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Status Updates posted by Gone

  1. http://prntscr.com/6x3mj4 The Red Rose has a problem.
  2. #AdoptAHusky4Husky

  3. http://prntscr.com/6r1jpf There shall be no silly singing (or recruiting) in Cerulin!
    1. GodEmperorFlam


      mfw they think we're a cult.

    2. GgDionne


      Wow they are the ones giving a bad rep to the crims

  4. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

  5. How far are things being rolled back?

  6. http://prntscr.com/6m75s3 What happened to my leaves? o.O
  7. Just when I think I'm happy with my skin I notice one tiny little thing that bothers me ;~;

    1. Gone


      Her eyes look obnoxiously bright now...

    2. excited
    3. Catarrh


      Now they're not bright enough.

  8. >wood elves try to end the stupid war by denying the new warclaim since everyone is sick of it, the denial just gets deleted twice even tho the leader posted it, oh okay then I see how it is

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      The war wasn't wanted because that's a negative to your RP. The high elves rolled with getting kicked from Annil'sul even though they really didn't want to. If you don't like what is happening to you now then find solace in the fact that you are currently better off than the situation the helves were put in.

    3. Birdwhisperer


      When the high elves moved to a new spot no one pursued them and tried to take them over, they were left alone in their new home.

      Wood elves have moved to a new town and are still being attacked.

      The situation is not the same.

    4. BrandNewKitten


      The high elves weren't attacked because they were 5 of us and we no longer had a nation. You are right it wasn't the same. The wood elves are luckier than the helves.

  9. #FreeSpiffy2015

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bircalin


      I never got in trouble but didn't get anything :c

    3. Pandasan


      Maybe Riot doesn't like you. Sorry to break it to you.

    4. Kiiztria


      I got hextech janna :D

  10. First time spawning on Day Z, was starving then broke my leg. Second time, mauled to death by zombies. ;~;

    1. BrandNewKitten


      3rd time is the charm... Just not in the zombie apocalypse.

    2. Bircalin


      Trust me, once you get rolling it is much easier. It is so tough initially, every single time.

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      Now that's my type of party!

    2. mitto


      you came to... the right neighbourhood, sit down and let me show you these sweet ass deals

    3. excited
  11. What even was wrong? Suddenly development mode. o.O

    1. DecoLamb


      Dizzy managed to roll back an entire city [maybe more] back nearly two days without warning

  12. Almost slapped my cat across the room when she jumped up on me during a horror movie. ;~;

    1. Kaun


      My cat bounced on my stomach when I was asleep before, it 'found' a way onto the fan on the ceiling on accident...

    2. susitsu


      I choose not to watch scary movies and for a good reason. The next month of attempting to sleep will involve that movie coming up in my mind.

  13. Well the new Summoner's Rift looks amazing, and somehow I get better fps on it. What is this dark magic?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. J


      Dota was an exteeeension of Warcraft :p

    3. Sythan


      Watch this for origin:

    4. susitsu


      Can't wait to get to play this in ranked.

  14. Quick make all the status updates!

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      First, Lemme take a selfie

  15. How do make Jack o' Lanterns? Can't find them on any workbench ;~;

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅
    2. Gone


      Nope, says "You must use a workbench to craft this item!"

      That was first thing I tried .-.

    3. Samsan99


      If you put a redstone torch next to the pumpkin that works

  16. I dun goofed somehow. Was trying to remake a card to fix an error in race, not only did it refuse to remake or even delete the card, I now have another character's inventory...

  17. So how do I repair a fishing pole? Or is that not possible?

    1. Neri


      Use a repair block and some wood planks

    2. Gone


      Thank you, and now the search for this repair block begins!

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
  18. Mpm break again? Found someone who's one block high to me but isn't on his own screen...

    1. Ivran


      I think they removed it from the server.

    2. GodEmperorFlam


      They did, I heard it was interfering with some of the plugins or /something/ like that.

  19. Most horrifying thing I've seen today was a herd of cows just all drop dead from starving. So. Much. BEEF.

  20. Some people really need to remember you gotta check everyone's comfort levels when doing killing/torture rp. If you are making people ill irl then you aren't doing it right.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kitten


      Lovely, some people have active imaginations, like I stated to you, having us sit there, for so long, and not even ask once? Its not the best >.<

    3. Gone


      No one is br'ing or yelling so stop being so defensive there fellow Grim. Just realize a mistake was made by not checking everyone's comfort levels, because really it shouldn't be up to the victim, you are the one in control as the tormenter, you are the one who has the responsibility to make sure everyone is alright. Learn from this experience, that goes not just to GrimReaper but to everyone who was involved. Torturing and killing rp can be fun but only if you are aware of every...

    4. Gone


      - everyone's limits. :)

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