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Everything posted by Pureimp10

  1. RP Information Name: Boris Cassius Age: 20 Race: Human Allegiance (Current nation of residence): Oren Past Military Experience: None, but fought with the Imperial Army at various skirmishes and sieges. None-Military Experience/Skills: None, I am new to this land and have not had a chance to develop any particular skills. ((Pretty new character, haven't really focused on grinding skills with this one.)) ---------- OOC information MC Name: PurePimp10 Skype Name (Used for updates, news and information): You've got it Teamspeak is a required tool for battles and major events, it is recommended that you at least download it. Got it. Do you plan to make this character one of your primary?: Will be switching between this one and my Vanir, but I'm sure I'll be playing this one a bit more often.
  2. Dont use steam store today

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wrynn


      What a convenient day for it to happen upon.

    3. Trenchist


      It shows me everything on... dutch. 0.0

    4. Jonificus


      Could've told me that earlier, Boby

  3. Don't presume to **** with boby chat. 

  4. I've got to say, people on both sides need to calm down a bit. All the threads that have been going up are genuine advice threads, only to get covered up by salt from both sides. Honestly need to do what skippy and ballnazor did on the warzone thread, and work cooperatively instead of butting heads. Yes, both sides will have to sacrifice something, but in the end, is it worth it for a better, refined pvp system? I sure think so. Last thing we need right now are the silly and salty comments and statuses going up.

    1. lemontide331
    2. AlmondTree


      Don't focus so much on PvP if it only brings salt.

  5. c014c54cbd583a08345978a76bbca467.png

    No you can't. Gl to both sides : )

    1. Skippy


      you get way too invested into this pureimp

  6. (Username:) PurePimp10 Name: Britannus Vanir Age: 27 Branch of choice: (Marshal/Savant/Guildmaster/Undecided) Marshal Reason for joining: My family fought for the idea of a strong Oren under Andrik Vydra. I would continue their mission. Prior experience/relevant skills: Fought in the Dukes' War against the forces of Savoy loyalists. Fought dwarves in Anthos. Do you swear your life in service to the Brotherhood? (PK Clause upon appropriate RP) Yes.
  7. Free my man ballnazor


  9. The daily purge is done.

    1. Kim


      youre okay....

  10. It's just a prank bro

  11. No one could see the link, here it is.

  12. If it's meme time..


  13. Yo delrof, add me on skype, yeah? We gotta talk.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pureimp10


      Add me so we can chat civilly with an admin, or you can respond to the BR. Your choice.

    3. Salvo


      inb4 ddos

    4. lemontide331


      delrof = meme kiddy


  14. Reminder to all applicants, just because you disagree with the AT member's decision does not give you the right to harass or insult them. This can and will result in a ban from applying. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alakabam


      You should probably look at the screenshot again TDfootball c:

    3. Pureimp10


      Emote says calls his bird again, implying he already sent a bird. Also says he's calling for another companion, besides the first ones that showed up.

    4. ryno2


      i didnt want to believe you, honestly i didnt

  15. RIP Wolf, czalz, rassidic, and burketma.



  16. M-my pixels....

  17. Lmao, this lag was bad back during adria v savoy civil war. People even made posts /during/ the warclaim. And yet, we still have this issue, despite all the feedback and ideas brought forth by members of our community. 

    1. Silent™


      It's because Tythus hasn't upgraded the server's hardware in who knows how long. The question is where all the server's money is going. You'd think they could give us some idea, but no.

    2. Space


      u r both dumb

  18. In the two years or so that I've been on this server, this is actually one of the worst ways GMs have handled a situation like this. Holy ****.

    1. InfamousGerman


      I for one, accept our Global Moderator's infinite wisdom and ability to look without bias at both sides of an argument and I will support any decision our Overlords make. 

    2. monkeypoacher


      I stand with infamousgerman.

    3. Potts244


      Thank you all for your onions, I like them.

  19. Okay guys, I'm done for now, but Sythan will going through and handling the apps I wasn't able to get to.

  20. And so, the Purge begins.

    1. Pureimp10


      Basically, I'm gonna be doing apps.

    2. Space


      Wow man that's a really hostile attitude to have towards our potential fellow minecraft roleplayers! :(

    3. Pureimp10
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