining: I like to serve military organizations as I have just retired from one. I also am interested in Yemikar and his beliefs.
  11. Let us see.... Rarethorn-wood elf. Blue eyes ,brown hair, peach skin, good with bow and sword and is 6,8. Also a warmonger....a whole section needs to dedicated to his kind XD
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