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Status Updates posted by Dizzy771

  1. Supremacy is a good writer and does some fantastic RP posts.... but does anyone else feel like he could probably fit more things onto one post?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      And that is why I fear for your soul.

    3. Dizzy771


      I wonder why people are being so hostile now? Was idle banter, heck I even said I enjoyed his posts. Lotc peeps need to chill

    4. Ibn Khaldun
  2. Thanks to anyone who watched the Livestream Q&A about the undead. I will be posting the audio file soon for those of you who couldn't make it and are still curious

  3. That kickstarter people are linking.... damn. I might just support that.

    1. Lathros


      Yes. It's bloody awesome.

  4. The Dwarfwaffe are a..... flying success.

    1. Merkaken
    2. Sporadic


      I'm afraid to say that joke went... over my head :(

  5. The endless torment of the insufferably waiting that keeps me enthralled, never knowing, always wanting. Will I ever get on the ET?? :3

    1. Shorsand


      No-one's event commented on mine D:

  6. The old king is dead, and so the elections begin

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Garukumus


      Does the Salvian regent get a voice? :P

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      He does, but he may not nominate a dwarf for king, only ***** and whine about who he would prefer.

    4. Garukumus


      I could get used to that haha

  7. The server is melting

    1. Garukumus
    2. tnoy23


      OK! Whoever dumped a bucket of water on it come forth now! The server is NOT a witch!

  8. They've been spoken behind closed doors and out in the open. From skype chats to team speak. What are you rambling about you crazy bastard, you might say? Your opinion of course! Flat out, tell us what you want from LotC. It can be anything, from changes in the server to just what kind of RP you want to see! Just fill out this form here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1psCzmjYwoRnndBUMw5rRWAF2ABfhWV4GI6ocN0AYQs8/viewform

  9. Thinking about applying for the event team. Thoughts anyone?

  10. To make a flaming axe or not to make a flaming axe

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Poison is more edgy.

    2. SodaiKamikaze


      Make it an axe of heat. so you can cut through edgy weapons.

    3. monkeypoacher


      Make it and give it to me

  11. Trolls are still a thing right? The creatures, not the internet ones.

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      I haven't seen a single one since their surge in popularity months ago.

    2. Pinsir99
    3. Slic3man


      They are, but the daytime/night time regulations kill it a bit.

  12. Trying to decide if I should make a LOTC youtube series for my channel. Only thing is sometimes its hard to get some good RP

  13. Updates great and all.... but I can't craft anything now

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dizzy771


      Not sure how "I cant craft anything" is vague, but thanks.

    3. Neri


      Sporadic says mining the workstation and replacing it will fix the problem.

    4. Dizzy771


      Nope, and just lost like 7 anvils because of it

  14. Vailor will be memorable for something at least

  15. Wait....... Orcs lost to salvus?

    1. ToenailTickler


      No no they didn't

    2. V0idsoldier


      The orcs are a bit sore still, don't rub it in.

  16. Waiting..... I hate it

  17. Want to record something for my channel...... but I don't know what :/

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Record yourself doing an impression of Bear Grills. I did it, and it was funny. Although I only posted it to my Facebook :/

    3. JtPv


      ^You're braver than me

    4. Insomnic


      Do you have CS GO?

  18. War, necromancer, expedition, oren politics, legion duties, engineering duties, smithing duties and of course delver duties. Lot to think about for one character eh?

  19. Was an Anthos world download ever made? I can't remember, but it would be of great help to me right now.

    1. Dizzy771


      Never mind, found it.

  20. Was browsing the internet and found this. Maybe one of you lads who always talk about "Rare Pepe's" or whatever will like it. http://2new1.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Did+someone+say+rare+pepe+_5a424d81371d7113719227cae5f35ff6.gif

    1. meg


      o ****, that's an ultra rare misprint pepe. you see how the sheen goes outside of the picture? quality

    2. Llir
  21. We will replant

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