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Status Updates posted by L0rdLawyer

  1. Be like @Telanir, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

    Edited by L0rdLawyer
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      You realize there are posted logs of me and Karimir notifying the administration of this that were completely ignored?

      Edited by L0rdLawyer
    3. Heero
    4. lawnmowerman
  2. Can I pvp default the forums to get the old shiz back?

  3. Can no one on Lotc read what a post is about?

    1. EdgyMagey


      Im sorry but none of us can read )  :

  4. Charles the Bald for Rex

    1. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      I am the grand leader.

  5. Community Guideline Violations aren't breaking exact rules. Violations are typically handed out to players that are trusted members of the community yet show they can't handle the server as a whole. CGV's are a weapon, in a sense, in the hands of the Administration, enabling them to actively remove members that continue to show these signs. I hope that clears it up for you.


    And I'll tag leo for fun.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14
    3. Telanir


      Hey! Don't be so cynical. A certain mentality is present in every fresh face that shows up. What I don't want is stifling that for every newbie because "it'll happen anyway" or targeting fresh minds as resources instead of writers.


      Don't mistake me for trying to bring back the naïve Aegis chaos, I know why we neither want to nor can bring that back. Enforcing a mature standard for a server that works best when mature for an older-than-average MC community is, to me, long overdue.


      CGV's are appealable on day 1, and given a sufficient appeal you can be gone for less than 24 hours so A) is not my goal.

  6. Cruzazul is heir to Oren silly Guck, and who is your heir? You might want to find one if you pk your character like every other noble. :D

    1. InfamousGerman


      yeah go get him 

  7. Did kilgrim finish the new map yet?  might need it.

  8. Dunamis Pride Worldwide

  9. Empire of Oren. Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Player activity doing amazing. Crusades. Forum drama. What map am I on?

    1. Treaty


      Vailor I think

    2. Noer


      its anthos BOY

    3. Fimlin


      Can't be anthos bc the server hit its lowest points in anthos (in players not quality)


      Last time I saw server max out of player slots was for Athera and then for that battle of Goldfield in Axios I think.


      Forum drama is literally every map I've ever been on so that doesn't help


      Crusades? well i guess it'd have to be Vailor; the worst map ever put into existence 



  10. End the metagaming, take on this new tainted version of rally cries. Click on the link below and share your opinion.


  11. Erik and Maur are being sent home it seems.

  12. Fight for equality on lotc. Get the staff to visit the slums of the server.


  13. FMs and GMs need to bugger off. If I make an rp thread, I get to say what's allowed or not. Trinn went and screwed up my why I'm going to be gone meme thread to get her warnings in so she doesn't get kicked off the team. Bugger off and fix it please.

    1. Jonificus


      Amen. Cut down on the FMs and stop giving out warning points on first offenses or for "nearly" breaking a rule (vague rules at that)

    2. warlord of filth
    3. Trinn


      But... I didn't give any warnings.
      I only hid them as they were OOC content in the Roleplay forums, which strictly says to avoid excessive OOC comments. And as you requested in the thread, I have restored them but warned that they shouldn't CONTINUE. If you want to make a meme thread, do it in off-topic. 

  14. Free dpm and ban the hacker lol

  15. Free DPM. Even when alting, he never caused problems. He has proved that he has changed, which is the point of a ban. To change.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      The staff in the past have allowed players with bad reputations to alt and didn't interfere as long as the player showed they were changing. Then when it came time to unban them, they unbanned them immediately because they knew the player matured.

    3. J


      Seems like an incredibly stupid decision. Unless your ban is false, you shouldn't be able to skirt around the time you were given whatsoever.


      You can't say you've 'changed' if you're continuing to actively break rules.

    4. excited


      You literally said, "Free DPM. Even when breaking the rules, he never broke the rules. He proved he changed, which is the point of a ban. To change."


      now i like dpm, but i think you're hurting his chances buddy

  16. Free me.

    @Tsuyose @Xarkly @Telanir

    Chapter 4, the rise of the general.

  17. Free my boys Simba and Chromie, @Telanir. they’re innocent.

  18. Game Moderators shouldn’t be Forum Moderators and vice versa. 

  19. Getting warned for speaking the truth, lol. You dig your own holes on the server, but you aren't allowed to say that on this server, RIP.

  20. Good fight Norland, that was fun. Cya tomorrow. ;D

  21. Good fight Norland. #NotMyAdmin #IMattyz4Admin

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