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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Zhulik

  1. can we make it so the server only allows Americans on it; Europeans/etc. ruin everything

  2. communism is a dumb person's solution for their own inability to succeed

  3. @Harrison I finally got out of the cesspool that is GOLD; it only took me 3 months of bad teammates and 0 comms

    am a plat shitter now, wi-will the experience be better than Gold?

    1. Harri


      moderately better - i never had too many problems with plat, people arent QUITE as bad and they at least try to talk a bit. then again........ no one talks in masters either......... X)

  4. why can't I see my cute gold vip art

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zhulik


      u r a gm i modreq

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      hey @Niccum better watch out ill go stupid on a ****** like im autistic xdddd

    4. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      I have a dog dumbass ******

  5. can I make a chosen people's club to discuss Israeli politics

  6. rvh I ewS IR VUR SON'R UNSWEARns ir

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Do you know about Asmodyne??

  7. give me back my 3 post-rep ratio you flatfoots it's not my fault you literally make bad/uninteresting posts and get no praise smh

  8. I can do an impression of anyone noteworthy

    I'll start with malocchio


  9. @Harrison I did some research and apparently, according to my stats, I belong in high plat overall and currently am playing a diamond level Reinhardt and McCree

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      i was correct! youll get there soon enough


      also be careful of sites that judge your game skill, because not everyone uses them for one and they're not always accurate

    3. Zhulik


      I've been using multiple and taking averages, not game skill. More or less analyzing percentiles overtime rather than "heyheyhey you belong in Plat dumby", it's using comparisons to other players

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      What's your real rank tho¿

  10. Tahmas is using crocodile tears to help gain sympathy so that Tahmas can either snipe players for a personal project or kill opposition. The elven playerbase is falling for it.

    1. ScreamingDingo


      legitimately W O K E

  11. Now that the GM team is dying can I be unblacklisted and made a GM again desu? I can be as active as Tythus and not blow up the server like other new GMs

  12. why did I get a post removed for saying gonads lmao

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Pinochet


      zhulik the angry cowboy main does not tolerate bullshitery and shilling!!!!!!!!!!!!

      CRUISIN' FOR A BRUISING!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. mitto


      @Imam Faiz Kharadeen I'll flex on you wallahi

    4. monkeypoacher


      you had a decent point

  13. The Dev Team is like Keemstar, he did nothing wrong and everyone's on the Tahmasishere bandwagon!

  14. >Thinking the staff wasn't a collective tank of yes men and schemers

    1. Heero
    2. Zhulik


      Blesseth be upon Aengoth

  15. @Kowaman they're all plotting against u but I still love u bb bc you make cool plugins and tech stuff compared to ban decisions

  16. @Gucko bb come back

  17. I got skype message'd that LOTC was imploding and I want to pledge my alleigance to the Dev Team because they were chill to me

    Also who thought it would be a good idea to give Shal, a known memer/terrorist/, gm powers so that he could go rogue and destroy ****? I love shal but whoever gave him GM was a ******* dumbass

    Also read the transcripts of Tahmas's thing. I find it funny that he argues about player entitlement whilst having Buff unbanned under his watch. The "ungratefulness" aspect is a moot point as it is like 4chan mods... "We do it for free!"... **** off, if the consumer doesn't like your product listen to it and adjust.

    Yes LOTC is toxic but it only became this toxic because the staff was **** and the playerbase started getting salty after each stupid decision and now all of this "racism, sexism" bullshit that Tahmas is preaching furthers my point. Every bit of toxicity is reactionary, not imbedded.

    P.S. Guck i forgive u cus joey forgave you

    Pls no delet status guck needs to see my message

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zhulik


      i don't know who you are but ur a qt patootie ^

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    4. Zhulik


      ^ Not surprising that he shares a show with Harold the Helicopter

  18. @Harrison god ******* help me ELO hell is a real thing

    No matter how good I do and carry, I get the most retarded teams in COMP

    Just now I had an Ana who insisted they could main heal and they spent the entire match in a sniper war with their widow instead of staying behind my rein shield

    2 game ago I got 46 elims as Soldier and my team never followed up and somehow lost every engagement because they were chasing a genji off the point and left me to deal with the trickling team that was respawning in Hanamura


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dougstalicious


      It's a slog but so long as you improve yourself you will escape it. Don't direct your frustration towards thrm--you'll always get **** teammates.

    3. Zhulik


      Doug I know this, believe me, I placed gold when i first got it in April and only knew Reaper's abilities

      I kick **** in now a days but you can't 1 v 6 a team because yours is busy trickling and not responding to voice-chat. I have no doubt in my mind I'll get up to Plat and maybe Diamond but holy **** is gold full of mongoloids

    4. Harri


      honestly, the only advice i can offer is just grind it out, you can rebuy the game i guess but you'll probably learn a lot on the way from where you are now. terrible unresponsive ******* teammates are prominent throughout the entire game, high elo players have some of the most fragile egos, or are narcissistic assholes who play symm attack every game and can't admit any faults in their own play


      to climb further i just offered to fill roles others didnt want to play, for example healer might be good in your elo since if you can keep your team to a higher health than an equal enemy team, you should automatically win every fight

  19. @Harrison I would like to apologize, apparently blizzard put me in low gold because as a Reinhardt I didn't have 90 kills per game

    Then I went McCree and got 100 SR the next game oy vey

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Harri


      just dps as ana and solve that no gold medal problem :*

    3. Weabootrash


      or ur bad xd

    4. FreeHongKong


      over watch, more like team fortress three

  20. @Harrison The Clowntown said you're a noob at Overwatch and that I'm better than you. I'm inclined to believe them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zhulik


      ^That game I got 29 ELIMS as a MCREE against a /TANK/ comp and I'm a REIN main

    3. FreeHongKong


      TF2 is superior game.

    4. Harri


      what SR are u at now

      and if u know ur MMR too, what're u at (you can tell that by how much SR you gain a win or lose on a loss)

  21. >it's a skiking gives pyro death threats episode


  23. the gms are all vegan communists

    1. fat robert

      fat robert

      i like it how they censor "nazi propaganda" but not "communist propaganda" this only proves that they are actual disgusting communists

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