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Everything posted by Legoboy7984

  1. Any Mountain Dwarves looking for a clan that is more of a fighting and warrior type of dwarven clan apply here

  2. Irehearts are always looking for new dwarves!?!?!

    1. Elfen_


      Are you asking or what?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!??!?

    2. Legoboy7984


      Nope im saying that we are looking for new members

    3. Elfen_
  3. Are you making a dwarf if so check out the Ireheart Clan Thread we are always looking for new Irehearts.

    1. Thifur


      nice try to actually get new players legoboy !! You are a good man

  4. A dwarf in a making or a new dwarf?, Check out the Ireheart Clan thread you may or may not be interested.

  5. A New dwarf looking for a clan?

    Check out the Ireheart Clan Thread you might be interested.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Legoboy7984


      Its not a joke? I don't see why I would be joking im trying not to be a meme anymore. I want to revive the Irehearts,  you are saying im a meme, its an april fools joke I wouldn't go around saying that cause what I think about that is that it is a bit rude cause im a squeaker, and you think I will just meme all the time.

    3. Treaty


      No its just reheats are a lost cause

    4. Legoboy7984


      Well if you think that way then thats gonna change

  6. A new dwarf?, looking for a clan to join well come join the Ireheart clan just apply here and we can speak more in rp

    1. oblivionsbane


      NARVAK OZ AZWYRTRUMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Kralek


      How do I join?

  7. The Creator of the Cactus with a stick on top (Pungi Sticks) is here to say PUNGI STICKS FOREVER!!!

  8. Happy Birthday to me!!!! :D

    1. Kim


      Happy birthday!

    2. Skippy


      Happy birthday Lego, don't party too hard lad

    3. Pureimp10


      Happy Birthday, Lego!!

  9. Application: MC Name: legoboy7984 Race: Human Skype (PM if you’d like): Yes Do you have Teamspeak? Yes
  10. R.I.P Arkanov we will miss you!!

  11. Well Savoy might win this cause of the server slots GG

    1. Cresaran


      We're suffering as much as you are. They just need to reset the server and tell all non-participants to stay off.

    2. Crowbill


      Why not just take this battle to an faction pvp server that can support giant amounts of lag?

  12. The momment that when there is a battle half of the people cant log in

  13. Nice Fight Savoy nice fight! :D

  14. We talked to him Buff and I, and Buff and me are kinda the last Tundrak, but my character is missing and might return so
  15. Isn't the Last Snelf nor a Tundrak
  16. Your Name? Agnar Grandaxe Your profession (minin'/smithin'/enchantin')? Chef and Farming Place of Inhabitant? Places ((Skype?)) legoboy7984
  17. Lydolf rolls in his grave as he sees his father still alive
  18. Fix my guys skin cause that was his old skin remember Agnar Ireheart
  19. In Character Name: Henry Age: 20 Race: Human What are your professions and talents?: Swords man and Archery Previous military experience: Wolvenguard, on an alt commander of Winterguard Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?: Aye Out of Character MC Name: legoboy7984 Do you have skype? (Not Required): Yes Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required): Yes
  20. ((Family tree will be made when I find out how to save it, if you know how please PM me thx!))
  21. Lydolf Colin smiles at the things his uncle is doing
  22. OOC: MC Name:legoboy7984 Age:13 Country:USA Timezone:Central Skype Name: legoboy7984 Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes How long have you been playing on the server?:since July 2012 How long you can you be online per day?:As many can be What past guilds have you been apart of?:Winterguard(SonsOfTheCreator)(But this character none Have you ever held a leadership role before?:Commander RP: Name:Daeron Age:19 Race:Human Past Experience in military and combat:Fighting Invaders What are your skills?:He can take care of himself if needed What weapon do you prefer?:Short Sword maybe a Bow and Arrow Why do you wish to join the Order?:Daeron has been living in Amrbriel for a long time now and has been doing things like farming and breeding What are some strength’s of yours?:He learned from his father that he always got to keep moving forward in life and never give up Tell us more about yourself (Brief Biography):Daeron is a normal boy who can do many things like breeding and farming crops cause before his Father was a knight he was a farmer and he always teched him how to farm and cook many things so by the time he reach 19 or 20 he will try to become a knight like his father.
  23. Name ((and MCname)): Siris ((mc name is: legoboy7984)) ((Skype name)): legoboy7984 Age and race: 164, High Elf Motives for joining: He joins cause he has no feeling and almost all of his friends died by the Scourage or The Frozen Night, which makes him think it is a sign to become a Frozen Night. Do you wish to get blessed? ((If yes, you are agreeing to the above OOC statements of blessing.)): Yes ((If you betray the Scourge and are caught, do you agree with a PK’ing clause? You don’t have to answer yes.)): Yes,but I have to have a icly of rp and if I did I would want to talk about how you would kill him and where you would put his body. Copy this as well please: (I do not play a character that is actively fighting against the scourge. If my character intentionally betrays the Scourge and is caught, or is expelled due to IC actions, I agree with a loss of IC information clause. This meaning that my character will forget all information about the Scourge, and that all books and documents that my character had written for himself about them will be destroyed or did not exist.):
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