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Status Updates posted by GodEmperorFlam

  1. mfw people make alts to stir ****

  2. Here's your monthly reminder that raw toast is great.

  3. Oren, you can't just ban people like that!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Morinehtar


      Orcs can burn in the nether. They kill our people, we banish them from the crownlands.

    3. Publius


      I'm considering banning you right now actually....

    4. Heero



  4. Space.....................

    1. Space


      First I metagame for the Amyas, now this. I am a sinner.

    2. yopplwasupxxx
    3. GodEmperorFlam
  5. rip server connection

  6. Can whoever leads the Dread Knights PM me over the forums please? Need to discuss a matter. :)

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      is it their destruction

  7. I love you Lark.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TavernLich


      Stop sucking up!!!! Grrrr. I need Lark as my POCKET GM!!

    3. Lubbie


      Pipe down peasant, for I am the one that posses "Larks Ultimate Sign of Power!"

    4. Wyvernbane


      I love you, Men- Lark. :P

  8. So how about them ban appeals? :)

  9. reeeee, something > nothing, why pull the plug?

  10. Hunter Melon farms is a scam, he claims they're organic but they're actually not.

    1. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      "It's made out of people!"

    2. Harri
  11. Bacon, we still love you.

    1. drfate786


      Bacon, you are a food ridden of fat and for that reason we all "like" you for your greasy ways.

      We do not like pink lions however.

    2. monkeypoacher


      We refer to Mizziyrn.

  12. I love my rose-tinted glasses.

  13. Changing my username from CyberDefault to something during map change, suggestions?

  14. Is it just me or is there an increase in no-rp killings done by new players?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Archbishop


      No drfate they don't go no-rp killing because they are 'fed up how they are being treated' its either because they do not understand the rules or don't care.

    3. nordicg_d


      drfate, if only you were an admin or gm. You would be able to sort this mess out!

    4. monkeypoacher


      It's because some people don't get the PvP rules lol

  15. Will be making a mini-antag group that revolves around monster slaying/hunting events. Stay tuned for a post!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mitto
    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Those are protags Mitto. Plus I plan on providing events to cities that have players who normally aren't able to go monster hunting.

    4. jamesb
  16. I hate damn hedgies.

    1. Travista


      Dang nab hedgies ruining my RP!!!!11!!!

  17. I fear no blue orc.

    1. Salvo
    2. ShameJax
    3. Travista


      I have a feeling this is directed towards me...

  18. Making alts to try and break a treaty is just low, smh.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LatzMomo


      Meh, Dwarves have been making Orcs to fight in Warclaims for them, naming them things like 'Eggroll' and other trolly things, To be honest I feel Like Secrecy new that Dragonayr was in the channel and just said it to spook him, if he did say that even

    3. Cyndikate


      Please ban report them.

    4. VonAulus


      Surprising response from Cyndikate.

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