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Status Updates posted by iris1612

  1. i need to fix my rep to post ratio, some1 please teach me the art of rep whoring

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect



      Don't even say anything


    2. Medvekoma


      Spam status updates and to other people's status updates mate. Free up-ups, doesn't increase content count. Even better if you shitpost, I guess.

    3. Llir


      This is one of the most legendary rep farms of all time, do take notes 


  2. my favorite part of lotc is the week leading up to the warclaim when one side is making massive rp posts every time they kill 1 player and the other side is constantly shitposting on said rp posts

  3. long live the king king in the north king of ruska king of hanseti ave ave ave

  4. https://gyazo.com/7a890cc10c9c56d76bf71befc3617ec3


    Look at this ******* ****. Google must be run by degenerates when they allow disgustingly sinful ads like this to mar my browsing experience. like this status update for a Crusade against Google

  5. Why can't we go 10 minutes without leaking **** honestly

    1. garentoft


      thank your local gusano for reporting the problem to staff

    2. mitto


      @iMattyz secretly vapes rocks

    3. mmat


      you ******* ****** I told you not to tell anyone @mitto x

  6. Kincaid+for+admin

  7. Who+to+talk+to+if+i+want+to+secure+land+for+my+people?+Which+gm?

  8. no+colors+any+more+i+want+them+to+turn+black

  9. 1, join up, or give feedback. Please don

  10. Can somebody explain to me what the Dungeon Event is?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sky


      Oh, so only those who- Oh okay.

    3. Smaw


      Who knows? I ain't ET.

    4. Taketheshot


      Basiclly.....a small group of ppl go and fight in a dungeon and get loot

  11. Something really horrible justh appened. I am going to be a way, not sure for how long.

    1. Matheus


      I bid you good luck. Come back soon. 

    2. Seliyne


      Stay safe and well wishes!

  12. Anyone selling an alchemist stand? hmu please

    1. Violino


      I have two, pm me!

    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I might not have an alchemist stand but I have like forty premium Shrek'lak action figures 




    3. Reeg_


      Hey crazyviolinist I'll take the other one if you've still got it 

  13. i hate french people

    1. drfate786


      Je suis francais et je suis offencé.

    2. Tom_Whiteman
    3. ooooowee
  14. You was right

    1. Neri


      that's a first

      what about

  15. Gone on a trip, will be back in 2 weeks

  16. Why are you so absurdly salty?

    1. Gangrel1230


      tfw salty is a lifestyle and no one understands you

  17. Gone away on a trip for the weekend, will be back monday 5/9

  18. s down? Forgot about that bug

    1. Space


      Nope! Try direct connecting to mc.lotc.co if it appears to be

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