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Status Updates posted by GodEmperorFlam

  1. Testing+once+again.

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Can someone explain why the "+" appears instead of spaces?

  2. I+too+am+testing+something

  3. Opinions on Overwatch? Not sure if I want to get it or not

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ShameJax


      Ranked is getting a better system for season 2, and season 1 just ended. Similar to LoL.

    3. Ever


      It's like complaining you can't play ranked till you're level 30 in League. Most games have ranked play behind a level wall. I just think @Space is baiting as usual because no one can be this dumb

    4. Space


      I dislike the system in league too wtf

  4. I suffer from hangnail anxiety

    1. mitto


      i have loads

  5. I found stuff about you in the mass leak charles made, did you get a chance to sift through the ban records yet?

  6. This was all a ruse to get everyone on the forums

  7. Bully me, I need the validation.

    1. Ever


      you're better than this...

    2. Space


      listen it's a sexual gratification thing you won't get it ever

    3. GodEmperorFlam
  8. Skyrim belongs to the Nords

    1. Weabootrash


      Death to the imperials

  9. I owe you a steam game, what do you want?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. H


      fight me

    3. Taketheshot


      Can I please get 54 copies of badrats???

    4. Space


      Played Sainthood in Dawn of War I, she beat me.


      first time I've played it since I was like 12 but y'know

  10. Who is responsible for making the walking distance so horrendous 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      Nah Robyn, I'm just going to establish my SS in places and use that, which I'm hearing a lot of others are going to do from the chats I'm in, since tbfh, **** walking that giant amount. I don't mind FT being used sparingly, if we were in a smaller map.

    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      nah cowards way out mate just bring an entire brigade whenever u wanna escort 1 guy

    4. GodEmperorFlam


      Unless you got eyad quality bandits, not going to waste my time with a bunch of people after my precious pixels fam

  11. I will throw money at the server for a proper brewing plugin

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VonEbs


      Telanir's original brewery plugin was one of the server's best features during Anthos.

    3. DJSneeze


      Oh it definitely was. I had a massive one built into our guild hall within a mountain and it was 10/10

    4. hefunny


      All the yes.

  12. MPM or riot

    1. Space


      non-stale memes or riot

  13. throwback 

    1. Space


      can't help that i bully you sorry bruh =/

  14. The dev update is just to distract us from charles the bald not getting unbanned

    1. Chaw


      Free charles the bald!!!

  15. You better step up your game, drfate is gonna replace you as my favorite troll soon

    1. Space


      my profile is not a place to bully anyone other that @Queen please stop this

  16. I need someone who knows necromancy lore rather well, if anyone is available, hmu.

  17. @Space Now that Sanders is supporting Clinton, do you know any ways to sneak into Canada??

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. ShameJax


      yes space because socialism words so well

    3. Space


      i'm not a socialist!!


      I'm maybe a 'democratic socialist,' but I disagree with the Bern on some stuff. I also agree with some libertarian views, but disagree with a lot too. I have elements of every political party that I agree with-- like a well rounded person, y'know?????

    4. ShameJax


      moderate!??!?! how rare

  18. Hello Ever, do you remember me back from Aegis/New Oasis?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ever


      I'm not really sure, just kinda wandered back in as I tend to do. I quit mid/late 3.0 as school was starting up and I had a general dis-interest, didn't really come back till about a month ago. Just happy to be back and helping; don't really RP much nowadays besides events but I still have a blast helpin' out with stuff. 

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      You planning on RP'ing more once 5.0 lands or do you plan on just doing what you're doing now?

    4. Ever


      Y'know, I'm not sure. I enjoy being a neutral helper as well as an event do-er but sometimes I get grandiose ideas. One thing I might try to attempt is a mining company in 5.0. Ever since Aegis, I've wanted to do a cross-map railroad with points stopping at every location.

  19. team valor

    1. ShameJax


      You're a bad man. What have you become?

  20. RO1eJTZ.gif

    1. Runabarn


      What is the meaning of this?

    2. oblivionsbane


      Man, they really hated him.

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