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Status Updates posted by mitto

  1. bigger the belt buckle bigger the man

    1. MrMineLoveDude


      Not if you wrap the belt around you more than once :p

  2. every time you complain about mechanics the devs make it a little bit worse out of spite

  3. sensational goal

    1. idiot


      please stop

  4. only weaklings proofread

  5. 5 whacky druids display how you can expand on a magic without explaining anything

  6. buying blood gem 2k mina

  7. i am v. in touch with my memey side haha!

    *ganders at slightly serious topic *locks thread

    hello my fellow memers

  8. Hey Joey,


    I know its the 6th time I've messaged you this week. I miss you. Everyday I cry into my pillow at night. Why did they have to do this to you Joey. Please come home. Your son is growing up to be quite the strapping young lad. He misses you too. I'm in tears writing this. I hope one day you'll walk back through those doors. 


    Love, mitto

  9. put on your CV my hobbies are skype ******* w fictional characters and big minecraft pvp

  10. 336HPbG.jpg

    @ski_king3 posing with his collected tags. Circa 2017

  11. yung gucko why you trap so hard?

  12. cauliflower regretti is found guilty

  13. et tu snake_king?

  14. anyone else having a midlife crisis? ?????

  15. some of us just out here riding the discourse

  16. i thought i had honest good friends, then they became fms

    1. mitto


      hook nose please come home, im worried about you 

    2. TinyBiceps


      well. atleast you have friends

  17. lore q of the day: who would top? xan or aeriel

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meg


      don't listen to perrin aerial tops 100%

    3. Zindran
    4. Tsuyose


      want 2 erp and find out??

  18. wtf u hate you now...

  19. thoroughly dissapointed im not a FM. I cant believe they have a women bias. smh, thats how dreek got in

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mitto


      @Esry NICE try, i know youre a boy irl dont try and trick me!!!!!!

    3. Nekkore


      Just because your view of Asians are all the same mitto

    4. excited


      im a frilly girl

  20. support me and I'll bring back brothels and cure edgy by 2018


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Detective


      Cool, I'm genderless, I can identify as a male. 

    3. Slothtastic


      Brothels were a thing? Well whyd hey remove them?

    4. Silent™


      You can't cure edgy. You can only accept it or die in a futile attempt to suppress it.

  21. most of the time its not the lore that's bad, it's the execution, integration and sustainably. dont get it twisted

    1. mitto


      anyway here's wonderwall


    2. lev
    3. Harri


      mfw bait was successful

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