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Status Updates posted by Proddy

  1. how does this whole link/url/image system work on these forums?? everytime i insert an image link into my signature it never coverts into the image like it's meant too lmfao

    1. Endovelicus


      Have u tried link?

      **** well it works like that lmao.Do and then put the link  and then repead the img thing but with a / before the I

    2. Korvic


      You can also click 'insert other media' in the bottom right then paste the image URL that way, or if you have the image open in a new tab, simply drag & drop it into your signature/post and it'll make it into a picture automatically.

  2. i'm back....????

    1. garentoft
    2. lawnmowerman
    3. Nekkore


      I play Pokemon GO, everyday, I play Pokemon GO.

  3. I'm going to miss you broski. Rest easy up there.

  4. i'm on a mac and every time i open skype now it just freezes up instantly, restarted it countless times but it still ain't working; has something similar to this happened to anyone before and if so how'd you fix it??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heff


      yah u just gotta wait. welcome to the mac life

    3. Proddy


      ******* **** innit heff

    4. Shalashask


      Build a PC yourself

  5. musket lore getting denied again is just further proof that australia is the underworld and all devils hail from the outback

    1. Benjikhei


      I will respond for them, as an Aussie- yes.

    2. Crevel


      Musket Lore being repeatedly proposed and denied is further proof that there is group of people on LotC that are suffering from the post-birth effects of inbreeding. After all, doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is insanity.

    3. Esterlen


      chill out tiger @Crevel

  6. My character, Shadow Ravenspire, is actually a transgendered lesbian elf who wields T5 flame magic and can pretty easily incinerate basic human knights xD Huh? No it’s not a self-insert lmao, of course you’d think that goon xD YIKES!!! Looks like we found the PvP goon!!! Yeah sweetheart, maybe you should learn a thing or two about making characters and actually RPing before you even try to judge a superior writer?!?!? Let me guess, you’re mad that you failed English in 5th grade so you take it out by clicking on an RP server... yep, looks like you kinda suck at hiding your insecurities! Well, I guess you can go back to frothing at the mouth and taking your rage out on Minecraft people while I improve my writing skills and RPing in Sutica while you grunt with other humans or try and rob people on the roads. Yeah, don’t try and tell me that you do ‘human RP’ as if that actually counts. Only Sutican RP, elven RP, and magic RP are fit for intellectually enlightened people such as myself- I guess you challenged people can stick to trying to emulate something that resembles writing!!!

    Edited by Proddy
  7. new pfp? check

    new signature? check

    vibe set? check


    go check it or ur clapped

  8. shadilay haense shadilay

  9. shadow wizard money gang

    1. Nectorist


      white boy summer almost here

    2. Zarsies


      we love castin spells


      brought to you by THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Legalize nuclear bombs

  10. ski already avatared my favourite GoT character so i guess i'll just have to settle on my second favourite :J

  11. The hills have eyes.

    The hills have eyes.

    Who are we to judge?

  12. the lannisters send their regards......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jonificus


      *Jaime Lannister sends his regards


      fugging read the books mang.......... reee btw check out my at app bro

    3. SpiltMemes
    4. Proddy


      i love d&d's screenplay woooooowooooo

  13. The universe does not weep when the sun sets.

  14. The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.

  15. Think I'm going to need a new main persona - need something/someone in particular played? Hmu through the PMs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Proddy


      gucko gucko you absolute fucko

    3. lawnmowerman


      u can play neckbeard_rovin.

    4. Proddy


      >buying aestwerwald

  16. This status system is absolutely **** half of what I write doesn

    1. Sythan


      Write the status on your profile page, not the actual forums page. I found it fixes the issue.

    2. Proddy


      Thank you my dude

  17. what's the ideal image size for a cover photo on here someone tell me

    1. Space


      ~1340 x 205

  18. why we can’t delete our own status updates is kinda silly but ok

    Edited by Proddy
  19. ...Mog wills it!

  20. "waaah i hate lotc waaaaah i want change waaaaah people need to stop docking ooh waaaah" -everyone

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