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Status Updates posted by Katherine1

  1. O_O;;;; Did nothing really just happen?

  2. Of course, I'm somewhat wrong on the partial key. The correct decryption doesn't occur regularly enough, which means "gold" is likely repeated in the key, which means my estimate at it's length is probably wrong.

  3. Offering to MPM enable people's skins. PM me if interested.

    1. Aislin


      Gronkk was made fat.

    2. Katherine1


      You said the fattest Orc ever, I made him as fat as I could :3

  4. Oh? What is this? http://imgur.com/p5Kujd0

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ever


      Pretty, isn't it? ^^

    3. Katherine1


      It's a giant, pretty tree... came across that by accident. It's amazing what you find just wandering off road.

    4. V0idsoldier


      My druid tree ;P

  5. Okay, An Adventure In Time And Space was really good.

    1. Overland


      When I saw this I thought I missed it, but its tomorrow for Australians...

  6. Okay, new apply thread under a dummy account so that I can update stuff like the dryad list without hacking Ever.

    1. ToenailTickler


      No! USe ur hax0r skillz!

    2. Katherine1


      B-but Ever is my friend! I dun wanna hack a friend :c

    3. ToenailTickler


      Remember #Yolo, now go and hax my child, go and make me proud.

  7. One of Leyun's closest friends in the druids just got shunned. Yikes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      This whole incident is very sad.

    3. Swgrclan


      for great justice

    4. Katherine1


      The thing is, I think the high elves don't have any evidence that the continued to associate with Vallel after the shun. They're just known to associate with her and that's that.

  8. Ooo, my first go at medical RP in quite awhile. Druids just don't get injured people coming for treatment anymore.

  9. People who play child characters: We are gathering for WORLD DOMINATION. Give us your skype names to join our chat :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ^.^ AngelGirl ^.^

      ^.^ AngelGirl ^.^

      Ooh,sounds fun :3 Skype: shadowgirl390

    3. JtPv


      Do Kittens count?

    4. Katherine1


      Kittens as in Kha children? Yes. Kittens as in kittens? Sorry~

  10. Posted a lore revision for the dryads ^-^

  11. Remember: Once combat is started, the type of combat can't be changed unless everyone agrees, even if it's changing it to PvP!

    1. Destroyer_Bravo


      not if the other guy is powergaming

    2. zaezae


      But, the rules clearly state that once it starts, all must agree to a combat change.

    3. Dohvi


      It does indeed. Yet some gms are going around saying pvp shouldn't be a first resort, and should be saved for when people are powergaming and arguing. By which point it's too late to change.

  12. Roleplaying in Minecraft is a different beast from roleplaying on a message board. I think I am getting the hang of it, though. Namely, notes.

  13. Seeking childhood friend to turn lesbian lover in about 7 RP years. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/88565-ooc-searching-for-a-friend-for-yana-stafyr/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Katherine1


      The disappointment is several RP years off, but we know it's coming~

    3. big narstie

      big narstie

      That's fkn minging

    4. Katherine1
  14. Server? What are you doing? Server? Come back!

    1. Katherine1


      Thank you server~

    2. Bethykinss


      The server answered your plea~

    3. everblue2er101



  15. So, earlier today we were out helping a dryad, and a creeper attacked. A CREEPER O____O

    1. gingernut97


      New antagonist revealed!

    2. Kim


      We're all doomed.

  16. So, from what I've seen, resets kill item creation in the workstation ( I lost a bucket making salt because of a reset). Resets occur ever 4 hours. According to he stonemason workstation, glowstone takes over 7 hours to make. Does this mean Glowstone is impossible to make?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Katherine1


      Does the time to make stuff like Glowstone decrease as your skill level improves? Why does glowstone have such a randomly high craft time?

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      it decreases as your level in the skill needed to make it goes up.

    4. Mirtok


      My workers have been able to craft a good amount of glowstone so it is very possible.

  17. So, what is the size limit for forum avatars? It says 1000kB, but it's rejecting a 664kB avi as too big. So huh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katherine1
    3. paulie


      theres a different process with gifs. theres a thread about it somewhere in the guide section i think

    4. Katherine1


      Great. It just won't animate. Whatever.

  18. Still looking for someone who wants to play Lily Baelish. Daughter of Daniel Baelish and Kinra Stark. C'mon! You know you want to! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/90973-ooc-looking-for-someone-to-rp-lily-baelish/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gingernut97


      Yeah, that too :P

    3. SortedJarhead


      Game of Thrones.

    4. Katherine1


      Well, shush. I didn't start the families. I'm just set of getting Yana Stafyr's younger half-sister RPed.

  19. The Druidic Library is flly backed up and ready for 4.0 :D

  20. The skin I made for Deilos isn't the best out there, but -I- made it, and I intend to continue improving it.

    1. Cappy


      That's the spirit.

  21. There is now a donation chest in New Malinor for leaves and logs. Please donate so that I can make a nice grove to attract people to RPing dryads~

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Moot


      Kalameets a High Elf, and he's male! Dang.

    3. Katherine1
    4. YouKnowItsJuno


      I applied to become a dryad, if you need help building trees/cutting wood for trees/gathering leaves, I can help!

  22. This current outrage is just the community's way of saying "Happy 5th birthmonth to LotC!" You guys really need to find a better way to do that then calling for the removal of staff who removed staff.

    1. Space


      I think people are calling for the removal of staff that don't seem to do much, who seemed to be part of literally a PLOT to boot off 2 staff members because they called out their bullshit. I'm sure that some of what Tythus said in the one topic clarifying why he kicked them was true, but I'm certain it wasn't the whole truth.

    2. mmat


      Get mad or get sad

    3. Elanion


      For real now iMattyz...really considering yourself capable of being server staff with that attitude?

  23. This druid wants all the new plants~

  24. This new forum layout increases efficiency of viewing 0x0 percent!

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