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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. These restarts are pissing me off. I have awful internet, and it takes me 5 minutes to log in....

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AGiantPie


      @UnBaed hopefully you have a heart attack from the stress; would mean i dont have to put up with you linking me shitty art anymore

    3. Vamoose


      Pie is **** at pvp I rocked him on my trackpad

    4. LPT
  2. What if warning points removed  double the reputation you get? We could have a risk reward system for memes, that would shake up the meme meta

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LPT


      I don't want to take them, simply... nerf ;)

    3. Kaelan


      You cannot hold us with our memes down! To suppress us is to encourage us to increase our fire power!

    4. LPT


      What if that is my secret plan? A world of memes not dictated by reputation is a world where our memes are in their purest of forms. Finally I can say... mmm that's some gooood ****...

  3. What is the server MC version. I havent played in a long time so I don't know.

    1. Gridlock


      1.8.3 i believe

  4. When you have a final today, and your teacher has a bad review to study from. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      damn ******* right have some pride

    3. Travista


      when you have a final and are completely prepared

    4. LPT


      **** you Travista... I wish

  5. When you have to sell your AWP skin to buy EU IV. :(

  6. When you need to cite your textbook, but they don't add a published date... : ' )

  7. Who is in your profile photo... for uh... science

    1. AGiantPie


      Google says it's Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

    2. LPT


      Google is a friend of mine

  8. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to name a Kingdom Helvetica??? 

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      paying tribute to my 3rd favourite font

    2. LPT


      Third favourite. First is Comic Sans, right?

  9. Who would win: 8 years of server administration experience VS one laggy boi 

  10. Woke up to find out I got accepted to the school I wanted. :D


    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      That's always a nice thing to wake up to. Congrats man

    2. Space


      Good job buddy.

    3. LPT


      Thanks family. :)

  11. Wrote my last exam today with minimal sleep. I fell asleep during the exam, wrote some illegible sentences, said something about Jesus and still passed. I've yet to find a class too steep for my laziness. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LPT


      Yeah that's usually what uni likes to see grade wise. Good luck man, I've got friends writing functions tomorrow as well, haven't talked to them since this morning because they're studying lol.

    3. Space


      i will utilize your strength thank you fam (family) pray for me

    4. LPT


      Will go. :)

  12. You forgot the GM item approved technician in your economy post... 

    1. Arctic_Guard


      " the auction house is where the more valued items of LotC’s economy can be found, such as caskets, skill tomes, powerful gear, and the likes. " --The part "and the likes," would include said items. I did not specify those items exactly, because they are mostly irrelevant and their quantity can be extorted greatly, thus, if anything I would exclude them entirely from the analysis. Good point though, I'll have to possibly make them as an addition. I did not include them initially, because of the fact that this post is directed toward the average player who seeks to use professions to get mina. Serving as an understand or outline of the works of LotC's economy, because I've seen a lot of people complaining that the staff needs to fix the economy. This is entirely untrue as it's functioning as it should and is healthy. These complaints derive from the players who are trying to use other roles in the economy which proves inefficient at certain times in the economy's life. Eventually, as I stated, a map change is due and would then reset the life of the economy giving a fresh start. It's almost time for a map change though, much as what will be discussed heavily in the next community meeting. Not trying to argue or flame or anything, just help out those that don't understand the economy fo the server.

    2. Arctic_Guard
  13. -Finds something that makes no sense- Must be the antagonist.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Urahra


      I'm not saying it's the antagonist...but it's the antagonist.

    3. TeaLulu


      have you considered......druids?!

    4. Elindor


      Have you considered VonSchlicten?

  14. -Get's on server- *Eye twitch*

  15. -God Jaden568 pushes wanna-be god Soresan into a pit ((Off status bar))-

    1. LPT


      Nooo! it did not work!!! -Melts-

    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
  16. -Inset helpful status here-

    1. LPT


      Take that nordlord fully helpful. :3

    2. Bashar al-Assad
  17. -Runs around flailing his arms- A new virus is going around on Skype Basicly says "Lol this is afunny picture of you" then posts a link. DO NOT CLICK ON IT! (The caps indicates I am being serious)

  18. -Sees Slenderman- -Disables Adblock-

  19. **** teemo

    1. LPT


      He literally makes me so salty

  20. *Good luck Ar Mal gets 4B, in the next few days it goes out from being a minor.*

  21. *hears a slight noise* My computer!.... It was not my computer. :/

  22. *Rocks back and forth while clicking the refresh button.

    1. VonEbs


      *is totally not doing the same thing.

    2. CowsGoMoo


      *rocks back in forth in a straight jacket, laughing and giggling, as he imagines himself refreshing the button on a website.*

    3. Bucky_24


      *Realizes its back up... Spawns in prison. DARNIT!

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