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Status Updates posted by SodaiKamikaze

  1. using the damned glitch to tell people to stop using the glitch is very stupid.. just dont reply with anything!

  2. Villain roleplay's easier to pull off than I thought.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flurgh
    3. Samoblivion


      Give in to your anger.

    4. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      It's easy to do, it's much more difficult to do it well. But I'm sure you'll do better then most. ^ ^

  3. Was I the only person that thought halflings reproduced by planting cabbages, effectively raising cabbage patch kids? Im pretty sure I saw this in a book somewhere in Anthos..

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I don't think this actually happens btw

    2. bickando


      Well, dwarves pop fully bearded out of holes in the ground since there's no such thing as a female dwarf.

    3. dadmat2 - The Banana King

      dadmat2 - The Banana King

      Wait, they do grow from cabbages, right?

  4. What if XP was also given for every year a person ages through autoage..? And they can choose what skill to increase with each year..?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lark


      yes pls

    3. Nug


      i think that's how it was gonna be so people didn't just grind their skills and actually roleplayed but idk what happened to it

    4. Silent™


      Staff procrastination happened Nug.

  5. What's the point of stonemasonry at the moment? Is there any worth in leveling that skill whatsoever? Does it even level up?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      Unless I'm mistaken, there's a problem with the crafting based professions (like cooking, woodworking, stonemasonry), where they don't level up in the same way that harvesting based professions do (farming, mining, fishing). Though I could be wrong.

    3. Dizzy771


      Well some crafting professions work, like blacksmithing

    4. SodaiKamikaze


      I would really enjoy being able to level up stonemasonry, but I fail to understand how it would be worth anyone's time to train the skill.

  6. Whats best Dorf Clan? Starbreaker best Dorf clan.

    1. Lathros


      Ironbeard is best beard.

  7. Whats best Dorf Clan? Starbreaker best Dorf clan.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sky



    3. Anawkin


      Strongbrow you dumbies.

    4. Lago


      Grandaxe beatin' all of yo.

  8. Whats best Dorf Clan? Starbreaker best Dorf clan.

    1. Hiebe


      uh no 4 man clans cant be the best clan lol

    2. Tethras


      Quality, not quantity :P

    3. SodaiKamikaze


      Um, we more then 4 man, check again plz

  9. Where dem easterners at.

  10. Where dem easterners at.

    1. K00l


      I sleep until 6-8pm.

  11. Who wants to play a cave dwarf's grand daughter?!

  12. Whoever says the Undead is a player-run antag, shoot yourself.

  13. Why did the server go down? Just curious.

    1. Kardel


      Tythus accidentally forgot to pay the server bill b/c there was a steam sale.

  14. wtf is up with all the roads being locked down with freaking gates...

    1. Guest



  15. Yo dudes. Sorry for not being able to provide events for anyone during this week. Schoolwork's been piling on and I've been out with friends most of the time. This weekend I hope to be back and ready to whoop some ass!

    1. Crowbill


      B-but mah kobolds...

    2. Space


      literally unacceptable

    3. Heff


      probably should step down tbh

  16. You can't handle the truth.

  17. You know what? Maybe in the application, it should ask for the definition of cybering also, so the new people avoid getting into that stuff.. I see alot of ban appeals for it, so maybe that would reduce some of them..

    1. everblue2er101


      Looking at the appeals, all of them are older players and not those who applied recently. The application also does ask if the applicant read the rules.

    2. gam


      I'm not so sure that a google search for "internet cybering" comes up with plenty of appropriate sites with definitions.

    3. Kaiser


      kinda like how if you search 'Porn' you don't get a definition :P

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