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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by excited

  1. Finnadh Uradir, a Weeping Blade, remarked simply as following to his comrade - the unnamed soldier. "It is interesting that now they deem it fit to issue public letters without denouncing the Taliame'onn assassin and offering any form of answer as to how that actual brigand was allowed to assail the Sohaer without repercussions. Furthermore, it is interesting that an elf such as he who claims to be leal and decent would betray his own country to join under the banner of a state whose whole existence has been marred by the indecent treatment of foreigners, xenophobia, and the rule of a tyrannical tanistry - the opposite of a democracy he claims to cherish. I have not met this erstwhile cousin of mine, but I am sure he will be returning to our homeland soon enough once he realizes that he is the tarnished silver he decries in this article. "A humiliating written work that serves only to reinforce that the ties of brotherhood, easily forgone by himself, will always be cast aside by those such as he who flee the Motherland for other shores."
  2. ((You were a good sport last night so I gave you a rep point. Your rep to post ratio is now 48/48. Let this not be in vain!))
  3. Punished Auxiliary wiped the blood of an Elf off his longsword, "Don't like this mucky business. But, they killed Vulen, so here we go again. This tale as old as time." ((OOC:)) ()
  4. Forgot to ask - throw me your Discord. I wanna keep in touch.
  5. Rest easy. You're doing much better now bro.
  6. The armored figure discreetly made his way up to his aviary and begin to devise a letter to reach Faeryel in the coming days. Yes, there was much work to be done in pursuing the execution of justice and the Bronze Lord was in her debt.
  7. A MERE THREE MONTHS AGO… I received the word that my son Vulen Calithil of House Ithelanen was slain by a man I shall not name, for my disgust is so immense that I struggle to put it onto paper. The man’s name matters not because the moment he drove his spear-point through my son’s visor his life was forfeit. Those who bear the name ‘TAHORRAN’ will know of whom I speak, as will the Elvenessi officials who enabled mob-rule to dictate the fate of my son to whom I owe my loyalty, kindness, and affection - eternally so, that now I shall wage a war should my demand for justice not be met. In the history of my people there have been three Kinstrifes. Each caused by fear mongering and hate. I have long lived in a self-imposed exile within the Mother Grove and my other lands afar from Aegrothond, what you now call the Realm of Elvenesse within those gnarled woods of Amaethea. To those who killed my son, know that I shall not rest until every one of you is dead. The Clan of Tahorran, the Red Coyotes, shall suffer and the extinction of your Chieftain shall go down in the annals of history as the death of another kinslayer - never again shall I lose a son to the malice of the Elvenessi again. My descendants shall live in peace once I am finished with you, you will not claim another of my line with your senseless and willful abandonment of morality. I showed your people compassion, understanding, and you have repaid that with the murder of my cherished son Vulen who was to marry, who was to accompany his own lover Lylianth to witness my own wedding not long thereafter. As she grieved her husband-to-be who was stricken down against the wishes of your Rangers, and you also took from her a finger. The cruelty displayed here is beyond imagining, two things irreparably taken from my people - I reckon you will not accept this missive and I shall have to claim many more fingers, many more heads, and many more pieces of armor that we shall use to kill every assassin who was there that day. You, the same creatures who caused his older sister and birth mother to commit suicide. I showed this compassion to you all only because the Sea Prince Feanor was once like a son to me. He once saved my life after I was injured saving the life of the Archdruidess Nivndil, and for that I did not repay your slights with violence. Make the right choice Feanor and give me the creature who has done this reprehensible act. Do not bleed for a murderer and do not push more innocents into the line of fire to avoid responsibility for the actions of your citizens. I am told the murder of Vulen was decried by many in the surrounding mob and for that I am grateful. However, voiced disagreement is not enough - the execution must be carried out or there shall never be peace again. A peace many elves bled for, a peace established between myself and the Triumvir Rhathalas within the grotto of Siramenor. Turn over the Red Coyote so that he may meet his maker. All clans who denounce the Elvenessi government’s subversive treatment of my son’s assassination and do not defend his killers shall be allowed to walk the roads unharmed, to travel without being fined - and all soldiers who do not defend the killer shall not have their gear stripped from them. That is my final act of mercy. From this point on, you have two Elven days to provide me the killer for his summary execution. You cannot hope to buy more time from me. If he has fled into hiding, his clan shall face the consequences. Take this mercy as I offer it now. For it will be the last time, and the Avchirran ito Gladewynn rides again, as does the second most vile elf to ever live. Signed with a fondness for reconciliation, Kairn the Usurper
  8. Professional levels of effort in this. My good man, the cinematographer Treshure.
  9. I honestly don't like this amount of shifting back and forth between 1.8 and modern PvP. Like, it should have never been changed back to 1.9 IMO. We tried 1.9 years ago, back when I was still in high school. It didn't work out and everybody hated it. Rinse and repeat, honestly. Many of the groups that advocated for 1.9 believed that it would allow for more strategic plays in-game. That is quite simply not true, if somebody is not good at 1.8 they will likely not be very good at 1.9 either as a lot of the same concepts from 1.8 are as intrinsically important to game-play (aim, movement, game sense). A lot of people who advocated for 1.9 believed it would be the great equalizer for PvP (laughable) and were shocked when it didn't play out that way. I honestly like both forms of game-play, I just loathe having to consistently adjust to one or the other whenever the server's Developers get schizophrenic again and forget that continuity is important. If it changes again, make it an ultimatum: it stays. It's killing a lot of competitive players' drive to play when you constantly build a conflict system on shifting quicksand. On top of that, both forms of PvP are absolutely gutted on LoTC as long as there is no reason for people to perfect and hone their craft. I like CRP a lot as a player and enjoy doing it with players I know, but it cannot be argued that CRP on a role-play server is the most effective form of conflict resolution. Maybe I'll outline more of my thoughts later, I honestly like the tiered gear Nickrocky has been introducing - and I don't mind acclimating to the new PvP setting. But we got to stop swapping back and forth it's just going to disturb new players and make it difficult for there to be any semblance of good competitive gameplay if there's a skill vacuum.
  10. Jóhann Jóhannsson - Desert music (OST Sicario) - Bing video The Party, Omar, and Aaliyah of Brev set out to the second complex farther away from the Necropolis in the dead of night and spent seven hours digging. Kallian discovered a silver-wrought band thought to have belonged to the King of the Crescent long ago. Many theories were posited for what the tunnel used to be and whether or not it was a chamber or some kind of man-made river once upon a time. It was posited that the creature inhabiting the Necropolis might be either a band of men who killed all the female inhabitants who ruled there, or that it was the women and that the men had died out and they assimilated new men into the kingdom by conquering their souls. It remains unclear. An axe, ruined sword, and diadem (the silver band) were retrieved from the sands and now belong to new owners. Aaliyah and Omar plan to lead the Party into the Necropolis in one year's time while Kallian wears the crown to ward off the shades of the dead that reside in the Necropolis - what was once a powerful, majestic palace.
  11. THE NECROPOLIS OF KISURA-AR BERSERK OST - Earth - YouTube HARK, adventurers! You are in good company and as of our journey last month, myself and Omar have reached a series of revelations. The temple we entered and found the raving Omar is in fact a necropolis - a haunted mausoleum of the dead and bygone souls of many of the city's inhabitants - and we found a harsh scrawl that we translated using a stone located in a nearby dig. This stone, which I have called the Mausoleum Stone, is a source of their language and scrawl. I believe TAKHRIB, which roughly translates to ruin, is no longer a suitable translation. Kisura-Ar, the Fallen Ocean Metropolis, has a nicer ring to me. This coming end of the year we shall reconvene at the same time and do a dig in the Secondary Complex so that we might unearth more artifacts of this bygone era and have a better of understanding of what remains in the Necropolis close-by. Signed, Aaliyah of Brev ((OOC: Event Friday 4:30 PM PST. Bring a shovel!))
  12. excited

    Dig At Takhrib

    The adventurers proceeded along with the merchant of Brev Aaliyah into the ruins. They came across the forlorn Omar who was waylaid long ago and stricken with madness by the remnant spirit of the bygone king - or what was supposedly that former ruler of what was once a lush savannah. The desert exacted its toll and as the sky was blanketed by night time the merry band fled before the spirit, the Interloper, could destroy them all. Around the fire they asked Omar questions and came to the following conclusion: They were not alone. What was there... it could not be destroyed by force, but it must be destroyed by wit. ((OOC NOTE: Great event! Lasted an hour. Special thanks to Spoon and Nectorist for acting. I will release a post detailing build-up for our next event on Friday, which will also be occurring at 4 pm PST. Thanks for the great turn-out and the great RP, I'll see y'all next time.))
  13. excited

    Dig At Takhrib

    10th of the Deep Cold, Year 11 of the Second Age Dear adventurers, explorers, and frontiers men and women. I have now situated myself close-by to the ruins and await your arrival within a matter of days. We have learned much in a short time here, yet something remains... awry. I shall provide you a map to assist you in reaching this place. Signed, Aliyah of Brev Affixed to the bottom of the letter was a small map and coordinates. x - 1452 z - 3568 ((OOC NOTE: Only come if you are on my list of attendees or have prior affirmation from me personally. A reminder not to message me about the event on Discord unless absolutely necessary, please keep communication here on the forums or in-game. The event is at 4 PM Pacific Standard Time, I'll see you there!))
  14. Hi there Traius, I'm Excitedly. I've been playing this server since I was a wee middle schooler back in 2012. Now, I am a 21-year-old-man. I am going to give you a bullet list of things I wish people told me when I started out. Role-play is about acting out a character, not necessarily about being a phenomenal writer. So take your mistakes in stride and don't give in to the judgement of others. There will be obnoxious people who are more than a little bit intolerable and malicious. Some people, like anywhere, will attempt to harass, belittle you and tear you down. Don't be afraid to hit the Block tab, and don't be afraid to defend yourself. Focus less on large successes and more on having an enjoyable time. It can be addicting to feel important and to be relied upon by others, whether you are highly capable or not. It has made empires on here, and broken them as well. 90% of the time if you don't go around picking fights and try to empathize with other players on here, you will at least be given a fair chance by them to not die in a conflict, or get popped. It tends to be that if you act really belligerent, whiney, or otherwise that tensions grow exacerbated and you may lose items, land, or more. Be mindful of others' behavior and do what is best for yourself because certainly nobody else will. Don't get caught up in a bad crowd, do what you can to enjoy your time on the server rather than live out a fantasy of some kind. Treat it as a very hands off Minecraft server and you'll be happier than many of us who play more frequently. Focus on character development, fun dialogue, and exploration. Those are my primary recommendations. If you have questions or would like to chat, HMU with my forum inbox. Welcome to the server and I hope you enjoy your time with us here!
  15. Something wakes… Within the Ruins of Tahkrib, an ancient zone permeated by dilapidated sandstone pillars, a terrible cacophony of voices bellowed. Leave this place! There is nothing for you here. A simple man adorning an orange-tinted brown tunic and rusty looking scuffed leather boots froze in his steps. His hands combed over his dirty white Kufi - a small brimless rounded cap that appeared two big for his skinny head. Small, stout, and tan-skinned he was an unimpressive man and bore visible fear on his face as he witnessed what it was that remained in those catacombs. The small and squalid man began to turn and run down the hallway but he watched as a boulder was flung down in front of him causing him to stagger back. Omar, he thought to himself, What have you done? The Kufi man was left to an uncertain fate as he clawed at the boulder with an ominous presence converging upon him in the dark. He trembled and shivered as his short life came to an end. Nobody could save him now. Not his family, his friends, his lover or his yak. He was alone. Some time later, a notice was pinned to every seedy tavern, every guild hall that would accept the messenger. Greetings travelers! I am Aaliyah, Trader of Brev. I have discovered an ominous ruin past the Oasis, a legendary city buried in the sands - I have named it Tahkrib. I have a list of interested parties who have spoken to me about their desire to come and see the ruined city, yet it has been some time and I fear many of them are no longer interested in going. I am going to be performing an archaeological dig and would like for scholars and archaeologists of the realm to come with me and examine the Great Temple Complex that I have discovered. There should be no danger. If you are interested, please send me a letter at my personal address so that I might get back to you. Sincerely, Aaliyah of Brev -------------------------------------- OOC -------------------------------------- This event will be occurring on February sixteenth (Tuesday) at 4 PM PST. It should last roughly 1-2 hours, until 6 PM PST. My current list of people on priority cue is as following and we're expecting up to thirty people to come for the first event. I will be issuing another post the day of the event with precise details on where to go to meet with the Trader of Brev and do the archeological dig. If you're on this list, HMU, if you want to be added, HMU. KBR LHINDIR_ JOELTHEGINGER BLOOMTIARA MIAKESTREL VALARYON Alfomos DesiredBreakfast RogueChaotic Stackloot BobBox RaiderBlue Mordhaund iMattyz AnonymousAlexa Kiiwifruit Axelu Shorsand Kujo Saveforthememory Count_Dutchula Gaiusmarius8
  16. Somewhere, the Free Elves of Camlannen look upon the notice. It had been carried back by one of their many members and placed upon the table. Kairn analyzed it and then frowned, "The intent is good. The prose? It needs some work. More conciseness. Nonetheless, it is good to see our erstwhile kin promoting reform." Żywiołak - Ballada O Głupim Wiesławie - YouTube
  17. Honeydewper Irongrinder sends his regards.
  18. I don't send out my personal Discord because of stuff that's happened in the past. I'm down to message you on the forums (DMs) though and have a cordial discussion.
  19. I say this politely so you can have some understanding about the nature of events right now and what's happening. Moderators are no longer Global Moderators and have not been for 3-4 years. This shift was made ages ago and remains that way. Neither do Team Leads exist anymore; they are just admins. On top of that, the server's activity is not entirely supplemented by events and never has been, and events are not done to create trickle down role-play. It's not up to staff to force players to role-play or constantly drive their personal rp with a stimulus. It's our job to write plotlines players can opt-in to and have fun when they'd like, and that's the primary focus of the Event Sect of the Story Team. Events are done to create cohesive overarching narratives and plotlines and are consistently worked on. Even during our brief pause where we had our Manager on a well-earned hiatus after the Inferi eventline, many ET (Spoon I can imagine off the top of my head firstly) did continue to do events for people. Without oversight we cannot do major global events as those are kept to management. It is not the prerogative of Moderation to intersect and make demands of other teams. It'd be equally as obtuse to have a Community Team member ordering Moderators around. Our teams have been re-stratified multiple times. In my opinion, as a former Global Moderator as well, this is wonderful! There should be no pressure as you put it because back during the Inferi eventline, I was spending 4-5 hours per event, on top of college and my part-time job. Are you saying that I should be putting in tons of these hours fo hard work into an overarching global plotline every single week and getting zero respite to attend to my real life duties? Just to be told by some Moderator that I hardly know, who is not involved with my team at all, to behave a certain way when conducting my events when they aren't even good at doing events? I find that to be an unreasonable expectation personally and I really do disagree.
  20. Point of View You're a 13-year-old player in Malinor, 2013, and you're wandering around aimlessly. No Vortex, just time left to your own devices - an expansive map to explore. You go to the Mages College and hear the rumors of Sagwort and the Arcane Mage, Slayer. You wander around, you find a oaken table and seven mysterious thrones - they belong to the Yir'Sari, Grand Wizards that you can't read about on the forums. Yeah, the role-play is nice, but the setting is immersive to you. You are in love with this game you've discovered where the world is constantly shifting, changing, but not temporary. Oren is always there, there's always new guilds and taverns, you got a lot of new people to meet. A wide cast of characters from every kind of background as you undergo your own Monomyth, your own Hero's Journey. There is nothing that can recreate this experience for me and I will always look back fondly at those memories. No amount of Out-Of-Character politics can seize those memories from me and of all the friends I made as a child on this server. Among those who helped me the most as an adolescent on here were GaiusMarius8, Temp & Mirtok, Csalz, and many others. Yeah, you new kids got your Vortex and ****; but we had legendary ****. Got nothing on Old LoTC.
  21. Hey there Ziiino, if you're a human player I recommend you stop by Oren or Haense. If you're an elf, pop by Elvenesse or the Druids Grove! If you need a smaller faction to join I'm sure there's plenty - but pop by Camlannen to say hello to me and my boys. We'll situate you with some bread and some tools. Welcome back!
  22. Berserk OP full - Penpals - Tell Me Why - YouTube You got my Discord if you ever want to talk or need any advice. Things can be rough and I remember when I was your age sixteen or so, things were not that great either. When life hits you it will hit you with a vengeance and it takes awhile to get back up. In the mean time do what you can to take care of yourself and I wish you luck with everything - I wish you all the best, man.
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