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Status Updates posted by MamaBearJade

  1. http://i.imgur.com/qYmFDoZ.jpg majestically clumsy
    1. Rassidic


      Awh. What breed is that? Shadow is a cool naym.

    2. MamaBearJade


      She is a German Shepard / Border Collie mix. She is being trained to be my dad's service dog. currently 4 months old

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    1. CommunistSpy


      this is the best thing you've ever posted 10/10 would stroke furiously

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. excited


      Grey Jedi in reality allow themselves to make connections, and feel. Do what they feel is necessary, yet be passive.

    3. oblivionsbane


      About the balancing the force thing. Anakin did in fact balance the force by becoming Darth Vader. They always believed balancing meant destroying all the Sith, but in fact it meant taking the light side jedi and balancing them. There was Yoda, and there was Kenobi, then Luke came around and Kenobi died. That is the balance it was referring to.

    4. excited


      He killed off both the Jedi Order and Order of the Sith Lords, Anakin was a d**k but his "destiny" was found out in the end.

    1. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      dont tell people that they'll get too smart for government oppression.

    2. MamaBearJade


      we must fight the oppres-

      *user has been deleted from the country*

  2. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h32/Jade-La/MineCraft/2013-03-10_134349.png I want to know why this is allowed. Aren't the roads supposed to be open to all?
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raptorious


      Even if it is on Elven lands, that's even more of an RP issue. Clearly Oren is trying to muscle it's way around everyone. Deal with that how you will. Just don't take it OOC and on the forums like most people tend to.

    3. MamaBearJade


      They have locked the elves in their own land, thats the problem. Its bothersome OOCly especially cause now if i want to use my Human charrie, I cant...

    4. Space


      Ugly as ****.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. meg


      OMG KITTENS <3

    3. Space


      Waay too many cats if that's just a house.

    4. MamaBearJade


      ALL are fosters! I loved them. They were all adopted within a week!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyndikate
    3. Demotheus


      Jade...why do you think Desires is making fun of you? I didn't read that post as insult or anything at all...because it /is/ cute.

    4. MamaBearJade


      wasnt desires was someone else whom i deleted.

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