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Status Updates posted by mitto

  1. 109c7dce6b1878948bc3d24337ec9259.png


    1. mitto


      @Dreek log off so i can hatepost

    2. Dreek
  2. ffej si eman ym

  3. welcome to minecraft lotc where minemen make minecraft things with minecraft mods and minecraft rules but its just minecraft so stop being so not minecraft 

    1. excited


      LOL i get it!

  4. it's minecraft?

  5. @mitto you are pathetic and weak

  6. congratulations to everyone has successfully observed that this is, in fact, a minecraft server. well done! your argument stands strong

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TeaLulu


      shut up mitto i dont remember why i used to think u were a cool dinosaur

    3. mitto


      @TeaLulu you have made a grave enemy in me and i will be your last pathetic mortal 

    4. TeaLulu


      if ur a dinosaur then that's ok with me that's an alright way to go out death by dinosaur


      but something tells me ur NOT

  7. really wishing skyrim had more cross platform support 

  8. minecraft . com

  9. i keep knocking on your door please answer youre late for your NA meeting again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. James


      mitto, heero is a bad influence 

    3. mitto


      @James are you sure you're the one who's saying that or is it the ascended in you? ???

    4. James


      @mittoI think its the GM in me

  10. jTWMyqU.jpg



    its that easy 


  11. remember to vote libdem tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kaiser


      Most political parties in Europe aren't looked at as red vs blue, more of a grey scale, from white to black. They're all give and take, shades of grey. That being said I'm not just spouting bs, the socialists of Europe have sent the continent into a nose dive in the past two decades. UK has it lucky since even a lot of their liberal politicians aren't insanely liberal, but I fear for the stability of the countries in the years to come.

    3. nordicg_d


      i want the blue team to score

    4. rathat


      the new season of rvb looks great

  12. rule of thumb if a memes been on daytime television its dead

    1. Taylor


      good rule actually ty mitto

    2. overlord2305


      puts you on daytime television

    3. LatzMomo


      it becomes more of a meme, wht you on about?

  13. im a cool guy a swell guy im a nice enough guy a pretty groovy guy

    1. Detective


      We're the turtle snakes!

    2. Harri


      i want you to get some rest today

    3. mitto


      but once i get a little shuga in me

  14. sadboys, there goes my possible work passtime

  15. attention all thotties, get off my timeline

  16. are ya winning son?

  17. Please get in contact if you and your group are looking for an event/ eventline I'll see what I can do.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mitto


      @Wrynn a BOOT sale?

    3. Wrynn


      a car BOOT sale


    4. Crowbill


      You know what he's talking aboot mittens, don't fake it

  18. please support my app for downtime thot eliminator aerial is bad at his job

    1. mitto


      @Aerial "The Wroth" Kebabu is the W O R S T   fm and i should know 

  19. YCEfubS.jpg

    i had to acknowledge this man loves my wife just so i could complain i absolutely hate this server and everything it stands for im chimping out

    1. mitto


      @LadyRebecca delete all of this mans reputation right this instant

    2. LadyRebecca


      Moved to noted feedback. 

  20. im not trying to get a warning point but im really loving my wife out here.

    1. excited


      Back off buddy, she's mine.

  21. life force is mana... thats just the tea.

    1. Swgrclan


      you shut your ******* gob

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