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Everything posted by Booklight12

  1. Now I just need an exotic female orcish belly dancer for the tavern.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lefty


      It's in Malinor.

    3. Booklight12


      Yup drunken bungalow, in new malinor

  2. I thought alteration or transmogrification or whatever it is called was restricted. No? Also, If there is freedom for magic. Would it be possible to begin to warp magic slightly like be able to have a bit better control over air magic. Such as to make the air rotate around my hands, or be able to have better control over the general magic.
  3. Didn't see that at the time :P. Also, how frequently would this be updated?
  4. Yes. Yes! This needs to be pinned somewhere.
  5. Blake walks around Malinor realizing they don't like magic. He struts around too gentlemanly to be in the guild. ((Just reread the guild.. Jeez.))
  6. " The Autistic knight" those are beautiful words from the one true Tornadowatch~
  7. Blake cries as all he has is stubble
  8. Blake looks at the note and scratches his chin, he is growing a light stubble on it and shakes his head "One should not be paid to follow Aeriel, and even worse to do common good deeds." Blake yawns and walks away to his home so he can have a good nights rest.
  9. Plan of action. #1 Learn alteration magic #2 woo Sophia Horen before she gets the crown #3 eat sweat rolls.

  10. So who is the king now?

  11. name- Beranabus or Blake Whitewolf mc name- booklight12 age- 36 race- elf experience- I have a wide experience of fighting and am quick thinking. I can blend in with almost anyone and can easily go unnoticed throught the city , also have a history of fighting in wars when I was younger.
  12. And we are crashed...

  13. Just beat gta V!

    1. Wode


      forfeiting any credibility as a human being in doing so

    2. yekim8


      shut up wode we forfeited that when we roleplayed on minecraft

    3. paulie



  14. So basically cocaine in lord of the craft.... +1
  15. I like the idea but why not be creative? Why not make new seasons? This isn't earth so we wouldn't necessarily have the same seasons as earth. That being said yes there can be dry and winter seasons but why not make rainy seasons where there are thunderstorms constantly, also with that seasons don't need to pertain to the calander. For example, seasons could possibly happen every year or every other year it could change the season. This would reduce the hastle of contantly changing the seasons and the only season you would really need to voxel in with a large enough impact is really winter. Anyways, alltogether I like the idea the animals dying and farms not working shouldn't be a gm's job but be entirely up to the playerbase and be roleplayed accordingly. As even during snow seasons or wet seasons there are certain plants that wold grow so maybe people can change their farms from carrots to potatos during the snow seasons (Just an example). +1
  16. Minecraft Name: Skype Name (This may alternatively be PMed to be for privacy purposes): You have mine already. Applicant Name: Blake Whitewolf Race and Age: Elf What position are you applying for? (Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal): Maven List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department: Librarian Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences): I am intrested in reading books and love to read a variety of them. Also I am intrested in researching different artifacts and materials. I have always been fascinated with the understanding and contimplation of what different materials and artifacts may do. Such as the recent study of the keys that have been popping up around Anthos. Next, I simply love finding out what secrets artifacts may lay and would love to have a more direct source of researching them. Lastly, I would love to read the books in your library and collect them, aswell as collect objects I find along my travels. That I can study with my fellow scholars. By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?: Yes I understand the common clause and will adhere to them.
  17. What would happen if shade magic were combined with air evocation magic?
  18. I like this lore for shades. I hope they will be added once again into Lotc. But I agree with others. Mixing magic could be really intresting. Just we need more information. Also, just being in contact with the gem could it possibly change the color of your magic into a darker tint or purple? That would be intresting and it wouldnt give any boosts just simply the change in color.
  19. I'd love to join the voyage and I like the idea +1
  20. *Walks upon the sign and begins reading, he smiles at the mention at Aeyrius Ossanos name still remembering the little child rom 10 years ago that he met on the battlefield* "Its good to hear that he has been doing well, I hope for the best in his guild even though he probably doesn't remember me" *Walks away still with a big smile on his face thinking maybe he will join one day if he sees Aeyrius again.*
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