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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by mitto

  1. please reform the forum nazis after two leads tried to move away from it and no one asked for it back

  2. please reform the forum nazis after two leads tried to move away from it and no one asked for it back

  3. please reform the forum nazis after two leads tried to move away from it and no one asked for it back

  4. tfw i dont have the forum rank literally made for me...

  5. Are YOU a beta 5'5 manlet who wants to feel power over other people and get the ladies?! Apply for the FM team today. terms and conditions applicable

  6. apply for fm gay boys

  7. you all know what you must do... that is right, make me fm

  8. FMs mitto and aerial on duty circa 2017: hall-monitor-1.jpg?w=300

  9. It's that time of the month, if you're interested in joining the FM team please put up an app!

  10. hey u dringuses

  11. some people just don't change. 

  12. why do some people treat these status updates like they're facebook. pls stop.

  13. whats cookin good lookin


  14. struggling to get back into drawing now that school has started



  15. anyone wanna e-date?

  16. I got new rules I count 'em

  17. @mitto unblock me on skype or i attack the fm team, ive made an alliance with the clown kingdom, youre goin down kid..

  18. Yo, an fm should close some of the finished/double posts in the skins sub.

  19. @mitto fms are irrelevant you are an ant nothing more , lesser than subreddit mods

  20. Favourite lotc character of all time? 

  21. My sleeping schedule is fine!!! @mitto @TankM1A2 @SovietReindeer

  22. profile picture making broked, can't get transparent to show anymore R I P 

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